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属天的奥秘 第6661节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6661

6661. And it built cities of store-houses for Pharaoh. That this signifies doctrines from falsified truths in the natural where alienated memory-knowledges are, is evident from the signification of "cities," as being doctrines in both senses (see n. 402, 2449, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4493); from the signification of "storehouses" as being falsified truths (of which presently), and from the representation of Pharaoh, as being the natural (n. 5160, 5799, 6015); that alienated memory-knowledges are there, may be seen above (n. 6651, 6652). That the cities of storehouses which the people of Israel built for Pharaoh denote doctrines from falsified truths, is because they who are in memory-knowledges alienated from truth, who are here signified by Pharaoh and the Egyptians, pervert and falsify all the truths of the church, and make for themselves doctrines from the truths so perverted and falsified. [2] The word by which in the original tongue "store-houses" are expressed, signifies also "arsenals," and likewise "treasuries," which, in the internal sense, are of a nearly like signification. For storehouses are places where produce is collected, and by "produce" is signified truth (n. 5276, 5280, 5292, 5402), and, in the opposite sense, falsity; and arsenals are places where arms of war are stored, by which are signified such things as pertain to truth fighting against falsities, and in the opposite sense to falsity fighting against truths (n. 1788, 2685). Treasuries are places where wealth is stored, and by "wealth" and "riches" are signified the knowledges of good and truth (see n. 4508), in the opposite sense the knowledges of evil and falsity; thus by "cities of storehouses" or "of arsenals" or "of treasuries" are signified, in general, doctrines from falsified truths.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6661

6661. 'And they built cities of store-houses for Pharaoh' means teachings composed of falsified truths in the natural where alienated factual knowledge resides. This is clear from the meaning of 'cities' as teachings in both [the genuine and the contrary] senses, dealt with in 402, 2449, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4497; from the meaning of 'store-houses' as falsified truths, dealt with below; and from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as the natural, dealt with in 5160, 5799, 6015 (end), the natural being where alienated factual knowledge resides, see above in 6651, 6652. The reason why 'the cities of store-houses' which the people of Israel built for Pharaoh means teachings composed of falsified truths is that those preoccupied with factual knowledge alienated from the truth, who are meant here by Pharaoh and the Egyptians, pervert and falsify all of the Church's truths and formulate teachings for themselves out of those perverted, falsified truths.

[2] The word used in the original language for store-houses may also mean armouries, and treasuries too, which have virtually the same meaning in the internal sense. For store-houses are places where corn is collected, and 'corn' means truth, 5276, 5280, 5292, 5402, or in the contrary sense falsity. Armouries however are places where one stores weapons of war, by which are meant the kinds of things that truth uses in fighting against falsities, or in the contrary sense those that falsity uses in fighting against truths, 1788, 1686. Treasuries are places where wealth is deposited, and by wealth and riches are meant cognitions of goodness and truth, 4508, in the contrary sense cognitions of evil and falsity. In general therefore cities of store-houses, armouries, or treasuries mean teachings composed of falsified truths.

Latin(1748-1756) 6661

6661. `Et aedificavit urbes promptuariorum Pharaoni': quod significet doctrinas ex falsificatis veris in naturali ubi scientifica abalienata, constat ex significatione `urbium' quod sint doctrinae in utroque sensu, de qua n. 402, (x)2449, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4493; ex significatione `promptuariorum' quod sint falsificata vera, de qua sequitur; et ex repraesentatione `Pharaonis' quod sit naturale, de qua n. (x)5160, 5799, 6015 fin.; (m)quod ibi scientifica abalienata, videatur supra n. 6651, 6652.(n) Quod `urbes promptuariorum quas populus Israelis aedificavit Pharaoni' sint doctrinae ex falsificatis veris, est quia illi qui in scientificis abalienatis a vero sunt, qui per `Pharaonem et Aegyptios' hic significantur, omnia vera Ecclesiae pervertunt et falsificant, et ex ita perversis et falsificatis veris sibi doctrinas faciunt. 2 Vox per quam in lingua originali exprimuntur promptuaria etiam significat armamentaria, et quoque thesauraria, quae in sensu interno significatione paene simili sunt; promptuaria enim sunt ubi annona colligitur, et per annonam significatur verum, n. (x)5276, 5280, 5292, 5402, et in opposito sensu falsum; armamentaria autem sunt ubi reconduntur arma belli, per quae significantur talia quae sunt veri pugnantis contra falsa, et in opposito sensu quae sunt falsi pugnantis contra vera, n. 1788, 2686; thesauraria sunt ubi opes reponuntur, et per opes ac divitias significantur cognitiones boni et veri, n. 4508, {1} in opposito sensu cognitiones mali et falsi; ita per urbes promptuariorum, seu armamentariorum, seu thesaurariorum, significantur in genere doctrinae ex falsificatis veris. @1 i ita$

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