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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 235

235. I will spue thee out of my mouth. That this signifies separation from knowledges derived from the Word is evident from the signification of spuing, when by the Lord, as being separation; not that the Lord separates them from Himself, but that they separate themselves from the Lord. The expression to spue is used, because the subject treated of is the lukewarm; and in the world what is lukewarm causes vomiting. This is also from correspondence; for the food which man takes corresponds to knowledges, and consequently, in the Word, signifies knowledges; therefore separation from them signifies non-admission; but because those who are here treated of do admit something from the Word, it signifies casting out, or vomiting (that food, from correspondence, signifies knowledges and intelligence therefrom, may be seen in Arcana Coelestia 3114, 4459, 4792, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5655, 8562; for knowledges nourish the internal man, or spirit, as food nourishes the external man, or body, n. 4459, 5293, 5576, 6277, 8418); and from the signification of out of the mouth, when said of the Lord, as being out of the Word. The reason why out of the mouth, when said of the Lord, signifies the Word is, that the Word is Divine truth, and this proceeds from the Lord, and what proceeds from Him and flows into man is said to be out of the mouth, although it is not out of the mouth, but is as light from the sun. For the Lord above the heavens, where the angels are, appears as a Sun; and the light therefrom is Divine truth, from which angels and men have all their intelligence and wisdom (as may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 116-125, and 126-140). It is therefore evident that by I will spue thee out of my mouth, is signified to separate from Divine truth, or, what amounts to the same, from knowledges derived from the Word.

[2] That those who are lukewarm, that is, neither cold nor hot, as those are who live from the doctrine of faith alone and justification thereby, of which we have spoken just above, are separated from knowledges derived from the Word, is not known to themselves, for they believe that they possess knowledges more than all others; but still they do not, indeed, they have scarcely any knowledge. The reason of this is, that the principles of their doctrine and religion are false; and from false principles nothing but falsities follow; therefore, when reading the Word, they keep the mind fixed in their falsities; consequently they either do not see truths, or if they do, they pass by or falsify them. The false principles referred to are, that salvation is by faith alone, and that man is justified by that faith. Such persons might know, if they would, that they are separated from knowledges derived from the Word, and that they do not see truths. For what is more frequently said by the Lord than that they ought to keep His words, His commandments, and do His will; and that every one shall be rewarded according to his deeds; as also that the whole Word is founded upon two commandments, which are, to love God, and to love the neighbour, and that to love God is to do His precept (John 14:21, 23, 24)? That these must be done in order to salvation, is said a thousand times in both Testaments; also that to hear and to know them is to no purpose unless they are done. But do those who have confirmed themselves in faith alone, and justification thereby, see those things? and if they do see them, do they not falsify them? This is why such persons have no doctrine of life, but a doctrine of faith alone; when nevertheless it is the life that forms the man of the church, and those things become his faith which enter into his life.

[3] That such persons are separated from knowledges derived from the Word is evident also from this, that they do not know that they will live as men after the death of the body; that it is the spirit in them which lives; that heaven and also hell are from the human race; that they know nothing at all of heaven and heavenly joy; neither of hell and infernal fire; thus nothing about the spiritual world; nothing about the internal or spiritual sense of the Word; about the glorification of the Lord's Human; about regeneration; about temptation, and about Baptism and what it involves; nothing about the Holy Supper, and about what flesh and blood, or bread and wine, therein signify; nothing about free-will; nothing about the internal man; nothing about charity, the neighbour, good, and love; neither do they know what remission of sins is; besides many other things contained in the Word. I have also heard the angels say that, when they are permitted to look into the church and see those who believe themselves to be intelligent from doctrine, they see mere thick darkness, and such intelligent ones, as it were, deep under waves.

