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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 335

335. (322), namely, that in this order they acknowledged and glorified the Lord; first the angels of the higher heavens, afterwards the angels of the lower heavens, and lastly those who are below the heavens; for by the four animals and the four-and-twenty elders who first glorified, are signified the angels of the higher heavens (see above, n. 322). But by those now mentioned, who were round about the throne and round about the animals and the elders, are meant the angels of the lower heavens; and by everything created that is in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth and in the sea (concerning which see just below, verse 13), are meant those who are below the heavens. That the angels of the lower heavens are meant here, is also clear from this fact, that they are said to be round about the throne, the animals, and the elders, and by round about in the Word is meant what is in the more remote borders, thus what is distant; but where heaven is treated of, what is distant in degree of intelligence and wisdom is meant, thus what is below; for the heavens are higher and lower, distinguished from each other according to the reception of Divine truth and good, thus according to degrees of intelligence and wisdom. (But concerning the degrees by which the heavens are distant from one another, and, consequently, the angels who are in them, see the work concerning Heaven and Hell 33, 34, 38, 39, 208, 209, 211, 425.) What is below according to these degrees, is what is signified by around; the same is also signified elsewhere in the Word by around, circuit, from afar, distant, extremities, and the like.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 335

335. Verse 11. And I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne, and the animals, and the elders, signifies the acknowledgment and consequent glorification of the Lord by the angels of the lower heavens. This is evident from what has been said above (n. 322), namely, that they acknowledged and glorified the Lord in this order; first the angels of the higher heavens, then the angels of the lower heavens, and lastly those who are below the heavens; for "the four animals" and "the four and twenty elders" who first glorified signify the angels of the higher heavens (See above, n. 322), but these now mentioned, who were "round about the throne" and "round about the animals and the elders," mean the angels of the lower heavens; and by "every creature that is in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth and in the sea" (of which see just below, verse 13) those who are below the heavens are meant. That the angels of the lower heavens are here meant is clear also from this, that they are said to be "round about the throne, the animals, and the elders," and "round about" means in the Word what is in the remote borders, thus what is distant; but where heaven is treated of, it means what is distant in degree of intelligence and wisdom, thus what is below. For the heavens are higher and lower, differing from each other according to the reception of Divine truth and good, thus according to degrees of intelligence and wisdom. (But respecting the degrees according to which the heavens, and consequently the angels who are in them, are distant from each other, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 33, 34, 38, 39, 208, 209, 211, 425.) What is below in accordance with these degrees is what is signified by "round about;" in like manner also, elsewhere in the Word, "round about," "circuit," "afar," "distant," "uttermost parts," and the like, have a like signification.

Apocalypsis Explicata 335 (original Latin 1759)

335. [Vers. 11.] "Et [vidi et] audivi vocem angelorum multorum circum thronum, Animalia et seniores." - Quod significet agnitionem et inde glorificationem Domini ab angelis inferiorum caelorum, constare potest ex illis quae supra (n. 322) dicta sunt, quod nempe hoc ordine agnoverint et glorificaverint Dominum, primum angeli superiorum caelorum, dein angeli inferiorum caelorum, et demum illi qui infra caelos; per "quatuor Animalia" enim et "viginti quatuor seniores", qui primum glorificarunt, significantur angeli superiorum caelorum (videatur supra, n. 322); per hos autem nunc, qui "circum thronum" et "circum Animalia et seniores", intelliguntur angeli inferiorum caelorum; et per "omne creatum quod est in caelo et in terra, et sub terra et in mari" (de quibus mox infra, vers. 13), intelliguntur qui infra caelos. Quod sint angeli inferiorum caelorum qui hic intelliguntur, etiam patet ex eo, quod dicantur "circum thronum, Animalia et seniores", et per "circum" in Verbo intelligitur quod in ulterioribus terminis, ita quod distat; sed ubi agitur de caelo, intelligitur quod distat gradu intelligentiae et sapientiae, ita quod infra est. Caeli enim sunt superiores et inferiores, distincti inter se secundum receptionem Divini Veri et Boni, ita secundum gradus intelligentiae et sapientiae; (sed gradibus, quibus inter se distant caeli, proinde angeli qui in illis, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 33, 34, 38, 39, 208, 209, 211, 425); infra secundum hos gradus est quod significatur per "circum"; simile etiam alibi in Verbo significatur per "circum", "circuitus", "e longinquo", "distans", "extremitates", et similia.

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