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《灵界经历》 第480节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

480.在最末层天堂,最坏的灵人是那些自称基督徒的人;然后就是犹太人。我从大量经历获知,在最末层天堂,最坏的灵人就是那些在世上被称为基督徒的人。他们当中大多数人并没有信仰,却迫害和恨恶与纯正的宗教信仰有关的一切,也不愿接受教导,顽固地把它们踩在脚下。事实上,他们也是最诡诈的,并编造这样的骗局来反对主,反对信耶稣,反对忠信者,以致人们不得不惊讶于这种仇恨或恶毒竟粘附于他们的性情,扎根在他们的本性中,因为这时他们照自己的秉性行事;当任由他们自己时,他们就像复仇女神。事实上,那些可教、允许自己被引导,并容易接受信的伊斯兰教徒对此感到非常惊讶。继基督徒之后,最坏的要属犹太人,以及那些拜亚伯拉罕为神的人;这些人也极其诡诈。最温顺的,当属非洲人(关于他们,可参看432, 453节)。(1748年1月15日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 480

480. The worst of all spirits in the last heaven, are those who had confessed Christianity; then come the Jews

From a great deal of experience, I have learned that the worst of all spirits in the last Heaven are those who in the world were called Christians. Most of them have no belief, but attack and hold in hatred everything having to do with true religion and, unwilling to be taught, persistently trample them under foot. They are so terribly cunning, and contrive such strategems in opposition to the Lord, 1and against faith in Jesus, and against believers, that one cannot be amazed enough. And that [wickedness] stays rooted in their disposition and character, for then they live from their own character, and when abandoned to that, are like furies. Mohammedans are really extremely surprised about this, who themselves are easily taught, and allow themselves to be guided, and easily receive the faith.

After Christians come the Jews, as well as those who had worshipped Abraham as God, the latter also being quite deceitful. The gentlest of all are the Africans, about whom see above [432, 453]. 1748, the 15th day of January.


1. A.W. Acton, p. 142, footnotes: "With the exception of the reference in no. 258 to 'the prayer of our Lord,' this is the first occurrence of the word 'Dominus' (Lord), instead of 'Deus Messias' (God Messiah). In the next few numbers the term 'God Messiah' occurs, but after this only 'the Lord'" This is not quite accurate, see 1122.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 480


I have learnt from much experience, that the worst of all the spirits in the ultimate heaven are those who in the world are called Christians. These, for the most part, have no faith, but they persecute and hate all things which are of the true faith, nor do they suffer themselves to be instructed. They are tenaciously insistent; indeed, they are most deceitful, and weave together such deceits against the Lord, 1against faith in Jesus, and against the faithful, that one cannot but be astonished that such [hatred] should adhere to their "animus " or inrooted nature, for they then act from their disposition and when they are left to this, they resemble the furies. The Mahomedans, indeed, who are teachable and suffer themselves to be led and easily receive faith, are very greatly astonished at this. After the Christian, [the worst] are the Jews, except those who have worshiped Abraham as God; these also are very deceitful. The meekest of all are the Africans, concerning whom see above [nos. 432, 453 ]. 1748, Jan. 15.


1. With the exception of the reference in n, 258 to "the prayer of our Lord", this is the first occurrence of the word Dominus [Lord], instead of Deus Messias [God Messiah]. In the next few numbers the term God Messiah occurs, but after this only "The Lord".

Experientiae Spirituales 480 (original Latin 1748-1764)

480. Quod omnium pessimi spiritus, in ultimo coelo, sunt qui Christianos se fassi sunt, tum Judaei

Ex multa experientia didici, quod spiritus omnium pessimi in Coelo ultimo sint, qui Christiani dicti sunt in mundo, ii plerique nullam fidem habent, sed persequuntur et odio habent omnia, quae sunt verae fidei, nec se instrui patiuntur, pertinaciter insistunt, imo dolosissimi sunt, ac tales dolos simul nectunt, contra Dominum, ac contra fidem in Jesum, et contra fideles, ut mirari non satis quis possit, quod tale in eorum animo seu indole radicata haereat, nam tunc ex indole sua agant, cui cum relinquuntur, furiarum instar sunt; imo Mahumedani id maximopere mirantur, qui dociles sunt, seque patiuntur duci, et facile fidem recipiunt; post Christianos sunt Judaei, praeter eos 1

, qui Abrahamum pro Deo coluerunt, hi etiam admodum dolosi sunt. Omnium mitissimi sunt Africani, de quibus prius [432, 453]. 1748, die 15 Jan.


1. intellexerim ut et ii

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