[4] There are two reasons why they are separated from knowledges derived from the Word. The first is that they cannot be enlightened from the Lord; for the Lord flows into the good of man, and from that good enlightens him in truths, that is, He flows into man's love, and thence into his faith. The other reason is that they profane truths by falsifications; and those who do this are separated from truths themselves while they live in the world, so that they do not know them; but in the other life they reject all the things which, during their abode in the world, they had known from the Word. Both these separations are meant by being vomited out of the mouth. Similar things are meant by vomiting elsewhere in the Word; as in the following passages; in Isaiah:

"Jehovah hath mingled in the midst of Egypt a spirit of perversities; whence they have caused Egypt to go astray in every work thereof, even as a drunkard goeth astray in his vomit " (Arcana Coelestia 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 5700, 5702, 6015, 6651, 6679, 6683, 6692, 7296, and also the scientifics of the church, n. 7296, 9340, 9391; that the drunken signify those who are insane in spiritual things, n. 1072.)

[5] In Jeremiah:

"Drink ye, and be drunken, and spew and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword" (25:27).

To drink and be drunken is to imbibe falsities and mingle them with truths, and hence to be insane; to spew and fall, is altogether to cast out things falsified; the sword because of which they shall rise no more, signifies falsity destroying and vastating truth (see 48:26).

Moab signifies those who adulterate the goods of the church wherefore vomiting is said of them.

[6] Also in Habakkuk:

"Woe unto him that maketh a companion to drink even in being drunken, that thou mayest look upon their nakednesses. Thou shalt be satiated with shame more than glory; drink thou, also, and let thy foreskin be discovered; the cup of Jehovah shall go about unto thee, so that shameful spewing shall be upon glory " (Arcana Coelestia 1073, 5433, 9960); the foreskin which shall be discovered, signifies the defilement of good (see Arcana Coelestia 2056, 3412, 3413, 4462, 7225, 7245); glory signifies Divine truth, consequently the Word (see Arcana Coelestia 4809, 5922, 8267, 8427, 9429). It is therefore evident what is signified by shameful spewing upon glory.

[7] In Isaiah:

"These err through wine; through strong drink they wander out of the way; the priest and the prophet err through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they err among the seeing, they stumble in judgment. Nay! all tables are full of the vomit of filthiness; there is no place. Whom shall he teach knowledge?" (28:7-9).

Here wine and strong drink, through which they are said to err, signify truths mingled with falsities; the priest and the prophet signify those who teach goods and truths, and, in the abstract, the goods and truths of the church; those who err among the seeing signify those who were about to see truths to stumble in judgment signifies insanity; tables signify all those things which should nourish the spiritual life, for by tables are meant the food which is upon them, and food signifies all truths and goods, because these nourish spiritual life. Here, therefore, by tables being full of vomit and filthiness are signified the same things falsified and adulterated.

[8] In Moses:

"Defile not yourselves in any of these things; for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you. And the land is defiled; therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants; that the land spew not you out also when ye defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you" (Leviticus 18:24, 25, 28).

By the subject here treated of is meant all kinds of adulteries, by which, in the spiritual sense, are meant all kinds of adulterations of good and falsifications of truth, or profanations; and because evils and goods, as also falsities of evil and truths of good, cannot be together, but are cast out, therefore it is said that the land, that is the church, has vomited them out. From these things it is now evident what is signified by vomiting, I will vomit thee out of my mouth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 235

