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属天的奥秘 第10341节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10341

10341. And the table and its vessels. That this signifies a representative of spiritual good from celestial, is evident from the signification of "the table upon which were the breads of faces," as being a representative of celestial and spiritual good (see n. 9527, 9545, 9684, 9685); and from the signification of its "vessels," as being things ministering (that these are the knowledges of good and of truth, see n. 9544).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10341

10341. 'And the table and its vessels' means that which is representative of spiritual good springing from celestial. This is clear from the meaning of 'the table on which the loaves of the Presence were laid' as that which is representative of celestial and spiritual good, dealt with in 9527, 9545, 9684, 9685; and from the meaning of 'its vessels' as the things which are of service to that good, namely cognitions of goodness and truth, see 9544.

Latin(1748-1756) 10341

10341. `Et mensam et vasa ejus': quod significet repraesentativum boni spiritualis ex caelesti, constat ex significatione `mensae super qua panes facierum' quod sit repraesentativum boni caelestis et spiritualis, de qua n. 9527, 9545, 9684, 9685, et ex significatione `vasorum ejus' quod sint ministrantia, quae quod sint cognitiones boni et veri, videatur n. 9544.

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