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属天的奥秘 第8369节


  “棕树”因表示良善,故也表示智慧,因为智慧属于良善。殿的墙上刻着的棕树与基路伯并花表示这种智慧;因为“殿”表示主自己,在代表意义上表示天堂(27773720节)。“香柏树”、“棕树”和“墙上的花”表示来自主的旨意,智慧和聪明,因而表示属于天堂的一切事物。它们 被刻在殿的墙上,这一事实明显可见于列王纪:

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Potts(1905-1910) 8369

8369. And seventy palm-trees. That this signifies the goods of truth in like manner, that is, in all abundance, is evident from the signification of "seventy," as being all things in the complex, in like manner as "twelve" (see n. 7973); and from the signification of "palm-trees," as being the goods of the spiritual church, which are the goods of truth; and because by "palm-trees" are signified goods, by them is also signified the affection of good, and the consequent delight, for all delight is from the affection of good. As this was signified by "palm-trees," therefore also palm-trees were employed in holy festivities, as in the feast of tabernacles, according to these words in Moses:

Ye shall take for you in the first day the fruit of a tree of honor, spathes of palm-trees, and a branch of a dense tree, and willows of the torrent; and ye shall be glad before Jehovah your God seven days (Lev. 23:40);

by "the fruit of a tree of honor," is signified celestial good; by "palm-trees," spiritual good, or the good of truth; by "a branch of a dense tree," the truth of memory-knowledge; and by "willows of the torrent," the lowest truths of the natural; thus by these four are signified all goods and truths in their order. [2] That "palm-trees" signified a holy festivity which is from good, is evident also from these words in the following passages:

A great crowd that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming into Jerusalem, took boughs of palm trees, and went forth to meet Him, and cried out, Hosanna: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel (John 12:12, 13). I saw, when behold a great crowd standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palms in their hands (Rev. 7:9). The vine hath dried up, and the fig-tree languisheth, the pomegranate, and also the palm-tree, all joy hath dried up from the sons of man (Joel 1:12). The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon (Ps. 92:12);

here "palm-tree" denotes good; and "cedar" truth. [3] As a "palm-tree" signifies good, it also signifies wisdom, for wisdom is of good. This was signified by the palm-trees which together with the cherubs and flowers were carved upon the walls of the temple; for "the temple" signified the Lord Himself, and in the representative sense, heaven (n. 2777, 3720). The "cherubs," the "palm-trees," and the "flowers upon the walls" signified Providence, wisdom, and intelligence, which are from the Lord, thus all things which are of heaven. That these were carved on the walls of the temple, is evident in the first book of Kings:

Solomon carved all the walls of the house round about with openings of carvings of cherubs and palm-trees, and openings of flowers; and upon the two doors of woods of oil he carved carvings of cherubs and of palm-trees, and of openings of flowers, and overlaid them with gold, so that he overspread the gold upon the cherubs, and upon the palm-trees (6:29, 32); by these carvings was represented the state of heaven; by the "cherubs," the Providence of the Lord, thus that from Him are all things (that cherubs denote Providence, see n. 308); by "palm-trees," wisdom, which is of good from the Lord; and by "flowers," intelligence, which is of truth from Him; by the "gold" with which the cherubs and palm-trees were overlaid, was signified the good of love which reigns universally in the heavens. (That "gold" denotes the good of love, see n. 113, 1551, 1552, 5658.) Therefore also where the new temple is treated of in Ezekiel, by which is signified the heaven of the Lord, it is said that cherubs and palm-trees were upon the walls everywhere (41:17, 18, 20, 25, 26).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8369

8369. 'And seventy palm trees' means forms of the good of truth in like measure, that is to say, in full abundance. This is clear from the meaning of 'seventy' - like 'twelve' - as all things in their entirety, dealt with in 7973; and from the meaning of 'palm trees' as forms of good in the spiritual Church, which are forms of the good of truth. And since forms of good are meant by 'palm trees', an affection for good and the delight resulting from it are meant, for an affection for good is the source of all delight. Since 'palm trees' had this meaning they were also used in sacred festivities, such as the feast of tabernacles, in accordance with the following in Moses,

You shall take on the first day the fruit of a fine tree,a fronds of palm trees, the bough of a thick tree, and willows of the powerful stream; and you shall be glad before Jehovah your God seven days. Lev 23:40.

'The fruit of a fine tree' means celestial good, 'palm trees' spiritual good or the good of truth, 'the bough of a thick tree' truth in the form of factual knowledge, and 'willows of the powerful stream' lowest truths belonging to the natural. The four accordingly mean all forms of good and truths in their proper order.

[2] The fact that 'palm trees' were signs of sacred festivity springing from good is also clear from the following in John,

A great crowd who had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees, and went to meet Him, and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel. John 12:12, 13.

And in the same author, in Revelation,

I saw, and behold a large crowd standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches in their hands. Rev 7:9.

In Joel,

The vine has withered and the fig tree languishes, the pomegranate tree and also the palm; all joy has withered away from the sons of man. Joel 1:12.

In David,

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree; he will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Ps 92:12.

Here 'a palm tree' stands for good and 'a cedar' for truth.

