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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 97

97. He that walketh in the midst of the seven golden lampstands. That this signifies from whom is life to all in the New Heaven and the New Church, is evident from the signification of walking, as being to live; and when said of the Lord, as being life itself (concerning which more will be said in what follows); and from the signification of seven golden lampstands, as being all in the New Heaven and in the New Church (concerning which see above, n. 62). Hence it is clear that the reason why the Lord was seen in the midst of the lampstands, was, that the midst signifies the inmost; the lampstands signify heaven and the church, and walking signifies life, and to be in the midst, when said of the Lord, signifies to be in all things that are round about; therefore it was hereby represented that all the life of faith and of love in heaven and in the church is from Him (as may be seen above, n. 84. That the midst denotes the inmost and the centre from which is all influx, see Arcana Coelestia 1074, 2940, 2973, 7777. That the Lord is the common centre from whom is all direction and determination in heaven, see the work, Heaven and Hell 123, 124. That the propagation of the light of heaven, which is Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, from which the angels have intelligence and wisdom, takes place also from the midst into those who are round about, may be seen in the same, n. 43, 50, 189). That to walk signifies to live, and, when said of the Lord, life itself, is from appearances in the spiritual world, where all walk according to their life, the evil in those ways that lead to hell, but the good in those ways only that lead to heaven; therefore all spirits are known there from the ways wherein they walk. Ways are really seen, but by the evil only the ways that lead to hell, and by the good only the ways that lead to heaven; by this means every one is brought to his own society; it is from this circumstance that to walk signifies to live. (Concerning these ways, and concerning walking therein in the spiritual world, see what is said in the work, Heaven and Hell 195, 479, 534, 590; and in the small work, The Last Judgment 48.)

[2] That in the Word ways signify truths or falsities, and that to walk signifies to live, is evident from several passages therein: a few only shall here be adduced by way of confirmation. Thus in Isaiah:

We have sinned against Jehovah "nor would they walk in his ways, neither have they heard his law" (82, 84).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 97

97. He that walketh in the midst of the seven golden lampstands, signifies from whom is life to all in the new heaven and in the new church. This is evident from the signification of "walking" as being to live, and in reference to the Lord, Life itself (of which more will be said in what follows); and from the signification of "seven golden lampstands," as being all in the new heaven and in the new church (See above, n. Isaiah 42:24).

In Moses:

If ye shall keep the commandments, by loving Jehovah your God, by walking in all His ways (Deuteronomy 11:22).

In the same:

Thou shalt keep all this commandment to do it, by loving Jehovah thy God, and walking in His ways all the days (Deuteronomy 19:9; 26:17).

In the same:

I will set My tabernacle in the midst of them, 1and I will walk in the midst of you, and I will be to you for a God (Leviticus 26:11, 12).

In the same:

Jehovah thy God walketh in the midst of your 2camp, and therefore shall your 2camp be holy (82, 84).


1. The Hebrew has "you."

2. In both instances of "your," the Hebrew has "thy," as also found in Arcana Coelestia 10039.

Apocalypsis Explicata 97 (original Latin 1759)

97. "Ambulans in medio septem candelabrorum aureorum." - Quod significet a quo vita omnibus in novo caelo, et in nova ecclesia, constat ex significatione "ambulare", quod sit vivere, et cum de Domino, quod sit ipsa Vita (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "septem candelabrorum aureorum", quod sint omnes in novo caelo et in nova ecclesia (de qua supra, n. 62). Inde patet, quod Dominus visus sit " (ambulans) in medio candelabrorum", fuerit quia "medium" significat intimum, "candelabra" caelum et ecclesiam, et "ambulare" vitam; et "in medio" esse, cum de Domino, significat in omnibus circum circa esse: quare per id repraesentabatur quod omnis vita fidei et amoris in caelo et in ecclesia sit ab Ipso (videatur supra, n. 84).

(Quod "medium" sit intimum et centrum a quo, in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 1074, 2940, 2973, 7777. Quod Dominus sit Centrum commune, a quo omnis directio et determinatio in caelo, in opere De Caelo et Inferno 123, 124. Quod propagatio lucis caeli, quae est Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, ex quo intelligentia et sapientia angelis, fiat quoque a medio in illos qui circum circa sunt, ibidem n. 43, 50, 189.)

