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《灵界经历》 第513节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

513.此外,以前,当围绕穆罕默德做这些回旋的时候,他们怀着快乐表现出前面所说(403, 407节)的那些事,如洗澡等等。他们还说,关于世界的救世主,他们在睡觉时遇到了许多事;有件事穆罕默德没有察觉到,因为这件事向他隐藏了。他们以这种方式通过改变在真理上接受教导,那些接受教导的人就从他那里被带走,正如以前他告诉我的那样(345节)。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 513

513. Moreover, before performing those gyres around Mohammed, they portrayed the things spoken of before [403, 407], such as baths, and the like, together with the resulting pleasure. They tell also that many things had occurred to them, as if in sleep, concerning the Savior of the World - something which Mohammed had not realized because it had been concealed from him. Thus one by one they had been instructed in the truth, and those instructed had been carried away from him, as he had told me before [345].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 513

513. Moreover, when on a former occasion they were performing similar gyres around Mahomed, they represented those things spoken of above [nos. 403, 407, such as baths and similar things, with delight. They also say that many things have occurred to them as if in sleep concerning the Savior of the world, which Mahomed had not perceived because it was hidden from him. In this way they are instructed in the truth through changes, and those who had been instructed are taken away from him, as he had related to me before.

Experientiae Spirituales 513 (original Latin 1748-1764)

513. Praeterea, prius quam similes gyros egerint circum Mahumedem, repraesentarunt ea, de quibus prius [403, 407], sicut balnea, ac similia, cum jucunditate; dicunt quoque, quod plura intervenisse 1

, sicut in somno, iis, de Salvatore Mundi, quod Mahumedes non perceperat, quia absconditum id fuit ab eo, ita per vices instructi sunt in veritate, et qui instructi, ab eo ablati sunt, sicut mihi prius narraverat.


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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