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属天的奥秘 第7158节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7158

7158. And they met Moses and Aaron. That this signifies thought about the Divine law and the doctrine thence derived, is evident from the signification of "meeting," as being thought, for by their meeting is here meant that they encountered them and spoke with them, which in the internal sense denotes to think about the things which they represent (that "to speak" denotes to think, see n. 2271, 2287, 2619); from the representation of Moses, as being the Divine law (n. 6752); and from the representation of Aaron, as being the doctrine of good and truth (n. 6998, 7009, 7089).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7158

7158. 'And they met Moses and Aaron' means thought regarding the Divine Law and doctrinal teachings derived from it. This is clear from the meaning of 'meeting' as thought, for here 'they met' implies that they came upon them and spoke to them, by which actions is meant in the internal sense thinking about the things which those two represent (for the meaning of 'speaking' as thinking, see 2271, 2287, 2619); from the representation of 'Moses' as the Divine Law, dealt with in 6752; and from the representation of 'Aaron' as teaching that presents what is good and true, dealt with in 6998, 7009, 7089.

Latin(1748-1756) 7158

7158. `Et occurrerunt Moschi et Aharoni': quod significet cogitationem de Divina Lege et inde doctrina, constat ex significatione `occurrere' quod {1} sit cogitatio, nam hic per `occurrerunt' intelligitur quod offenderent illos et loquerentur cum illis, quae in sensu interno sunt cogitare de illis quae repraesentant; quod loqui {2} sit cogitare, videatur n. 2271, 2287, 2619; ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit Divina Lex, de qua n. 6752; et ex repraesentatione `Aharonis' quod sit doctrina boni et veri, de qua n. 6998, 7009, 7089. @1 i hic$ @2 i id$

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