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属天的奥秘 第8922节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8922

8922. Lest perchance we die. That this signifies that thus the life of heaven with them would perish, is evident from the signification of "dying," as being to die spiritually (see n. 6119), thus to perish in respect to the life of heaven. That truth Divine in a form not accommodated has this effect, is evident from what was shown just above (n. 8920). For truth in a form not accommodated, such as it is in heaven, transcends the apprehension, and that which transcends the apprehension is not received, and that which is not received does not flow into any faith, thus neither into the life of faith, which is the life of heaven. For man is regenerated, that is, receives the life of heaven, by means of the truth Divine which is of faith (n. 2046, 2063, 2189, 2979, 3155, 3876, 3877, 5893, 5912, 6247, 8635-8640, 8772).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8922

8922. 'Lest perhaps we die' means that this form will destroy the life of heaven with them. This is clear from the meaning of 'dying' as dying spiritually, dealt with in 6119, thus being destroyed so far as the life of heaven is concerned. The fact that God's truth in an unadjusted form has that effect is clear from what has been shown just above in 8920. For truth in an unadjusted form, as it exists in heaven, is too high for it to be understood, and what is too high to be understood is not received. And what is not received does not pass into faith at all, nor accordingly into the life of faith, which is the life of heaven since a person is regenerated, that is, receives the life of heaven, through God's truth composing faith, 2046, 2063, 2189, 2979, 3155, 3876, 3877, 5893, 5912, 6247, 8635 8640, 8772.

Latin(1748-1756) 8922

8922. `Ne forte moriamur': quod significet quod peritura sic vita caeli apud illos, constat ex significatione `mori' quod sit mori spiritualiter, de qua n. 6119, ita perire quoad vitam caeli; quod verum Divinum in forma non accommodata id faciat, constat ex illis quae mox supra n. 8920 ostensa sunt, nam verum in forma non accommodata, (o)quale est in caelo, transcendit captum, et quod transcendit captum, id non recipitur, et quod non recipitur {1} non influit in aliquam fidem, ita nec in vitam fidei, quae est vita caeli; homo enim regeneratur, hoc est, accipit vitam caeli per verum Divinum quod est fidei, n. 2046, 2063, 2189, 2979, 3155, 3876, 3877, 5893, 5912, 6247, 8635-8640, 8772. @1 i id$

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