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《灵界经历》 第1203节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1203

1203. Since this is a very harmful thing, they are separated from heaven for just as long. And when toward the end of life, they live immersed in sexual desire alone, without true marriage love, and when they die in this condition, they are gravely punished after this life. For there are spirits who speak in a four beat, pulsating manner [see 1031, 1036, 1127, 1131], but more quickly fluently than the rest, coming the provinces of the generative organs in a person or a spirit. They explore to whether they are like that if they are, they sink down from that province together with that spirit or soul, a middle depth, a little from the middle line in front, opposite the innermost. They spoke with me. There they are laid on their back on linen sheets with their head leaning back it is as if their chests are opened up they are treated cruelly. But I did not the punishment, only that afterwards they are turned over with their head down their outward or bodily elements are drawn out a long chain of them appear be pulled upwards. Their inward elements, however, are led upwards, that is, their spiritual part. In this way they are divested of that profane passion for having sex only for the sake of lust by itself, without any longing for childre For so they are killed by the spirits who had spoken out saying they want kill them. It is the intention of these spirits kill such people that is why they lay them face down seemingly cut them up with knives. The souls do think they are being killed, but in this way they are divested of that passio 1748, 7 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1203

1203. Because this is damnable, they are for such a time separated from heaven; and when they live to the end of their life in the desire of venery alone, not of true conjugial love, and so die, they are grievously punished after death. For there are spirits who speak in a quadrupedal, as it were, pulsatory manner but more quickly and volubly than the others, who coming to the provinces of the generative organs in the man or spirit, investigate whether they are of such a quality; and when they find any that are such, they sink down from that province with the spirit or soul to a middle depth, in front, a little away from the median line opposite to the inmost heaven. They told me that they are there laid on their back on linen clothes, so that their head hangs downwards, and their breasts are as it were opened, and they are cruelly treated. But I did not see their punishment, except for this, that they are then inverted with the head downwards, and their exterior or corporeal things are drawn forth, so that they appear drawn upwards in long series; their interiors that is to say, their spiritual part however, are led upwards, and thus [they are divested] of that profane cupidity of practicing venery solely for the sake of lust alone, without any desire for offspring. For they are in this manner [as it were] killed by those spirits who say that they desire to kill them, for such is the "animus" of those spirits that they would kill such persons, wherefore they lay them on their back, and as it were cut them up with knives. The souls also suppose that they are being killed, but in this way they are divested of that cupidity.

Experientiae Spirituales 1203 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1203. Hoc quia damnabile est, separantur tamdiu a coelis, et dum ad vitae finem in cupidine solius veneris, non amoris vere 1

conjugialis, vivunt, et sic moriuntur, ii post vitam graviter puniuntur, sunt enim spiritus, qui loquuntur modo quadrupede quasi pulsatorio, sed citius et volubilius reliquis, venientes ad provincias organorum generationis in homine, tum in spiritu, indagantes num tales sunt, cumque tales sunt, a provincia ista cum spiritu, seu anima delabuntur, media profunditate, paulum a media linea antrorsum, ex opposito, coeli intimi; mecum loquuti, ibi supinantur, ut caput oblique deorsum, in linteis, et pectora eorum quasi aperiuntur, et crudeliter tractantur, sed supplicium non vidi, hoc solum, quod dein invertantur, capite deorsum, et exteriora seu corporea eorum extrahantur, sic ut longa serie sursum tracta appareant, interiora tamen sursum ducuntur, nempe spirituale eorum, et sic [exuuntur] 2

cupiditate ista prophana venerem solum exercendi libidinis solius causa, absque aliquo desiderio prolis; ita namque necantur ab iis spiritibus, nam loquuti sunt, quod eos necare cupiant, talis est spirituum eorum animus, ut necent tales, quare supinant, et quasi cultris discindunt, putant quoque animae, quod necentur, sed sic exuuntur ea cupidine. 1748, 7 Martius.


1. In the Manuscript veri in vere emendatum

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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