235. I am about to vomit thee out of My mouth, signifies separation from the knowledges from the Word. This is evident from the signification of "vomiting out," when said by the Lord, as being separation; not that the Lord separates them from Himself, but they separate themselves from the Lord. It is said "to vomit out," because the "lukewarm" are treated of, and in the world what is lukewarm produces vomiting. And this is also from correspondence; for the food that man takes corresponds to knowledges, and thence in the Word signifies knowledges; therefore separation from knowledges means non-admission; but as those here treated of do admit something from the Word, it means ejection or vomiting. (That "food," from correspondence, signifies knowledges and intelligence therefrom, see Arcana Coelestia 3114, 4459, 4792, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5655, 8562; for the reason that knowledges nourish the internal man or spirit, as food nourishes the external man or body, n. 4459, 5293, 5576, 6277, 8418.) This is evident also from the signification of "out of My mouth," as being, in reference to the Lord, out of the Word. "Out of the mouth" signifies, in reference to the Lord, out of the Word, because the Word is Divine truth, and this proceeds from the Lord, and what proceeds from the Lord and flows in with man is said to be "out of the mouth," although it is not from the mouth, but is like light from the sun. For the Lord is seen above the heavens where the angels are as a sun, and light therefrom is Divine truth, from which angels and men have all their intelligence and wisdom (See in the work on Heaven and Hell 116-125, 126-140). From this it can be seen that "I will vomit thee out of My mouth" signifies to separate from Divine truth, or what is the same, from the knowledges from the Word.

[2] That those who are "lukewarm," that is, "neither cold nor hot," who are those that live according to the doctrine of faith alone and justification by faith (of which just above), are separated from the knowledges from the Word, is not known to themselves, for they believe that they are in knowledges more than others; but they are not, yea, they are in scarcely any knowledge; and this for the reason that the principles of their doctrine and religion are false, and from false principles nothing results but falsities; when therefore they read the Word, they keep their minds in their falsities, and as a consequence, either they do not see truths, or if they see them they pass them by or falsify them. These false principles are, that salvation is by faith alone, and that man is justified by faith. That they are separated from the knowledges from the Word and that they do not see truths therein, they may know if they will; for what is more frequently declared by the Lord, than that they ought to do His words, His commandments, His will, and that everyone shall be recompensed according to his deeds; also that the whole Word is based upon two commandments, which are to love God, and to love the neighbor; also that loving God is doing His commandments (John 14:21, 23, 24)? What men must do in order to be saved is said a thousand times in each Testament, also that hearing and knowing are nothing without doing. But do those who have confirmed themselves in faith alone and justification by faith, see these things? And if they see them do they not falsify them? Consequently they have no doctrine of life, but a doctrine of faith alone; when yet, life makes the man of the church, and those things come to be of his faith which are of his life.

[3] That such persons are separated from the knowledges from the Word, can be seen also from this, that they are not aware that they are to live as men after the death of the body; that they have a spirit that lives; that heaven is from the human race, and hell also; that they know nothing at all about heaven and heavenly joy; nothing about hell and infernal fire; thus nothing about the spiritual world; nothing about the internal or spiritual sense of the Word; nothing about the glorification of the Lord's Human; nothing about regeneration; nothing about temptation; about baptism, what it involves; about the Holy Supper, and what the flesh and blood, or the bread and wine in it signify; nothing about free will; nothing about the internal man; nothing about charity, about the neighbor, about good, about love; neither do they know what the remission of sins is; and many other things. Moreover, I have heard angels say that when they are permitted to look into the church, and to see those who believe themselves to be intelligent from doctrine, that they see nothing but mere thick darkness, and those so believing are seen as if deep down under waters.

[4] These are separated from the knowledges from the Word for two reasons; first, because they cannot be illustrated by the Lord, for the Lord flows into man's good, and from that illustrates him in truths, that is, He flows into man's love and therefrom into his faith; secondly, because they profane truths by falsifications, and those who do this are separated from truths themselves while they live in the world, that they may not know them, but in the other life they cast away from themselves all things they knew from the Word while in the world. Both these separations are meant by "being vomited out of the mouth." Like things are meant by "vomiting" and "vomit" elsewhere in the Word; as in the following passages. In Isaiah:

Jehovah hath mingled a spirit of perversities in the midst of Egypt; whence they have led Egypt astray in every work thereof, even as a drunkard goeth astray in his vomit (Arcana Coelestia 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 5700, 5702, 6015, 6651, 6679, 6683, 6692, 7296; also the knowledges [scientifica] of the church, n. 7296, 9340, 9391; that "drunkards" signify those who are insane in spiritual things, n. 1072.)