Quod "ambulare" significat vivere, et cum de Domino, ipsam Vitam, est ex apparentiis in mundo spirituali: ibi omnes ambulant secundum suam vitam, mali non aliis viis quam quae ducunt ad infernum, boni autem non aliis viis quam quae ducunt ad caelum; quare cognoscuntur ibi omnes spiritus ex viis quas ambulant. Apparent etiam actualiter viae, at malis non nisi quam viae ad infernum, ac bonis non nisi quam viae ad caelum; inde est quod quisque ad suam societatem feratur. Ex hoc est quod "ambulare" significet vivere.

(De his viis at de ambulationibus super iis in mundo spirituali videantur quae in opere De Caelo et Inferno 195, 479, 534, 590, et in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 48, ostensa sunt.)

Quod in Verbo "viae" significent vera aut falsa, et quod "ambulare" significet vivere, constare potest a pluribus locis ibi; hic modo aliqua confirmationis causa velim adducere:

- Apud Esaiam,

Jehovae peccavimus, "nec voluerunt in viis Ipsius ambulare, neque audiverunt legem Ipsius" (42:24);

apud Mosen,

"Si custodiveritis praecepta... amando Jehovam Deum Vestrum, ambulando in omnibus viis Ipsius" (Deuteronomius 11:22);

apud eundem,

"Custodies omne praeceptum hoc ad faciendum illud amando Jehovam Deum tuum, et ambulando in viis Ipsius omnibus diebus" (Deuteronomius 19:9; 26:17);

apud eundem,

"Dabo habitaculum meum in medio 1

vestri et ambulabo in medio vestri, et ero vobis in Deum" (Leviticus 26:11, 12);

apud eundem,

"Jehovah Deus tuus ambulans in medio castrorum 2

tuorum, et ideo castra 3

tua sancta erunt" (Deuteronomius 23:15 [B.A. 14);

apud Esaiam,

"Jehovah recordare quod ambulaverim coram Te in Veritate" (38:3);

apud eundem,

"Intrans pacem, ... ambulans in rectitudine" (57:2);

apud Malachiam,

"In pace et in rectitudine ambulavit Mecum" (2:6);

apud Davidem,

"Liberasti.... pedes meos ab impulsione, ad ambulandum coram Deo in luce viventium" (Psalms 56:14 [B.A. 13]);

apud Johannem,

"Jesus dixit, Ego sum Lux mundi; qui sequitur Me non ambulabit in tenebris, sed habebit lucem vitae" (8:12);

apud eundem,

"Adhuc parum lux vobiscum est; ambulate dum lucem habetis, ne tenebrae vos comprehendant; et ambulans in tenebris nescit quo vadit; dum lucem habetis, credite in lucem" (12:35, 36);

apud Marcum,

"Interrogant Pharisaei et scribae, Quare discipuli non ambulant secundum traditionem seniorum?" (7:5);

apud Mosen,

"Si ambulatis Mecum in adversum, nec obediveritis voci meae ambulabo etiam Ego vobiscum in adversum" (Leviticus 26:21, 23, 24, 272);

apud Micham,

"Omnes populi ambulant in nomine Dei sui, et nos ambulabimus in nomine Jehovae Dei nostri" (4:5);

apud Esaiam,

" 4

Quis inter vos timens Jehovae?... qui ambulat in tenebris, non splendor illi" (50:10);

praeter alibi pluries (Ut Jeremias 26:4; Ezechiel 5:6; 20:13, 16; 5

Micham 4:5; Sacharia 10:12; Luca 1:6). Ex his constare potest quod per "ambulare" in spirituali sensu significetur vivere; et quia significat vivere, ideo, cum de Domino, ut hic, significatur ipsa Vita; est enim Dominus ipsa Vita, et reliqui recipientes vitae ab Ipso (videatur supra, n. 82, 84).


1. The editors made a correction or note here.
2. The editors made a correction or note here.
3. The editors made a correction or note here.
4. The editors made a correction or note here.
5. The editors made a correction or note here.

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