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属天的奥秘 第9156节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9156

9156. Upon every word of transgression. That this signifies whatsoever injury and whatsoever loss, is evident from the signification of "transgression," as being everything that is contrary to the truth of faith, thus that injures or extinguishes it, consequently all injury and loss thereof whatsoever. In the Word, evils are sometimes called "sins," sometimes "iniquities," and sometimes "transgressions;" but what is meant specifically by these several terms is not clear except from the internal sense. Those evils are called "transgressions" which are done contrary to the truths of faith; those are called "iniquities," which are done contrary to the goods of faith; and those are called "sins," which are done contrary to the goods of charity and of love. The first two proceed from a perverted understanding, but the last from a depraved will. As in David:

Wash me from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me (Ps. 51:2, 3);

"iniquity" denotes evil contrary to the goods of faith; "sin," evil contrary to the goods of charity and love; and "transgressions," evil contrary to the truths of faith. As the latter is evil proceeding from a perverted understanding, and thus is known from the truths of faith, it is said, "I acknowledge my transgressions." [2] Again:

Remember, O Jehovah, Thy mercies, and Thy compassions; remember not the sins of my youth, and my transgressions (Ps. 25:6-7);

sins" denote evils from a depraved will; and "transgressions," evils from a perverted understanding. In Isaiah:

Behold for iniquities were ye sold, and for transgressions was your mother put away (Isa. 50:1);

"iniquities" denote evils contrary to goods, and "transgressions," evils contrary to the truths of faith of the church; the "mother" denotes the church, which is said to be "put away" when it departs from faith. In Micah:

For the transgression of Jacob is all this, and for the sin of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? She was the beginning of sin to the daughter of Zion; for the transgressions of Israel were found in thee (Micah 1:5, 13);

here in like manner "sin" denotes what is contrary to the good of charity and love; and "transgression" what is contrary to the truth of faith; for "Samaria" denotes the church of perverted faith, and so does "Israel" in this passage. [3] As "transgressions" denote evils that are contrary to the truths of faith, they are also "trespasses" and "revolts," which moreover, in the original tongue are signified by the same expression, as is evident in David:

For the multitude of their transgressions thrust out those who rebel against Thee (Ps. 5:10);

"to rebel" is said when there are both revolt and trespass. And in Isaiah:

Are ye not children of transgression, the seed of a lie; who have heated yourselves with gods under every green tree; who slay the children in the rivers? (Isa. 57:4-5). That "transgression" denotes evil contrary to the truths of faith is very evident from these passages, for the "children of transgression" denote the falsities which destroy the truths of faith; and therefore they are also called "the seed of a lie," for "a lie" denotes falsity (n. 8908); and therefore it is said of them that they "heat themselves with gods under every green tree," by which in the internal sense is meant worship from falsities; for "gods" denote falsities (n. 4402, 4544, 7873, 8867); and a "green tree," the perception of falsity from a perverted understanding (n. 2722, 4552); and therefore it is also said "ye slay the children in the rivers," by which is meant the extinction of the truths of faith by means of falsities; for "to slay" denotes to extinguish; "children" or "sons" denote the truths of faith (n. 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 2813, 3373); and "rivers" denote falsities (n. 6693).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9156

9156. 'For every matter of transgression' means any harm whatever and any loss whatever. This is clear from the meaning of 'transgression' as everything that is contrary to the truth of faith, thus that injures it or wipes it out, therefore any harm whatever done to it and any loss whatever of it. In the Word evils are sometimes called sins, sometimes iniquities, and sometimes transgressions; but what the specific meaning of each of them is, is not evident except from the internal sense. The word transgressions is used for deeds contrary to the truths of faith, the word iniquities for deeds contrary to the good of faith, and the word sins for deeds contrary to the good of charity and love. The first two kinds of deeds spring from a perverted understanding, the last from a wicked will, as in David,

Wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is constantly before me. Ps 51:2, 3.

'Iniquity' stands for evil contrary to the good of faith, 'sin' for evil contrary to the good of charity and love, and 'transgression' for evil contrary to the truths of faith. Since 'transgression' is evil which springs from a perverted understanding, and so is recognized from the truths of faith, the words 'I acknowledge my transgressions' are used.

[2] In the same author,

Remember Your mercies, O Jehovah, and Your loving-kindnesses. Do not remember the sins of my youth,a nor my transgressions. Ps 25:6, 7.

'Sins' stands for evils springing from a wicked will, and 'transgressions' for evils springing from a perverted understanding. In Isaiah,

Behold, because of iniquities you have been sold, and because of transgressions your mother has been put away. Isa 50:1.

'Iniquities' stands for evils contrary to the Church's good of faith, and 'transgressions' for evils contrary to its truths of faith, 'mother' being the Church, which is said to be put away when it departs from faith. In Micah,

On account of the transgression of Jacob all this [will happen], and on account of the sin of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? She was the beginning of sin to the daughter of Zion; for in you the transgressions of Israel were found. Micah 1:5, 13.

Here 'sin' in a similar way means something contrary to the good of charity and love, and 'transgression' something contrary to the truth of faith; for 'Samaria' means a Church whose faith is perverted, as likewise does 'Israel' in this instance.

[3] Since transgressions are offences against the truths of faith, the word 'transgressions' also describes going over to the other side and defecting. The same word is used in the original language to describe these actions, as is evident in David,

On account of the multitude of their transgressions overthrow them, for they rebel against You. Ps 5:10.

