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属天的奥秘 第3504节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3504

3504. That my soul may bless thee. That this signifies adjunction to his life, and consequently life corresponding to the rational, is evident from the signification of " being blessed," as being to be gifted with celestial and spiritual good (n. 981, 1731, 2846, 3017, 3406); for the good of infancy and of life thence, which is the same as the good of the natural, and which is represented by Esau, is not spiritual good-the good of infancy being devoid of knowledge and intelligence, and thus of wisdom. The good of infancy becomes spiritual good through the implanting of truth, thus through regeneration (n. 1616, 1802, 2280, 2290, 2291, 2299, 2304, 2306-2307, 3494); hence comes the correspondence between rational and natural things, consequently the adjunction of the natural man to the life of the rational; this adjunction to its life being what is meant by "my soul blessing thee."

Elliott(1983-1999) 3504

3504. 'So that my soul may bless you' means allying it to its own life, consequently life that corresponds to the rational. This is clear from the meaning of 'being blessed' as being endowed with celestial and spiritual good, dealt with in 981, 1731, 2846, 3017, 3406. For the good of early childhood and consequently the good of life, which is the same as the good of the natural, and which is represented by 'Esau', is not spiritual good, for the good of early childhood is devoid of knowledge and intelligence, and so of wisdom. The good of early childhood becomes spiritual good through the implantation of truth, and so through regeneration, see 1616, 1802, 2280, 2290, 2291, 2299, 2304, 2305, 2307, 3494 (end). This is how the correspondence between rational things and natural is effected, and so how the allying of the natural man to the life of the rational is effected This allying to its own life is what is meant by 'my soul may bless you'.

Latin(1748-1756) 3504

3504. `Propterea ut benedicat tibi anima mea': quod significet adjunctionem ad suam vitam, proinde vitam rationali correspondentem, constat ex significatione `benedici' quod sit donari bono caelesti et spirituali, de qua n. 981, 1731, 2846, 3017, 3406: bonum enim infantiae et inde vitae, quod idem est ac bonum naturalis, et quod repraesentatur per `Esavum,' non est bonum spirituale, nam bonum infantiae est absque scientia et absque intelligentia, ita absque sapientia; bonum infantiae fit bonum spirituale per implantationem veri, ita per regenerationem, videatur n. 1616, 1802, 2280, 2290, 2291, 2299, 2304, 2305, 2307, 3494 f; inde correspondentia inter rationalia et naturalia, proinde adjunctio naturalis hominis ad vitam rationalis; haec adjunctio ad suam vitam, est quae significatur per `benedicat tibi anima mea.'

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