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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第201节






201、关于主受的试探。主经历了超过所有人的最凶狠、最严酷的试探。但是圣言的字义仅有少量的描述,然而在其灵义中有深入的记述 (16631668178727762786279528149528)。主从祂的属天圣爱为全人类而战 (16901691181218131820)。主的爱是救赎人类之爱 (1820)。主依据祂自己的权柄征战 (169218139937)。主以自己的力量,通过并战胜试探,独自成就了公义和荣耀 (1813202520279715980910019)。经由试探,主将祂里面从受孕就有的神性与祂的人性统一,并赋予后者神性,就像祂使人通过试探达成属灵一样 (17251729173317373318338133824286)。主所受的试探最后伴随着绝望 (1787)。主通过允许试探进入自己,征服了地狱,使那里的一切同天堂里的一样变得有序,同时荣耀了祂的人性 (17374287931595289937)。主独自对抗全部的地狱 (8273)。祂允许来自那里的试探进入祂自己(28164295)。

因着神性,主不会被试探,因为地狱不能攻击神。因此,祂从母亲生而为人,这样才能被试探 (1414144415735041515771939315)。通过受试探和得胜,祂消除了一切从母亲而来的遗传,脱去了从母亲而来的人性,直到最终祂不再是她的儿子 (215925742649303610830)。耶和华自祂受孕时就和祂同在,在祂受试探时好像缺席 (1815)。这是祂蒙羞降卑之态 (1785199921596866)。祂最后的试探和得胜是在客西马尼园和十字架上,由此,祂彻底征服地狱并使祂的人性神性化 (2776280328132814106551065910828

在40个昼夜中不吃任何面饼、不喝任何水,表示所受试探的全部状态 (10686)。“40年”,“40月”或“40天”表示试探从始至终的一个完整状态。“40天”的大洪水;摩西在西奈山上停留的“40天”;以色列众子在旷野滞留的“40年”;主在旷野受试探的“40天”都表示这个状态 (730862227222738098)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 201

201. The Lord's spiritual crises. Beyond all others, the Lord suffered the fiercest, most severe spiritual crises; they are barely touched on in the literal sense of the Word but are described extensively in its inner meaning: 1663, 1668, 1787, 2776, 2786, 2795, 2816, 9528. The Lord fought out of his divine love for the whole human race: 1690, 1691, 1812, 1813, 1820. The Lord's love was a love for the salvation of the human race: 1820. The Lord fought from his own power: 1692, 1813, 9937. Through spiritual crises and victories from his own power, the Lord alone became righteousness and merit: 1813, 2025, 2026, 2027, 9715, 9809, 10178. Through crises of the spirit, the Lord united his divine nature, which was within him from conception, to his human nature, and made this latter divine, just as he makes us spiritual through our crises of the spirit: 1725, 1729, 1733, 1737, 3318, 3381, 3382, 4286. The Lord's spiritual crises included despair at the end: 1787. Through the spiritual crises he allowed himself to undergo, the Lord gained control over the hells and brought everything there and in the heavens into proper order; and at the same time he glorified his human nature: 1737, 4287, 9528, 9715, 9937. The Lord alone fought against all the hells: 8273. This is why he allowed himself to undergo spiritual crises: 2816, 4295.

The Lord's divine nature could not have undergone spiritual crises, because the hells cannot attack anything divine. That is why the Lord took on a human nature from his mother, a nature that can undergo spiritual crises: 1414, 1444, 1573, 5041, 5157, 7193, 9315. Through his spiritual crises and victories he drove out everything he had inherited from his mother and divested himself of the human nature he had received from her, even to the point that he was no longer her son: 2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, 10830. Jehovah, 1who was in him from conception, nevertheless seemed to be absent during his spiritual crises: 1815. This was his state of being humbled: 21785, 1999, 2159, 6866. His last spiritual crisis and final victory was in Gethsemane and on the cross, through which he completely overcame the hells and made his human nature divine: 2776, 2813, 2814, 10655, 10659, 10828.

