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《灵界经历》 第1802节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1802

1802. Those who relate to the first kind of the fluids are the ones spoken of earlier [1791-1794], namely, who plunge others into dissensions, hatreds, fights, thus into various kinds of calamity, just so that they may take over. As said [1792], they are located at a middle height above the forehead. I have spoken with them, and their punishment is that they are twisted about in almost the same fashion as that fluid is between the meninges, by rather large waves, which I had not noticed until now.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1802

1802. Those who correspond to the first kind of humours are such as we have already spoken of, namely, those who instigate others to dissensions, hatreds, and strifes, and thus to various kinds of mischief, in order that they may obtain dominion. They are, as was said, at a medium altitude above the forehead. I spoke with them, [and learned that] their punishment is, being tortured in a manner almost similar to that of the humour between the meninges by somewhat large fluctuations, which previously I had not observed.

Experientiae Spirituales 1802 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1802. Qui primum genus humorum referent, sunt ii de quibus prius [1791-1794], nempe, qui in dissidia, odia, pugnas, sic in perniciei varia genera detrudunt alios, ut ii dominintur, suntque ut dictum [1792], mediam altitudinem supra frontispicium, cum quibus loquutus sum, eorum poena est, quod simili fere modo torqueantur, sicut humor iste, inter meninges, per fluctuationes majusculas, quas adhuc aliter non percepi.

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