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《灵界经历》 第1043节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1043

1043. Evil spirits and devils are the causes of all evils

This can indeed be the sure conclusion, based on their constant effort to destroy man, for they desire nothing more eagerly. So when they are released to their freedom and passion, as if unbridled they rush with enjoyment to destroy mankind and their fellow spirits. But they are held in bonds.

From this we may also conclude that just as the Lord is the source and cause of all goodness, it follows that the evil are the source of all evils. But this is still not very plain except on the basis of quite continuous experience. They have tried constantly to cast me into dangers, even when I was not at all aware of it, as when they tried to throw me under carriages [253]. It became plain to me by their wanting almost to force me, but it was in vain. Likewise when I would be walking along water. The effort always persists, but it is restrained by the Lord.

It is the same in many other instances, namely, that they try to obstruct everything good, and when they are permitted to do so, any resulting misfortune and evil comes from them, thus evils [brought on] either directly, or more remotely. When more remotely, they deny that they are the causes, yet they confessed it was so on demonstration, such as was done today by a kind of experiment. Their fields of energy [see 973-982], or of working evil, are of such a nature that they sometimes strive unconsciously against good, for their field is repugnant every effort of good. It is for this reason also that unless they are told, they do not know they are the origins [of the evil].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1043


This can indeed be concluded with certainty from their continual effort to destroy man, for there is nothing they desire more eagerly. Thus when their license and cupidity are loosened, with pleasure and as if without restraint, they rush to destroy men and their companion spirits; but they are held in bonds. From this, also, it can be concluded that as the Lord is the origin and cause of all goods, it follows that evil spirits are the origin and cause of all evils. But this is still not as evident as it becomes from long continued experience. Evil spirits continually wanted to cast me into danger, even when I was not at all aware of it, for example, wishing to cast me under carriages. It became very manifest to me that they as it were wanted to compel me, but in vain. Likewise, when I was walking beside the water, a similar endeavor [to do me harm] continually persisted, but it was restrained by the Lord. It was the same in many other cases, namely, that they endeavor to obstruct all things that are good, so that when permission is given them, whatever misfortune and evil thence happens flows forth from them. This is true, both of the evils that are nearest and those that are more remote. When the evils are more remote the evil spirits deny that they are the cause of them, but still they confess it when it is demonstrated to them, as was done today by a certain experience. For such are the spheres of their activity, that is, the sphere of doing evil, that sometimes they resist good unwittingly, for their sphere is repugnant to every endeavor of good. Hence it is that unless they are told, they do not know that they are the origin of these evils. 1748, Feb. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 1043 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1043. Quod spiritus mali, ac diaboli sint causae omnium malorum

Hoc quidem certo concludi potest ex continuo eorum conatu perdendi hominem, nam nihil avidius cupiunt; sic ut dum relaaatur iis eorum licentia et cupido, ruunt ex voluptate et sicut absque fraenis, ut perdant homines, et socios spiritus, sed tenentur in vinculis: exinde etiam concludi potest, quod sicut Dominus sit omnium bonorum origo et causa, sequitur quod mali sint omnium malorum: sed haec usque non ita patet, quam ab experientia satis continuata, quod continue in pericula conjicere voluerint me, etiam dum nihil apperciperem, sicut sub currus [253], quod mihi manifestum factum est ita, ut quasi vellent me adigere, sed incassum, similiter dum aquas ambularem, conatus similis continue perstat, sed a Domino coercetur, similiter in aliis multis, nempe quod impedire conentur omnia illa, quae bona sunt, quod dum iis permittitur, tunc quicquid inde infortunii mali fluit, id ex iis profluit, ita mala vel proxima sunt, vel remotiora cum remotiora negant quod ii causae sint, sed usque dum iis ita demonstratur, id confessi sunt; sicut hodie ab experientia quadam, nam tales sunt eorum sphaerae activitatis seu agendi malum, ut quandoque nescii contranitantur bono, nam sphaera eorum repugnat omni conatui boni, inde quoque, nisi iis id dicitur, nesciunt quod origines sint.1748, 26 Febr.

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