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属天的奥秘 第10305节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10305

10305. Whither I will come to meet thee. That this signifies from the influx of the Lord, is evident from the signification of "coming to meet," when said of the Lord, as being His presence and influx (see n. 10147, 10148, 10197); here from the influx of the Lord, because the subject treated of is worship, which is signified by "incense;" for everything of worship which is truly worship flows in from the Lord, as can be seen from what was shown above (n. 10299).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10305

10305. 'Where I will meet with you' means as a result of the influx of the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'meeting with', when the Lord says He will do so, as His presence and influx, dealt with in 10147, 10148, 10197, at this point as a result of the influx of the Lord, since the subject is worship, meant by 'the incense'. For all worship that is truly worship flows in from the Lord, as may be recognized from what has been shown above in 10299.

Latin(1748-1756) 10305

10305. `Quo conveniam te ibi': quod significet ab influxu Domini, constat ex significatione `convenire' cum de Domino, quod sit praesentia et influxus Ipsius, de qua n. 10,147, 10,148, 10,197, hic ex influxu Domini, quoniam agitur de cultu, qui significatur per `suffimentum,' nam omne cultus {1}qui vere cultus, influit a Domino, ut constare potest ex illis quae supra n. 10,299 ostensa sunt. @1 quod IT$

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