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属天的奥秘 第10498节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10498

10498. That Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great sin. That this signifies a complete estrangement and turning away, is evident from the signification of "sin," as being a turning away and estrangement from the Divine (see n. 5229, 5474, 5841, 7589, 9346), here a complete turning away and estrangement, because it is called "a great sin." Turning away and estrangement from the Divine is complete when there is no longer received anything of truth and good from heaven, for the truth and good from heaven is the Divine with man. That with that nation there was no reception of truth and good from heaven, consequently that there was a complete turning away from the Divine, is described by these words in Isaiah:

Say to this people, Hearing hear ye, but understand not; and seeing see ye, but know not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and blot out their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and their heart should understand, and be converted, that they may be healed (Isa. 6:9, 10; also John 12:37-40);

it is said, "lest they be converted that they may be healed," by which is signified that if they were to understand the internal things of the Word, of the church, and of worship, they would profane them (according to what was said above, n. 10490).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10498

10498. 'That Moses said to the people, You have committed a great sin' means a total alienation and turning away. This is clear from the meaning of 'sin' as a turning away and alienation from the Divine, dealt with in 5229, 5474, 5841, 7589, 9346, at this point a total turning away and alienation, since the expression 'a great sin' is used. A total turning away and alienation from the Divine is the situation when no truth or good at all from heaven is received any longer, for truth and good from heaven constitute the Divine with a person. The fact that there was no reception of truth and good from heaven by that nation and that a total turning away from the Divine was consequently the situation with them is described by the following words in Isaiah,

Say to this people, Hearing, hear - but do not understand; and seeing, see - but do not comprehend. Make the heart of this people fat and their ears heavy, and plaster over their eyes, lest perhaps they see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and their heart understands, and they turn again, so that they are healed. Isa 6:9,10; John 12:37-40.

The words 'lest they turn again, so that they are healed' are used to mean that if they had an understanding of the internal things of the Word, the Church, and worship they would render them profane, in accord with what has been stated above in 10490.

Latin(1748-1756) 10498

10498. `Et dixit Moscheh ad populum, Vos peccavistis peccatum magnum': quod significet abalienationem et aversionem {1} totalem, constat ex significatione `peccati' quod sit aversio et abalienatio {2} a Divino, de qua n. 5229, 5474, 5841, 7589, 9346, hic aversio et abalienatio {2} totalis, quia dicitur peccatum magnum'; aversio et abalienatio {2} a Divino totalis est tum non aliquid veri et boni e caelo amplius recipitur, nam verum et bonum e caelo est Divinum apud hominem; quod nulla receptio veri et boni e caelo, proinde quod totalis aversio a Divino {3} apud illam gentem fuerit, describitur his verbis apud Esaiam, Dic populo huic, Audite audiendo sed non intelligite, et videte videndo sed non cognoscite; impingua cor populi hujus, et aures ejus aggrava, (c)et oculos ejus obline, ne forte videat oculis suis, et auribus suis audiat, et, cor ejus intelligat, et convertatur, ut sanetur ei {4}, vi 9, 10; Joh. xii 37-40;

dicitur `ne convertatur ut {5} sanetur ei' per quod significatur quod si intellecturi essent interna Verbi, Ecclesiae, et cultus, profanaturi essent (c)ea, secundum ea quae supra n. 10,490 dicta sunt. @1 aversionem et abalienationem$ @2 abalienatio et aversio$ @3 i totalis$ @4 sibi$ @5 et$

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