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《灵界经历》 第3688节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3688

3688. About those who claim themselves before all others to be the holy spirit

The deceitful overhead, and the most deceitful who are still higher up, of whom it was previously said that they were the ones who ruled the pontiffs [3647, 3663], have now shown what they are like, and in fact by means of David, whom they had as a medium, and they have shown this because of being engulfed in the persuasion that it was not they, but David [who acted] - thus that they were not to blame.

[2] They had David at that time as their medium, of whom they said they could treat him as a dog, and indeed, one that would act entirely according to their thoughts and bidding. When they are lacking such a medium they act in secret, and only in certain circumstances, thus in fear. Now they have been exposed, as they have been told on several occasions - and now it is being told again - that they are extremely wicked, more than all others, and even though they do not want to operate openly, yet when they get hold of a medium upon whom they can cast blame, that they are the most wicked, more than others, beyond others adulterers, as well as cruel.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3688


The deceitful who are above the head, and the most deceitful who are still higher up, concerning whom it has been already remarked that they were those who ruled the pontiffs, were now manifested as to their quality, and that too by means of David, of whom they availed themselves as a subject, and manifested themselves through him, because they were in the persuasion that it was not they but David (who acted), and that thus they were not in fault. They had David at this time as their subject, of whom they said that they could treat him as a dog, and that he would demean himself altogether according to their thoughts and will; whereas without such a subject they act in a secret and timid way, and only when the occasion seems to warrant. Now however they were made manifest according to what had often been said to them, and is now also said, viz. that they are pre-eminently base above all others, and although they wish to act covertly, yet while they seize upon such a subject, upon whom they can cast the blame, that they are wicked above others, adulterers above others, and cruel also [in an equal degree].

Experientiae Spirituales 3688 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3688. De iis qui se pro spiritu sancto prae aliis venditant

Dolosi qui supra caput, et dolosissimi qui adhuc superius, de quibus prius quod ii essent qui regerent pontifices [3647, 3663], manifestati nunc quales sunt, et quidem per Davidem, quem ut subjectum habuerunt, seque per eum manifestarunt, quia in persuasione quod non ii sed David esset, ita ii non in culpa; tunc Davidem ut subjectum suum habebant, de quo dicebant, quod tractare possent eum sicut canem, et quidem talem ut prorsus ageret secundum eorum cogitata et voluntatem; cum absque tali subjecto, in occulto agunt, nec nisi data occasione, seu timentes; nunc manifestati, quod etiam iis dictum aliquoties, et nunc quoque dicitur, quod scelestissimi prae omnibus aliis, et tametsi non in cognito agere volunt, usque dum tale subjectum arripiunt in quem conjicere culpam possent, quod prae aliis scelestissimi, prae aliis adulteri, tum quoque crudeles.

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