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属天的奥秘 第6726节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6726

6726. And she laid him in the sedge at the bank of the river. That this signifies that at first it was among false memory-knowledges, is evident from the signification of "sedge," as being memory-knowledges (of which presently); and from the signification of the "river of Egypt," as being falsity (see n. 6693). (How the case herein is, that they who are being initiated into truth Divine are at first placed among falsities, see just above, n. 6724.) That "sedge" denotes memory-knowledge, is because every herb in the Word signifies some kind of memory-knowledge; the sedge that is at the bank of a river signifies memory-knowledge of low value; as also in Isaiah:

The streams shall recede, and the rivers of Egypt shall be dried up; the reed and the sedge shall wither away (Isa. 19:6);

"streams" denote things of intelligence (n. 2702, 3051); "the rivers of Egypt shall be dried up" denotes things of memory-knowledge; "the reed" and "the sedge" denote the lowest memory-knowledges, which are sensuous. "Sedge" denotes false memory-knowledges in Jonah:

The waters compassed me about even to the soul; the deep was round about me, the sedge [here seaweed] was bound about my head (Jonah 2:5);

in this prophetic utterance is described a state of temptations; "the waters which compassed even to the soul" denote falsities (that "inundations of waters" denote temptations and desolations, see n. 705, 739, 790, 5725); "the deep round about" is the evil of falsity; "the seaweed bound about the head" denotes false memory-knowledges besetting truth and good, as is the case in a state of desolation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6726

6726. 'And put him in the weed at the bank of the river' means that at first it was among false factual knowledge. This is clear from the meaning of 'the weed' as factual knowledge, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'the river of Egypt' as falsity, dealt with in 6697. For what this really means, that those who are introduced into God's truth are at first put among falsities, see just above in 6724. The reason why 'the weed' means factual knowledge is that every small plant mentioned in the Word means some type of factual knowledge. 'The weed' which grows at the bank of a river is inferior factual knowledge, as also in Isaiah,

The rivers will recede, and the streams of Egypt will dry up; reed and weed will wither. Isa 19:6.

'The rivers' stands for matters of intelligence, 2702, 3051; 'the streams of Egypt will dry up' stands for matters of knowledge; 'reed and weed' stands for the lowest forms of factual knowledge, which are sensory impressions. 'The weed' stands for false factual knowledge in Jonah,

The waters surrounded me, even to my soul, the deep closed around me, weed was wrapped about my head. Jonah 2:5.

This prophecy describes a state of temptations. The waters which surrounded him, even to his soul, are falsities, 'deluges of water' being temptations and desolations, see 705, 739, 790, 5725. The deep which closed around him is the evil of falsity. The weed that was wrapped about his head stands for false factual knowledge that beset truth and goodness. This is how it is in a state of desolations.

Latin(1748-1756) 6726

6726. `Et posuit illum in alga ad ripam fluminis': quod significet quod primum inter scientifica falsa, constat ex significatione `algae' quod sint scientifica, de qua sequitur; et ex significatione `fluminis Aegypti' quod sit falsum, de qua n. 6693. Quomodo se habet cum hoc quod illi qui initiantur in verum Divinum, primum inter falsi ponantur, videatur mox supra n. 6724. Quod `alga' sit scientificum est quia omnis herba in Verbo significat aliquam speciem scientifici; `alga' quae ad {1}ripam fluminis, scientificum vile, ut quoque apud Esaiam, Recedent flumina, {2} et exsiccabuntur fluvii Aegypti, calamus et alga marcescent, xix 6;

`{3} flumina' pro {4}illis quae sunt intelligentiae, n. 2702, 3051; `exsiccabuntur fluvii Aegypti' pro {4}illis quae sunt scientiae; `calamus et alga' pro scientificis infimis, quae sunt sensualia. {5}`Alga' pro scientificis falsis apud Jonam, Circumdederunt me aquae usque ad animam, abyssus circumcinxit me, alga alligata capiti meo, ii 6 [A.V. 5];

in prophetico illo describitur status tentationum; `aquae quae circumdederunt usque ad animam' sunt falsa; quod `inundationes aquarum' sint tentationes et desolationes, videatur n. 705, (x)739, 790, 5725; `abyssus qui circumcinxit' est malum falsi; `alga alligata capiti' pro quod scientifica falsa obsiderent verum et bonum; ita in statu desolationum se habet. @1 ripam fluminis altered to flumina$ @2 i comminuentur$ @3 i recedent$ @4 illa$ @5 In A this ends here, but a prior incomplete deleted draft contains: Circumdederunt me aquae usque ad animam, abyssus circumcinxerat me, alga alligata capiti meo, Jon. ii 6. After this the following undeleted insertion has also been made: describitur sic status tentationis; aquae et abyssus sunt falsa et mala quae tunc circumcingunt; alga alligata capiti pro quod scientifica falsa obsiderent verum et bonum(n)$

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