[5] In Jeremiah:

Drink ye, and be drunken, and vomit and fall, and rise not because of the sword (Jeremiah 25:27).

"To drink and be drunken" is to drink in falsities and mix them with truths, and thence to be insane; "to vomit and fall" is altogether to cast out things falsified; "the sword," because of which they shall not rise, signifies falsity destroying and laying waste truth (See Jeremiah 48:26).

"Moab" signifies those who adulterate the goods of the church, therefore "vomiting" is predicated of them.

[6] In Habakkuk:

Woe unto him that maketh his companion to drink even making him drunken, that thou mayest look upon their nakednesses. Thou shalt be satiated with disgrace instead of glory; drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered; the cup of Jehovah shall go about unto thee, and disgraceful vomiting shall be on thy glory (Arcana Coelestia 1073, 5433, 9960). The "foreskin that shall be uncovered" signifies the defilement of good (See Arcana Coelestia 2056, 3412, 3413, 4462, 7225, 7245); "glory" signifies Divine truth, thus the Word (See Arcana Coelestia 4809, 5922, 8267, 8427, 9429); which shows what is meant by "disgraceful vomiting upon their glory."

[7] In Isaiah:

These err through wine, through strong drink they are gone astray; the priest and the prophet err through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they err among the seeing, they stumble in judgment; yea, even all tables are full of the vomit of filthiness; there is no place. Whom shall he teach knowledge? (Isaiah 28:7-9).

Here "wine" and "strong drink," by which they err, signify truths mixed with falsities; "priest" and "prophet" signify those who teach goods and truths, and in an abstract sense, the goods and truths of the church; "the seeing" among whom they err signify those who might be about to see truths; "to stumble in judgment" signifies insanity; "tables" signify all things that should nourish spiritual life, for tables mean the food that is on them, and "food" signifies all truths and goods, because these are what nourish spiritual life; therefore "tables full of the vomit of filthiness" signify the same things falsified and adulterated.

[8] In Moses:

Defile not yourselves with any of these things; for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you; whence the land is defiled; and the land hath vomited out her inhabitants; thus the land will not vomit you out, as it vomited out the nations that were before you (Leviticus 18:24-25, 28).

Adulteries of every kind are here treated of, by which in the spiritual sense all kinds of adulterations of good and falsifications of truth or profanations are meant; and as it is not possible for evils and goods, nor for the falsities of evil and the truths of good to exist together without being cast out, therefore it is said that "the land," that is, the church, "hath vomited them out." From this it can be seen what is signified by "vomiting out."

Apocalypsis Explicata 235 (original Latin 1759)

235. "Futurum te evomam ex ore meo." Quod significet separationem a cognitionibus ex Verbo, constat ex significatione "evomere", cum a Domino, quod sit separatio; non quod Dominus illos separet a Se, sed quod illi se separent a Domino. "Evomere" dicitur, quia agitur de "tepido", et tepidum in mundo causatur evomitionem; est etiam ex correspondentia, nam cibus quem sumit homo correspondet cognitionibus, ac inde in Verbo significat illas; quare separatio ab illis significat non admissionem; verum quia aliquid e Verbo admittunt, significat ejectionem seu evomitionem; (quod "cibus" ex correspondentia significet cognitiones et inde intelligentiam, videatur n. 3114, 4459, 4792, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 1

5655, 8562; ex causa qua cognitiones nutriunt internum hominem seu spiritum, sicut cibi nutriunt externum hominem seu corpus, n. 4459, 5293, 5576, 6277, 8418); et ex significatione "ex ore", cum de Domino, quod sit ex Verbo.