The word 'rebel' is used when people defect and go over to the other side. And in Isaiah,

Are you not those born of transgression, the seed of a lie, who inflamed yourselves among the gods under every green tree, who slaughter children in the rivers? Isa 57:4, 5.

'Transgression', it is plainly evident from these words, means evil contrary to the truths of faith. 'Those born of transgression' are falsities which destroy the truths of faith. For this reason they are also called 'the seed of a lie', falsity being meant by 'a lie', 8908. For the same reason they are said 'to be inflamed among the gods under every green tree', which means in the internal sense worship arising out of falsities, falsities being meant by 'the gods', 4402 (end), 4544, 7873, 8867, and the perception of falsity because of a perverted understanding being meant by 'green tree', 2722, 4552. And for still the same reason it says 'you slaughter children in the rivers', by which the annihilation of the truths of faith by falsities is meant; for 'slaughtering' means annihilating, 'children' means the truths of faith, 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 2813, 3373, and 'the rivers' means falsities, 6693.


a lit. childhood

Latin(1748-1756) 9156

9156. `Super omni verbo praevaricationis': quod significet quodcumque damnum ac quamcumque jacturam, constat ex significatione `praevaricationis' quod sit omne quod contra verum fidei, ita quod laedit aut exstinguit illud, proinde quodcumque damnum et quamcumque jacturam {1} ejus. In Verbo mala (t)nunc vocantur peccata, nunc iniquitates, (o)et nunc praevaricationes, sed quid in specie per has et {2} per illa intelligitur, non patet nisi ex sensu interno; praevaricationes dicuntur quae fiunt contra vera fidei, iniquitates quae fiunt contra bona fidei, peccata quae fiunt contra bona charitatis et amoris; priora bina egrediuntur ex perverso intellectu, haec autem ex prava voluntate, ut apud Davidem, Lava me ab iniquitate mea, et a peccato meo munda me; nam praevaricationes meas agnosco, et peccatum meum coram me {3} jugiter, Ps. li 4, 5 [A.V. 2, 3];

`iniquitas' pro malo contra bona fidei, `peccatum' pro malo contra bona charitatis et amoris, et `praevaricatio' pro malo contra vera fidei; haec quia est malum egrediens ex perverso intellectu, et sic ex veris fidei cognoscitur, ideo dicitur {4}, `praevaricationes meas agnosco': [2] apud eundem, Memento misericordiarum Tuarum, Jehovah, et miserationum Tuarum; peccatorum pueritiae meae, et praevaricationum mearum ne memineris, Ps. xxv 6, 7;

`peccata' pro malis ex prava voluntate, et `praevaricationes' pro malis ex perverso intellectu: apud Esaiam, Ecce ob iniquitates venditi estis, et ob praevaricationes dimissa est mater vestra, l 1;

`iniquitates' pro malis contra bona, et `praevaricationes' pro malis contra vera fidei Ecclesiae; `mater' est Ecclesia, quae `dimissa' dicitur cum discedit {5} a fide: apud Micham, Propter praevaricationem Jacobi omne hoc, et propter peccatum domus Israelis; quid praevaricatio Jacobi? nonne Samaria? principium peccati haec filiae Zionis, quia in te inventae sunt praevaricationes Israelis, i 5, (x)13;

hic similiter `peccatum' quod contra bonum charitatis et amoris, et `praevaricatio' quod contra verum fidei; (o)`Samaria' enim est perversae fidei Ecclesia, pariter hic {6} `Israel.' [3] Quia praevaricationes sunt quae contra vera fidei, etiam sunt transgressiones et defectiones, quae quoque {7} in lingua originali per eandem vocem significantur, ut {8} patet apud Davidem, Propter multitudinem praevaricationum eorum impelle eos, quia {9} rebellant contra Te, Ps. v 11 [A. V. 10];

`rebellare' dicitur cum defectio et transgressio {10}: et apud (x)Esaiam, Nonne vos nati praevaricationis, semen mendacii, qui incaluistis in (x)diis sub omni arbore viridi, qui mactatis natos in fluviis? lvii 4, 5;

quod `praevaricatio' sit malum contra vera fidei, manifeste ex his {11} patet; `nati praevaricationis' sunt falsa quae destruunt vera fidei, ideo quoque vocantur `semen mendacii,' mendacium enim est falsum, n. 8908; et ideo dicitur de illis, quod `(x)incalescant in diis sub omni arbore viridi,' per quae in sensu interno intelligitur cultus ex falsis, `dii (d)enim sunt falsa, n. 4402 fin., 4544, 7873, 8867, `arbor viridis' est perceptivum {12} falsi ex perverso intellectu, n. 2722, 4552; et ideo quoque dicitur, `mactatis natos in fluviis,' per quae intelligitur exstinctio verorum fidei ex falsis, `mactare' enim est exstinguere, `nati' seu filii sunt vera fidei {13}, (m)n. 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 2813, 3373, et {14} `fluvii' sunt falsa, n. 6693. @1 quaecunque jactura$ @2 aut$ @3 te AIT$ @4 et praevaricationes pro malis quae contra vera fidei; hae quae sunt mala ex perverso intellectu, ac cognoscuntur ex veris fidei, dicitur$ @5 deficit$ @6 his IT$ @7 etiam$ @8 i quoque$ @9 qui IT$ @10 qui a fide deficit et qui transgreditur$ @11 hic$ @12 perceptio$ @13 et quoque dicitur mactatis natos in fluviis, per quae significatur (m)exstinctio verorum fidei ex falsis, filii enim sunt vera fidei(n)$ @14 at quod$

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