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《宇宙星球》 第118节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  118、神变成人就这样变得显而易见。这是圣言存在的最首要和最重要的目的。因为没有人能信神并爱祂,除非他能以某种形式理解祂。因此,那些承认一位不可见,因而无法理解的神之人在思维上会滑入自然界,视自然为神,进而根本不信神。所以,主乐意出生在这个星球,并通过圣言显明这一事实,以便它不仅在这个星球为人所知,而且还由此显明给来自其它星球的灵人和天使,同样显明给来自我们地球的外邦人或异教徒。在来世,外邦人或异教徒被天使教导,那些照自己的宗教信仰过着良善生活的人会接受信之真理,并承认主(AC 2049, 2595, 2598, 2600-1, 2603, 2861 [原文2661], 2863, 3263)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 118

118. In this way it could become clear that God had become a human. This is the first and foremost purpose of the Word, since no one can believe in a God and love a God who is incomprehensible because he has no specific manifestation. This is why people who worship God as an invisible and therefore incomprehensible entity lapse into thinking of nature as God and consequently believe in no God at all. For this reason it pleased the Lord to be born here and to make this fact clear by means of the Word-so that it might not only be known on this globe but could also become clear as a result even to spirits and angels who have come from other planets, as well as to non-Christians who have come from our own. 1


1. [Swedenborg note] In the other life, non-Christians are taught by angels; the non-Christians who have led good lives according to their religion are receptive to the truths of [Christian] faith and acknowledge the Lord: 2049, 2598, 2600, 2601, 2603, 2861, 2863, 3263.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 118

118. This enabled it to be made plain that God became man. This is the first and most essential purpose of the Word's existence. For no one can believe in God and love Him, unless he can grasp Him in some form. Consequently those who acknowledge an invisible and therefore incomprehensible deity slip into thinking of nature as god, and so come to believe in no god at all. The Lord was therefore pleased to be born here, and to make that known by means of the Word, so that it should be known, not only on this globe, but by this means it should be made plain to spirits and angels from other worlds too, as well as to the heathen from our world. 1


1. In the next life the heathen are taught by angels, and those who have lived good lives in accordance with their own religion accept the truths of faith and acknowledge the Lord (Arcana Caelestia 2049, 2595, 2598, 2600-2601, 2603, 2861 [2661 in original], Arcana Caelestia 2863, 3263).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 118

118. That thus it might be made manifest that God became Man; for this is the first and most essential, for the sake of which the Word was revealed. For no one can believe in God, and love God, whom he cannot comprehend under some appearance; wherefore they who acknowledge what is invisible and thus incomprehensible, in thought sink into nature, and thus believe in no God. Hence it pleased the Lord to be born on this earth, and to make this manifest by the Word, that it might not only be known on this globe, but also might be made manifest thereby to spirits and angels even from other earths, and likewise to the Gentiles from our own earth. 1


1. The Gentiles in the other life are instructed by angels, and they who have lived well according to their religious principles, receive the truths of faith, and acknowledge the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 2049, 2595, 2598, 2600, 2601, 2603, 2661, 2863, 3263).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 118 (original Latin)

118. Quod sic manifestari potuerit, quod Deus Homo factus sit; hoc enim primum et essentialissimum est propter quod Verbum; nam nemo potest credere in Deum, et amare Deum, quem non sub aliqua specie comprehendere potest, quapropter qui invisibile et sic incomprehensibile agnoscunt, labuntur cogitatione in naturam, et sic in nullum Deum credunt: quapropter placuit Domino hic nasci, et hoc manifestum facere per Verbum, ut non modo id notum fieret in hoc orbe, sed etiam ut per id manifestum fieret Spiritibus et Angelis etiam ex aliis Telluribus, et quoque gentibus ex nostra. 1


1. Quod Gentes in altera vita instruantur ab Angelis, et quod illi, qui secundum religiosum suum bene vixerunt, recipiant vera fidei, et agnoscant Dominum, Arcana Coelestia 2049, 2595, 2598, 2600, 2601, 2603, 2661, 2863, 3263.

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