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《天堂与地狱》 第469节





469. 与世人一样, 灵人和天使也有一种记忆; 凡他们所听, 所看, 所思, 所愿, 所行的, 都与他们同在; 他们的理性官能由此不断发展, 直到永远. 因此, 与世人一样, 灵人和天使也通过真理和良善的知识在聪明和智慧上得以完善. 灵人和天使拥有一种记忆, 这一事实也通过大量经历向我显明. 我看见当他们与其他灵人在一起时, 其所思所行的一切, 无论公开的还是私下的, 都从他们的记忆中被召唤出来. 我还看见那些出于简单的良善专注于某个真理的人充满知识, 由此充满聪明, 后来被提入天堂. 不过, 要知道, 他们充满知识, 并由此充满聪明, 不会超出他们在世时所获得的对良善与真理的情感所在的那个层级. 事实上, 每个灵人和天使都保有他在世时所拥有情感的总量和种类; 然后, 这情感通过被填充而得以完善, 这也会持续到永远. 事实上, 一切事物都能被填充到永远, 因为一切事物都能具有无限的多样性, 能通过各种事物变得丰富, 因而能繁殖, 结实. 对任何事物来说, 良善都是没有限度的, 因为它来自无限, 或说它的源头是无限. 灵人和天使通过真理和良善的知识而在聪明和智慧上不断得以完善, 这一事实从关于天堂天使的智慧(天国的奥秘 265-275节), 天堂里的非基督徒或教会之外的人(天国的奥秘 318-328节), 天堂里的小孩子(天国的奥秘 329-345节)等章节可以看出来. 这一切只发生在他们在世时所拥有的对良善与真理的情感所在的那个层级, 不会超出它(349节).



469. 靈和天人和人一樣也有記憶, 凡其所見, 所聞, 所思, 所願, 所行, 皆存記下來, 藉此培養理性, 直到永遠。靈和天人也因此能啟像人那樣借著認識善與理而在聰明和智慧上日臻完善。

對於靈和天人也有記憶, 這也是我通過大量經歷所得知的事實。當著其它靈的面, 我見過從他們的記憶中提出他們在人前和私底下所思所行的一切。我也見過一些簡單行善而明少許理之人滿有洞悉力, 進而有聰明, 然後被提升入天國之中。

需要瞭解的是, 他們獲得的洞見和聰明, 並不能超越其在世之時對善與理達到的熱愛程度。事實上, 每個靈或天人將保持其在世之時所懷情感的度量和品性, 然後隨著被豐滿而日趨完善, 這個過程將持續到永遠。萬物皆可永遠不斷被豐富, 因為萬物皆有無限的多樣性, 因而可通過各種不同的事物得以豐富, 結果不斷增加繁殖。在那裡, 善的發展不被限制, 因為它來自於無限。

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Heaven and Hell #469 (NCE, 2000)

469. Spirits and angels have memory just as we do. What they hear and see and think and intend and do stays with them; and through their memory they are constantly developing their rational ability forever. This is why spirits and angels are being perfected in intelligence and wisdom through experiences of what is true and good just the way we are.

I have been shown that spirits and angels have memory by a great deal of experience as well. I have seen everything they had thought and done called up from their memory both in public and in private, when they were with other spirits. I have also seen people who had been focused on some truth from simple virtue become steeped in insights and in a consequent intelligence and then taken up into heaven.

It should be realized, though, that they are not steeped in insights and a consequent intelligence beyond the level of the affection for what is good and true that engaged them in the world. In fact, each spirit and angel retains the amount and kind of affection she or he had in the world, and this is afterward perfected by being filled in. This too goes on forever, since everything is capable of infinite variation and enrichment by different means, so it can be multiplied and can bear fruit. There is no end to any instance of goodness, since its source is the Infinite.

The fact that spirits and angels are constantly being perfected in intelligence and wisdom by means of insights into what is true and good has been presented in the chapters on the wisdom of heaven's angels (265-275); on non-Christians or people outside the church in heaven (318-328); and on infants in heaven (329-345). This happens at the level of the affection for the good and the true that engaged them in the world, and not beyond it (349).


