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《天堂与地狱》 第208节








208. 这层天堂与那层天堂, 或这层天堂的社群与那层天堂的社群, 唯独由主通过直接和间接的流注联结起来. 直接流注来自主自己, 间接流注则按秩序通过高层天堂进入低层天堂.

由于藉由流注的各层天堂之间的联结唯独靠主实现, 所以才会有最谨慎的预防措施, 以防止高层天堂的任何天使俯视低层天堂的社群, 并与那里的任何人交谈. 一旦有这种事发生, 该天使就立刻丧失自己的聪明和智慧. 有必要阐述一下其中的原因. 正如天堂分为三层, 每位天使的生命也分为三层; 对至内层天堂的天使来说, 第三层或至内层被打开, 第二层和第一层被关闭; 对中间层天堂的天使来说, 第二层被打开, 第一层和第三层被关闭; 对最外层天堂的天使来说, 第一层被打开, 第二层和第三层被关闭. 因此, 一旦第三层天堂的天使俯视第二层天堂的社群, 并与那里的任何人交谈, 他的第三层立刻就被关闭; 由于他的智慧居于这个层级, 因此如果该层被关闭, 他就会丧失自己的智慧, 因为他在第二或第一层一无所有. 这就是主在马太福音所说那些话的意思:

在房顶上的, 不要下来拿家里的东西; 在田里的, 也不要回去取衣裳. (马太福音 24:17-18)


当那日, 人在房顶上, 财物在屋里, 不要下来拿. 人在田里, 也不要回来. 你们要回想罗得的妻子. (路加福音 17:31-32)

注: 既有来自主的直接流注, 也有经由天堂的间接流注(天国的奥秘 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682, 9683节). 主的直接流注进入一切事物的最细微之处(天国的奥秘 6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728节). 关于主经由天堂的间接流注(天国的奥秘 4067, 6982, 6985, 6996节).



208. 天國之間的結合(包括不同天國的社群之間的結合)由主通過或直接或間接的流注來達成。直接的流注出於主, 間接的流注是按順序從高層天流入低層天。

天國之間的結合既是由主通過流注來達成, 那麼主自然會確保高層天的天人不致俯視低層天的社群, 與其中的天人交流, 以免他喪失聰明與智慧。原因在於, 每位天人的生命可分三層, 如天國分為三層。對於內層天的天人, 其第三層(或內層)是開放的, 而第二層與第一層是閉合的。對於中層天的天人, 其第二層是開放的, 而第一層與第三層是閉合的。對於外層天的天人, 其第一層是開放的, 而第二層與第三層是閉合的。第三層天的天人若俯視第二層天的社群, 與其中的天人交流, 該天人的第三層就會閉合, 從而喪失智慧, 因為他的智慧處於第三層, 第二層與第一層皆無。

主在馬太福音中的話表達的就是這個意思:在房上的不要下來拿家裡的東西, 在田裡的也不要回去取衣服(馬太福音24:17-18)。還在路加福音中說:當那日, 人在房上, 器皿在房裡, 不要下來拿。人在田裡, 也不要回家。你們要回想羅得的妻子(路加福音17:31-32)。

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Heaven and Hell #208 (NCE, 2000)

208. One heaven is united to another (or a community of one heaven with a community of another) by the Lord alone, through a direct and an indirect inflow. The direct is from himself, and the indirect is sequential through the higher heavens into the lower ones. 1

Since the union of the heavens through inflow is accomplished by the Lord alone, the greatest possible precautions are taken to prevent any angel from a higher heaven from looking down into a community of a lower one and talking with anyone there. The moment this happens, the angel will lose intelligence and wisdom. The reason needs to be stated. Every angel has three levels of life, like the three levels of heaven. For the ones in the inmost heaven, the third or inmost level is opened and the second and first are closed. For people in the intermediate heaven the second level is opened and the first and third are closed; and for people in the outermost heaven the first level is opened and the second and third are closed. The moment an angel of the third heaven, then, looks down into a community of the second and talks with anyone there, the third level of that angel is closed; and when it is closed the angel is deprived of wisdom because her or his wisdom dwells on the third level, with none on the second and first.

This is the meaning of the Lord's words in Matthew:

Let those who are on the roof not come down to take what is in the house; and let those who are in the field not turn back to take their garments. (Matthew 24:17-18)

And in Luke:

Let those who are on the roof on that day while their belongings are in the house not go down to get them, and let those who are in the field not turn back to what is behind them: remember Lot's wife. (Luke 17:31-32)


1. There is a direct inflow from the Lord and an indirect one through heaven: 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682-9683. The Lord's direct inflow is into the smallest details of everything: 6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728. Concerning the Lord's indirect inflow through the heavens: 4067, 6982, 6985, 6996.