[3] Since 'a palm tree' means good it also means wisdom, for wisdom is the discernment of good. The palm trees which were carved along with the cherubs and flowers on the walls of the temple were signs meaning such wisdom. 'The temple' meant the Lord Himself, and in the representative sense it meant heaven, 2777, 3720; 'the cherubs, palm trees, and flowers' on the walls meant providence, wisdom, and intelligence that are the Lord's, and so meant all things belonging to heaven. The fact that they were carved on the walls of the temple is clear in the first Book of Kings,

Solomon carved all the walls of the house all around with openings of carvings of cherubs,b and of palm trees, and with openings of flowers. And on the two doors of olive wood he carved carvings of cherubs and of palm trees, and openings of flowers, and overlaid them with gold, so that he spread gold over the cherubs and over the palm trees. 1 Kings 6:29, 32.

These 'carvings' represented the heavenly state; 'the cherubs' represented the Lord's Providence, thus the truth that all things come from Him (for the meaning of 'cherubs' as providence, see 308); 'the palm trees' represented wisdom that is a discernment of good coming from the Lord; and 'the flowers' represented intelligence that is an understanding of truth coming from Him. 'Gold' with which the cherubs and palm trees were overlaid meant the good of love, which holds sway throughout heaven (for the meaning of 'gold' as the good of love, see 113, 1551, 1552, 5658). All this also explains why in the description in Ezekiel of the new temple, meaning the Lord's heaven, it says that 'cherubs and palm trees' were on the walls everywhere, Ezek. 41:17, 18, 20, 25, 26.


a lit. a tree of honour
b i.e. carved figures of cherubs

Latin(1748-1756) 8369

8369. `Et septuaginta palmae': quod significet veri bona similiter, nempe in omni copia, constat ex significatione `septuaginta' quod sint omnia in complexu, similiter ac duodecim, de qua n. 7973; et ex significatione `palmarum' quod sint bona spiritualis Ecclesiae, quae sunt bona veri; et quia per `palmas' bona significantur, etiam per illas significatur affectio boni et inde jucundum, nam ex affectione boni est omne jucundum; quia (c)id per `palmas' {1}significabatur, ideo etiam palmae adhibebantur in {2}festivitatibus sanctis, ut in festo tabernaculorum, secundum haec apud Moschen, Accipietis vobis in die primo fructum arboris honoris, spathas palmarum, et ramum arboris densae, et salices torrentis; et laetemini coram Jehovah Deo vestro septem diebus, Lev. xxiii 40;

per `fructum arboris honoris' significatur bonum caeleste; per `palmas' bonum spirituale seu bonum veri; per `ramum arboris densae' verum scientificum; et per `salices torrentis' vera infima {3}naturalis; ita per quattuor illa significantur omnia bona et vera in suo ordine. 2 Quod `palmae' {4}festivitatem sanctam quae ex bono significaverint, constat quoque ex his apud Johannem, Multa turba quae venerat ad festum, cum audirent quod veniret Jesus in Hierosolymam, sumpserunt termites palmarum, et iverunt obviam Ipsi, et clamaverunt, Osanna, benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini, Rex Israelis, xii 12, 13:

et apud eundem in Apocalypsi, Vidi, cum ecce turba multa, stantes coram throno et coram Agno, induti stolas albas, et palmae in manibus illorum, vii 9:

{5} apud Joelem, Vitis exaruit et ficus languet, malus punica, etiamque palma, exaruit omne gaudium de filiis hominis, {6} i 12:

apud Davidem, Justus sicut palma florebit, sicut cedrus in Libano crescet, Ps. xcii 13 [A.V. 12];

hic `palma' pro bono et `cedrus' pro vero. 3 Quia `palma' significat bonum, etiam significat sapientiam, nam sapientia est boni; illam significabant palmae quae una cum cherubis et floribus sculptae {7}fuerunt super parietibus templi; `templum' enim significabat Ipsum Dominum, et in sensu repraesentativo caelum, n. 2777, 3720, `cherubi, palmae, et flores' super parietibus significabant providentiam, sapientiam, et intelligentiam, quae a Domino, ita {8}omnia quae caeli sunt; quod illa parietibus templi insculpta sint, constat in Libro 1 Regum, Salomo omnes parietes domus in circuitu sculpsit aperturis sculpturarum cheruborum et palmarum, et aperturis florum; et super binas fores ex lignis olei, sculpsit sculpturas cheruborum et palmarum et aperturas florum; et obduxit auro, ita ut diduceret super cherubos et super palmas aurum, vi 29, 32;

per `sculpturas' illas repraesentatus est status caeli, per `cherubos' Providentia Domini, ita quod ab Ipso omnia; quod `cherubi' sint providentia {9}, videatur n. 308, per `palmas' sapientia quae est boni a Domino, et per `flores' intelligentia quae est veri ab Ipso; per `aurum' quo obducebantur cherubi et palmae, significabatur bonum amoris, quod in caelis est {10}universaliter regnans; {11}quod aurum sit bonum amoris, videatur n. 113, 1551, 1552, 5658; {12}ideo quoque, ubi de novo templo, per quod significatur caelum Domini, agitur apud Ezechielem, {13} dicitur quod Cherubi et palmae essent super parietibus ubique, xli 17, 18, 20, 25, 26. @1 significabantur$ @2 sanctis laetificationibus$ @3 naturalia$ @4 laetificationem$ @5 i et$ @6 i Joel$ @7 erant$ @8 illa$ @9 i Domini$ @10 universale$ @11 These words, though omitted here, appear, except for videatur, in a deleted coming after the quotation from 1 Kings vi 29, 32.$ @12 inde$ @13 i etiam$

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