[2] Quod "ex ore", cum de Domino, significet Verbum, est quia Verbum est Divinum Verum, et hoc procedit a Domino; ac quod procedit ac influit apud hominem, dicitur "ex ore", tametsi non ex ore, sed sicut lux ex Sole; nam Dominus supra caelos ubi angeli apparet ut Sol, ac inde "lux" est Divinum Verum, a quo omnis intelligentia et sapientia est angelis et hominibus (videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 116-125, et 126-140). Inde constare potest quod "evomere ex ore meo", significet separare a Divino Vero, seu quod idem, a cognitionibus e Verbo. Quod illi qui "tepidi" sunt, hoc est, "non frigidi nec calidi", qui sunt qui vivunt ex doctrina de sola fide et de justificatione per illam (de qua re mox supra), separati sint a cognitionibus e Verbo, ipsi non sciunt; credunt enim quod in cognitionibus sint prae aliis, sed usque non sunt, immo vix in aliqua; quod non sint, est causa quia principia doctrinae et religionis eorum sunt falsa, et ex falsis principiis non sequuntur nisi quam falsa: quapropter cum legunt Verbum, detinent mentem in suis falsis; unde vel non vident vera, et si vident vel illa praetereunt vel falsificant: principia falsa sunt, quod salvatio sit per solam fidem, et quod per illam justificetur homo. Quod separati sint (a) cognitionibus e Verbo, et quod non videant ibi vera, ipsi scire possunt si volunt; quid enim frequentius a Domino dicitur, quam quod debeant facere verba Ipsius, mandata Ipsius, voluntatem Ipsius, et quod cuilibet retribuetur secundum facta? tum quod totum Verbum fundetur super binis mandatis, quae sunt amare Deum et amare proximum, et quod amare Deum sit facere praecepta Ipsius? ( 2

Joh. 14:21, 23, 24.) Quod facere debeant, ut salventur, hoc in utroque Testamento millies dictum est; tum quod audire et scire nihil sint nisi faciant: sed illi qui apud se confirmaverunt solam fidem et justificationem per illam, an videant illa? et si vident annon falsificent illa? Inde est quod illis nulla doctrina vitae sit, sed doctrina solius fidei; cum tamen vita facit hominem ecclesiae, ac illa fiunt fidei ejus quae sunt vitae ejus.

[3] Quod separati sint a cognitionibus e Verbo, etiam constare potest ex eo, quod non sciant quod vivant post mortem corporis sicut homines; quod illis spiritus sit qui vivit; quod Caelum sit ex Humano Genere et quoque Infernum; quod prorsus nihil sciant de Caelo, et de Gaudio caelesti; nihil de Inferno et de igne infernali; ita nihil de Mundo Spirituali; nihil de sensu Verbi interno seu spirituali; nihil de Glorificatione Humani Domini; nihil de Regeneratione; de Tentatione; de Baptismo, quid involvit; de Sancta Cena, quid ibi significat Caro et Sanguis, seu Panis et Vinum; nihil de Libero Arbitrio; nihil de Interno Homine; nihil de Charitate, de Proximo, de Bono, de Amore; nec sciunt quid Remissio Peccatorum; praeter plura alia. Audivi etiam angelos dicentes quod quando datur illis spectare in ecclesiam, et videre illos qui credunt se ex doctrina intelligentes esse, 3

videant meram caliginem, et illos quasi alte sub undis.

[4] Separantur a cognitionibus e Verbo ex binis causis: prima est, quod non illustrari possint a Domino, influit enim Dominus in bonum hominis, et ex illo illustrat illum in veris, hoc est, influit in amorem hominis et inde in fidem; altera causa est, quia profanant vera per falsificationes, et qui ita faciunt illi separantur ab ipsis veris, dum in mundo vivunt, ut non sciant illa, in altera autem vita rejiciunt a se omnia quae in mundo sciverunt ex Verbo: haec et illa separatio intelligitur per "evomi ex ore." Similia intelliguntur per "evomere" et per "vomitum" alibi in Verbo; ut in sequentibus his locis:

- Apud Esaiam,

"Jehovah commiscuit in medio Aegypti spiritum perversitatum; unde seduxerunt Aegyptum in Omni opere ejus, quemadmodum seducitur ebrius in vomitu suo" (19:14);

per "Aegyptum" significatur scientia rerum tam spiritualium quam naturalium; per "commiscere in medio ejus spiritum perversitatum", significatur pervertere et falsificare illa; per "ebrium" significantur illi qui insaniunt in spiritualibus; et quia vera commixta falsis ejiciuntur, ideo dicitur, "quemadmodum ebrius seducitur in vomitu suo."