Not eating bread and not drinking water for forty days [Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:9] means an entire state of spiritual crisis: 10686. Forty years, forty months, or forty days means a full state of spiritual crisis from beginning to end, and this state is meant by the forty-day duration of the Flood [Genesis 7:4, 17], by Moses' sojourn on Mount Sinai for forty days [Exodus 24:18; 34:28], by the Israelites' sojourn in the wilderness for forty years, 3and by the forty-day-long crisis the Lord experienced in the wilderness [Matthew 4:2; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2]: 730, 862, 2272, 2273, 8098.


1. Following a Christian practice of his times, Swedenborg used the name "Jehovah" as a rendering of the tetragrammaton, יָהוֶה, "YHVH" (or "YHWH"), the four-letter name of God in the Hebrew Scriptures. In earliest times, Hebrew was written only with consonants; a system for indicating vowels was not perfected until the eighth century of the Common Era, and even in many modern Hebrew texts, vowels are not marked. The current scholarly reconstruction of the original pronunciation of the name is "Yahweh": see Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, under "YHWH. " A strict understanding of the Second Commandment, "You are not to take the name of YHVH your God in vain" (Exodus 20:7), led pious Jews to avoid pronouncing the name aloud; instead the word y"nod]a ('ăḏōnāi, literally meaning "my lord") was read. To indicate this, vowels similar to those in Adonai were added to YHVH, creating the form Jehovah. Some modern English Bibles use the name "Jehovah," while others render the term as "LORD," so capitalized; "Lord," in capital and lowercase; "Yahweh"; "ADONAI"; or even "God. " [GFD, RS]

2. Swedenborg is here referring to the Christian theological concept denoted by the Latin word humiliatio, here translated "his state of being humbled. " The term denoted the sufferings of Jesus; or even his simply being born, living in the mortal world, and dying; or his denying himself the prerogatives of his own divinity while on earth. The term is often contrasted with Christ's exaltatio, his being raised up. See, for example,Philippians 2:5-11. [SS]

3. For statements about the Israelites' forty-year sojourn in the wilderness, see, for example, Numbers 14:33; Deuteronomy 2:7. [GFD]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 201

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 201

201. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 201

201. The Lord's Temptations. The Lord endured the most grievous and terrible temptations, which are but little treated of in the literal sense of the Word, but much in the internal sense, Arcana Coelestia 1663, 1668, 1787, 2776, 2786, 2795, 2814, 9528. The Lord fought from Divine Love towards the whole human race, Arcana Coelestia 1690, 1691, 1812, 1813, 1820. The Lord's love was the salvation of the human race, Arcana Coelestia 1820. The Lord combated from His own power, Arcana Coelestia 1692, 1813, 9937. The Lord alone became Justice and Merit, through temptations and victories from His own power, Arcana Coelestia 1813, 2025-2027, 9715, 9809, 10019. Through temptations the Lord united the Divine Itself which was in Him from conception, to His Human, and made this Divine; as He makes a man spiritual through temptations, Arcana Coelestia 1725, 1729, 1733, 1737, 3318, 3381, 3382, 4286. The temptations of the Lord in the end were attended with despair, Arcana Coelestia 1787. Through the temptations admitted against Himself, the Lord subjugated the hells, and reduced all things in them and in the heavens to order, and at the same time glorified His Human, Arcana Coelestia 1737, 4287, 9315, 9528, 9937. The Lord alone fought against all the hells, Arcana Coelestia 8273. He admitted temptations from hell against Himself, Arcana Coelestia 2816, 4295.

The Lord could not be tempted as to the Divine, because the hells cannot assault the Divine; wherefore He assumed from the mother such a Human as could be tempted, Arcana Coelestia 1414, 1444, 1573, 5041, 5157, 7193, 9315. Through temptations and victories He expelled everything hereditary from the mother, and put off the Human from her, until at length He was no longer her son, Arcana Coelestia 2159, 2574, 2640, 3036, 10830. Jehovah, who was in Him from conception, appeared to be absent in His temptations, Arcana Coelestia 1815. This was the state of His humiliation, Arcana Coelestia 1785, 1999, 2159, 6866. His last temptation and victory, by which He fully subjugated the hells, and made His Human Divine, was in Gethsemane and on the cross, Arcana Coelestia 2776, 2803, 2813, 2814, 10655, 10659, 10828.