Heaven and Hell #469 (Harley, 1958)

469. Spirits and angels, equally with men, have a memory, whatever they hear, see, think, will and do, remaining with them, and thereby their rational is continually cultivated even to eternity. Thus spirits and angels, equally with men, are perfected in intelligence and wisdom by cognitions of truth and good. That spirits and angels have a memory it has been given me to know by much experience. For I have seen everything that they have thought and done, both in public and in private, called forth from their memories when they were with other spirits; and I have seen those who were in some truth from simple good imbued with cognitions, and thereby with intelligence, and afterwards raised up into heaven. But it ought to be known that such are not imbued with cognitions and thereby with intelligence beyond the degree of affection for good and for truth to which they have attained while in the world; for such and so much of affection as any spirit or angel had in the world remains with him; and this affection is afterwards perfected by being filled out, which goes on to eternity. For everything is capable of being filled out to eternity, since everything is capable of infinite variation, thus of enrichment by various things, and consequently of multiplication and fructification. To anything good there is no limit because it is from the Infinite. That spirits and angels are being perfected unceasingly in intelligence and wisdom by means of cognitions of truth and good may be seen above, in the sections on the wisdom of the angels of heaven (265-275); on the heathen or people outside the Church in heaven (318-328); and on little children in heaven (329-345); and that this is done to that degree of affection for good and for truth in which they had been in the world, and not beyond it (349).


Heaven and Hell #469 (Ager, 1900)

469. Spirits and angels, equally with men, have a memory, whatever they hear, see, think, will and do, remaining with them, and thereby their rational faculty is continually cultivated even to eternity. Thus spirits and angels, equally with men, are perfected in intelligence and wisdom by means of knowledges of truth and good. That spirits and angels have a memory I have been permitted to learn by much experience, having seen everything that they have thought and done, both in public and in private, called forth from their memories when they were with other spirits; and I have seen those that were in some truth from simple good imbued with knowledges, and thereby with intelligence, and afterwards raised up into heaven. But it must be understood that such are not imbued with knowledges and thereby with intelligence beyond the degree of affection for good and for truth that they have attained to while in the world; for such and so much of affection as any spirit or angel had in the world remains with him; and this affection is afterwards perfected by being filled out, which goes on to eternity. For everything is capable of being filled out to eternity, since everything is capable of infinite variation, thus of enrichment by various things, and consequently of multiplication and fructification. To any thing good there is no limit because it is from the Infinite. That spirits and angels are being perfected unceasingly in intelligence and wisdom by means of knowledges of truth and good may be seen above, in the chapters on the wisdom of the angels of heaven (265-275); on the heathen or people outside the church in heaven (318-328); and on little children in heaven (329-345); and that this is done to that degree of affection for good and for truth in which they had been in the world, and not beyond it, may be seen in 349.


De Coelo et de Inferno #469 (original Latin)

469. Spiritus et angeli aeque memoriam habent sicut homines; permanet enim apud illos quicquid audiunt, vident, cogitant, volunt, et faciunt, et quoque per id excolitur continue rationale eorum, et hoc in aeternum: inde est quod spiritus et angeli perficiantur intelligentia et sapientia per cognitiones veri et boni aeque ac homines. Quod spiritibus et angelis memoria sit, etiam per plurem experientiam mihi scire datum est: vidi enim quod ex illorum memoria evocarentur omnia quae cogitaverunt et fecerunt, tam in propatulo quam in abscondito, cum fuerunt cum aliis spiritibus et quoque quod illi, qui in aliquo vero fuerunt ex simplici bono, imbuti sint cognitionibus, et per illas intelligentia, et dein in caelum evecti sint. Sed sciendum est quod non ultra imbuantur cognitionibus, et per illas intelligentia, quam ad gradum affectionis boni et veri, in qua fuerunt in mundo, non autem ultra eum cuivis enim spiritui et angelo manet affectio, quanta et qualis ei fuerat in mundo, et haec postea perficitur per impletionem, quod etiam fit in aeternum nam nihil non impleri potest in aeternum, omnis enim res infinite variari potest, ita per varia locupletari, proinde multiplicari et fructificari; non finis est ulli rei bonae, quia est ab Infinito. Quod spiritus et angeli continue perficiantur intelligentia et sapientia per cognitiones veri et boni, videatur in articulis, ubi de Sapientia Angelorum Caeli (265-275); de Gentibus et Populis extra Ecclesiam in Caelo (318-328); deque Infantibus in Caelo (329-345), actum est, et hoc quod ad gradum affectionis boni et veri, in qua fuerunt in mundo, et non ultra illum (349).

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