(Quod "Aegyptus" significet scientiam, videatur n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 5700, 5702, 6015, 6651, 6679, 6683, 6692, 7296; et quoque scientifica ecclesiae, n. 7296, 9340, 9391; quod "ebrii" significent illos qui in spiritualibus insaniunt, n. 1072.)

[5] Apud Jeremiam,

"Bibite et inebriamini, et evomite et cadite, nec resurgite propter gladium" (25:27);

"bibere et inebriari" est haurire falsa et commiscere illa veris, et inde insanire; "evomere et cadere" est prorsus ejicere falsificata; "gladius" propter quem non resurgent, significat falsum destruens et vastans verum (videatur n. 2799, 4499, 7102); inde patet quid sit "evomere et cadere." Apud eundem,

"Inebriate Moabum, quia contra Jehovam se extulit, ut complodat in vomitu suo" (48:26);

"Moabus" significat illos qui adulterant bona ecclesiae, quare praedicatur de illis "vomitus."

[6] Apud Habakuk,

"Vae facienti socium bibere.... etiam inebriando, ut introspicias nuditates eorum; satiaberis ignominia prae gloria; bibe etiam tu ut praeputium tuum reveletur: circumibit ad te calix... Jehovae, ut vomitus ignominiosus super gloria" (2:15, 16);

"bibere inebriando" etiam significat haurire vera et commiscere illa falsis; "nuditates" quas introspiciunt, significant deprivationem veri et inde intelligentiae (n. 1073, 5433, 9960); "praeputium quod revelabitur", significat conspurcationem boni (n. 2056, 3412, 3413, 4462, 7225, 7245); "gloria" significat Divinum Verum, ita Verbum (n. 4809, 4

5922, 8267, 8427, 9429); inde patet quid "vomitus ignominiosus super gloria."

[7] Apud Esaiam,

"Hi per vinum errant, per siceram aberrant, sacerdos et propheta errant per siceram, absorbentur a vino;... errant inter videntes, titubant judicio; quin immo omnes mensae plenae sunt vomitu egestionis, non locus: quemnam docebit scientiam?" (28:7, 8 [, 9] ;)

"vinum et sicera" per quae errant, significant vera mixta falsis; "sacerdos et propheta", significant illos qui docent bona et vera, et in sensu abstracto bona et vera ecclesiae; "Videntes" inter quos errant, significant illos qui visuri essent vera; "titubare judicio", significat insanitionem; "mensae" significant omnia quae nutrirent spiritualem vitam, per "mensas" enim intelliguntur cibi qui super iis, et "cibi" significant omnia vera et bona, quia illa sunt quae nutriunt vitam spiritualem; hic itaque per "mensas plenas vomitu egestionis", significantur eadem falsificata et adulterata.

[8] Apud Mosen,

"Ne polluite vos omnibus his, quia omnibus his pollutae sunt gentes quas Ego ejicio coram vobis; unde polluta est terra, ... et evomuit terra habitatores suos; ita non evomet terra vos, ... quemadmodum evomuit gentes quae ante vos" (Leviticus 18:24, 25, 28);

agitur ibi de omnis generis adulteriis, per quae in sensu spirituali intelliguntur omnia genera adulterationum boni et falsificationum veri, seu profanationes; et quia mala et bona, tum falsa mali et vera boni, non possunt simul esse, quin ejiciantur, ideo dicitur quod "terra", hoc est, ecclesia, "evomuerit" eos. Ex his nunc constare potest quid significat "evomere."


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