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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 436

436. From these things it is now evident what the three tribes, Judah, Reuben, and Gad, first named, signify individually, and also collectively. For the names of persons and places in the Word signify things; not only each of them some one thing in particular, but also collectively, something in a series. In a series these three names, Judah, Reuben, and Gad, signify that all those who are in love to the Lord, and from that in truths, and by means of these in the good of life, are in the inmost or third heaven. For in them the three degrees of life are opened; the inmost degree is where love to the Lord resides, the middle degree where truths from that good reside, and the ultimate degree where the good of life resides. Every man has three degrees of life. The inmost degree is open in those who are in the third heaven, this being opened immediately from the Lord in those who are in love to Him; for by means of love there is conjunction, and thence reception; they are therefore in all truths, and these they see in themselves, and by means of them they are in the good of life. That there are three degrees of life with every angel, may be seen in Heaven and Hell 33, 34); and that the third degree is opened in those who are in the third heaven (n. 208, 209). The nature and quality of the angels of the third heaven may be seen in n. 24, 25, 26, 267, 270, 271.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 436

436. From this it can now be seen what the three tribes first named, "Judah, Reuben, and Gad," signify in particular, as also what the three signify in the complex; for the names of persons and places in the Word signify things, not only each by itself signifying its own thing, but in the complex they signify the thing in series. The thing in series that is signified by these three names, "Judah, Reuben, and Gad," is that all who are in love to the Lord, and from that in truths, and through truths in the good of life, are in the inmost or third heaven; for such have the three degrees of life opened; the inmost degree is where love to the Lord has its seat, the middle degree is where truths from that good have their seat, and the ultimate degree is where the good of life has its seat. In every man there are three degrees of life; in those who are in the third heaven the inmost degree is open, for this is opened immediately from the Lord with those who are in love to Him, for through love there is conjunction and thus reception; because of this they are in all truths, which they see in themselves, and by means of these they are in the good of life. (That there are three degrees of life in every angel may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 33, 34; that the third degree is opened with those who are in the third heaven, n. 208, 209; what the quality of the angels of the third heaven is, n. 24-26, 267, 270, 271.)

Apocalypsis Explicata 436 (original Latin 1759)

436. Ex his nunc constare potest quid per tres tribus primum nominatas", Jehudam", "Reubenem" et "Gadem", significatur in specie, tum quid per tres illas in complexu; nomina enim personarum et locorum in Verbo significant res, non modo unumquodvis singillatim suam rem, sed etiam in complexu rem in serie. Res in serie quam significant tria haec nomina, "Jehudah", "Reuben", et "Gad", est quod in intimo seu tertio caelo sint omnes qui in amore in Dominum sunt, et ex illo in veris, et per haec in bono vitae: sunt enim illis tres gradus vitae aperti; intimus est ubi residet amor in Dominum, medius ubi vera ex illo bono, et ultimus ubi bonum vitae. Sunt apud unumquemvis hominem tres gradus vitae: intimus gradus est apertus apud illos qui in tertio caelo sunt; aperitur enim immediate a Domino apud illos qui in amore in Ipsum sunt, nam est per amorem conjunctio et inde receptio; ex eo est quod sint in omnibus veris, quae vident in se, et per haec sunt in bono vitae. (Quod tres gradus vitae sint apud unumquemvis angelum, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 33, 34: et quod tertius gradus apertus sit apud illos qui in tertio caelo sunt, n. 208, 209; quales sunt angeli tertii caeli, n. 24-26, 267, 270, 271.)

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