Heaven and Hell #208 (Harley, 1958)

208. One heaven is joined with another, or a society of one heaven with a society of another, by the Lord alone, by both immediate and mediate influx, immediate from Himself, and mediate through the higher heavens in order into the lower. 1Because the conjunction of the heavens by influx is from the Lord alone, there is most careful provision against any angel of a higher heaven looking down into a society of a lower heaven and talking with anyone there, for, the moment such a thing happens, the angel is deprived of his intelligence and wisdom. The reason for this will be explained. As there are three degrees of heaven, so each angel has three degrees of life, those in the inmost heaven having the third or inmost degree open, while the second and first degrees are closed. Those in the middle heaven have the second degree open and the first and third closed. Those in the lowest heaven have the first degree open, and the second and third closed. As soon, then, as an angel of the third heaven looks down into a society of the second heaven, and talks with anyone there, his third degree is closed. By this closing he is deprived of his wisdom, for his wisdom resides in the third degree, and he has none in the second or first degree. This is what is meant by the words of the Lord in Matthew:

He that is on the housetop, let him not go down to take what is in his house; and he that is in the field, let him not turn back to take his garment. Matthew 24:17-18.

And in Luke:

In that day, he that shall be on the housetop and his goods in the house, let him not go down to take them away; and he that is in the field, let him not turn back. Remember Lot's wife. Luke 17:31-32.


1. There is immediate influx from the Lord and mediate influx through heaven (Arcana Coelestia 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682-9683).

There is immediate influx of the Lord into the minutest parts of all things (Arcana Coelestia 6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728).

Of the mediate influx of the Lord through the heavens (Arcana Coelestia 4067, 6982, 6985, 6996).


Heaven and Hell #208 (Ager, 1900)

208. One heaven is joined with another, or a society of one heaven with the society of another, by the Lord alone, both by direct and by mediate influx, directly from Himself, and mediately through the higher heavens in order into the lower. 1As the conjunction of the heavens by this inflowing is from the Lord alone there is a most careful precaution against any angel of a higher heaven looking down into a society of a lower heaven and talking with any one there; for the angel is thus immediately deprived of his intelligence and wisdom. The reason of this also shall be told. As there are three degrees of heaven, so each angel has three degrees of life, those in the inmost heaven having the third or inmost degree open, while the second and first degrees are closed; those in the middle heaven have the second degree opened and the first and third closed; and those in the lowest heaven have the first degree opened and the second and third closed. Consequently, as soon as an angel of the third heaven looks down into a society of the second heaven and talks with any one there his third degree is at once closed; and as his wisdom resides in that degree, if that is closed he is deprived of his wisdom, for he has none in the second or first degree. This is what is meant by the words of the Lord in Matthew:

He that is on the housetop, let him not go down to take what is in his house; and he that is in the field, let him not turn back to take his garment (Matthew 24:17-18).

And in Luke:

In that day he that shall be on the housetop and his goods in the house, let him not go down to take them away; and he that is in the field let him not turn back. Remember Lot's wife (Luke 17:31, 32).


1. There is direct influx from the Lord and mediate influx through heaven (Arcana Coelestia 6063, 6307, 6472, 9682-9683).

There is a direct influx of the Lord into the minutest parts of all things (6058, 6474-6478, 8717, 8728).

Of the mediate influx of the Lord through the heavens (4067, 6982, 6985, 6996).


De Coelo et de Inferno #208 (original Latin)

208. Conjungitur unum caelum cum altero, seu societas unius caeli cum societate alterius a solo Domino per influxum immediate et mediate, immediate a Se Ipso, et mediate per caelos superiores ordine in inferiores. 1Quia conjunctio caelorum per influxum est a solo Domino, ideo praecavetur quam maxime, ne aliquis angelus superioris caeli despiciat in societatem inferioris, et loquatur cum aliquo ibi: ut primum hoc fit, deprivatur angelus intelligentia et sapientia sua. Dicetur etiam causa: unicuique angelo sunt tres gradus vitae, sicut sunt tres gradus caeli; illis, qui in intimo caelo sunt, est tertius seu intimus gradus apertus, ac secundus et primus clausi; illis, qui in medio caelo, est secundus gradus apertus, ac primus et tertius clausi; et illis, qui in ultimo caelo sunt, est primus gradus apertus, ac secundus et tertius clausi: ut primum itaque angelus tertii caeli despicit in societatem secundi, et loquitur cum aliquo ibi, clauditur tertius ejus gradus; quo clauso orbatur sua sapientia, nam in tertio gradu residet ejus sapientia, et nulla ei est in secundo et primo. Haec sunt quae intelliguntur per Domini verba apud Matthaeum:

"Qui in tecto est, ne descendat ad accipiendum quod est in domo sua et is qui in agro est ne revertatur retro ad accipiendum vestem suam (24:17-18).

Et apud Lucam:

"In illo die qui in tecto fuerit, et vasa ejus in domo, ne descendat ad tollendum ea: et qui in agro, non revertatur ad post se: mementote uxoris Loti," (17:31-32).


1. Quod influxus sit immediatus a Domino, et mediatus per caelum (6063, 6307, 6472, 9682, 9683).

Quod influxus Domini immediatus sit in omnium singularissima (8717, 8728).

De mediato influxu Domini per caelos (4067, 6982, 6985, 6996)

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