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属天的奥秘 第6121节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6121

6121. Give your cattle; and I will give you [in exchange] for your cattle. That this signifies that they should bring forward the goods of truth and they would be sustained, is evident from the signification of "cattle," as being the goods of truth (n. 6016, 6045); and from the signification of "giving [in exchange] for them," namely, bread, as being the sustenance of the spiritual life (of which above, see n. 6118).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6121

6121. 'Give your livestock, and I will give you [bread] in exchange for your livestock' means that they were to offer forms of the good of truth and would be sustained. This is clear from the meaning of livestock' as forms of the good of truth, dealt with in 6016, 6045; and from the meaning of giving in exchange for them' - giving them bread - as the sustaining of spiritual life, dealt with above in 6118.

Latin(1748-1756) 6121

6121. `Date pecora vestra, et dabo vobis {1}pro pecoribus vestris': quod (x)significet quod (x)offerrent bona veri, et sustentarentur, constat ex significatione `pecorum' quod sint bona veri, de qua n. 6016, 6045; et ex significatione `dare pro illis' nempe panem, quod sit sustentatio vitae spiritualis, de qua supra n. 6118.

@1 see p. 468, ftnote 1$

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