Not to eat any bread and not drink any water for forty days, signifies an entire state of temptations, Arcana Coelestia 10686. Forty years, months, or days, signify a complete state of temptations from beginning to end; such a state is meant by the deluge lasting forty days; by Moses abiding upon Mount Sinai during forty days; by the sons of Israel sojourning in the desert, for forty years; and by the Lord's temptation in the desert for forty days; Arcana Coelestia 730, 862, 2272, 2273, 8098.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 201

201. Of the Lord's temptations.

The Lord beyond all others 1endured the most grievous and dreadful temptations, which are but little described in the sense of the letter of the Word, but much in the internal sense (n. 1663, 1668, 1787, 2776, 2786, 2795, 2814, 9528). The Lord fought from the Divine love towards the whole human race (n. 1690, 1691, 1812, 1813, 1820). The love of the Lord was the salvation of the human race (n. 1820). The Lord fought from His own power (n. 1692, 1813, 9937). The Lord alone was made justice and merit, by the temptations, and victories which He gained therein from His own power (n. 1813, 2025-2027, 9715, 9809, 10019). By temptations the Lord united the Divine itself, which was in Him from conception, to His Human, and made this Divine, as He makes man spiritual by temptations (n. 1725, 1729, 1733, 1737, 3318, 3381, 3382, 4286). The temptations of the Lord were attended with despair at the end (n. 1787). The Lord, by the temptations admitted into Himself, subjugated the hells, and reduced to order all things in them, and in heaven, and at the same time glorified His Human (n. 1737, 4287, 9315, 9528, 9937). The Lord alone fought against all the hells (n. 8273). He admitted temptations into Himself from thence (n. 2816, 4295).

The Lord could not be tempted as to the Divine, because the hells cannot assault the Divine, wherefore He assumed a human from the mother, such as could be tempted (n. 14 1414, 1444, 1573, 5041, 5157, 7193, 9315). By temptations and victories He expelled all the hereditary from the mother, and put off the human from her, until at length He was no longer her son (n. 2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, 10830). Jehovah, who was in Him from conception, appeared in His temptations as if absent (n. 1815). This was His state of humiliation (n. 1785, 1999, 2159, 6866). His last temptation and victory, by which He fully subjugated the hells, and made His Human Divine, was in Gethsemane and on the cross (n. 2776, 2803, 2813, 2814, 10655, 10659, 10828).

"To eat no bread and drink no water for forty days," signifies an entire state of temptations (n. 10686). "Forty years," "months," or "days," signify a plenary state of temptations from beginning to end; and such a state is meant by the duration of the flood, "forty days"; by Moses abiding "forty days" upon Mount Sinai; by the sojourning of the sons of Israel "forty years" in the desert; and by the Lord's temptation in the desert "forty days" (n. 730, 862, 2272, 2273, 8098).


1. The translator omits the phrase "beyond all others." But the Latin, "prae omnibus" requires it.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 201 (original Latin 1758)

201. De Tentationibus Domini.

Quod Dominus prae omnibus gravissimas et immanes tentationes sustinuerit, quae parum descriptae sunt in sensu litterae Verbi, sed multum in sensu interno (Arcana Coelestia 1663, 1668, 1787, 2776, 2786, 2795, 2814, 9528).

Quod Dominus ex Divino Amore erga totum genus humanum, pugnaverit (Arcana Coelestia 1690, 1691, 1812, 1813, 1820).

Quod Domini Amor fuerit salus generis humani (Arcana Coelestia 1820).

Quod Dominus ex propria potentia pugnaverit (Arcana Coelestia 1692, 1813, 9937).

Quod Dominus per tentationes et victorias ex propria potentia Justitia et Meritum factus sit solus (Arcana Coelestia 1813, 2025-2027, 9715, 9809, 10019).

Quod Dominus per tentationes univerit ipsum Divinum, quod fuit in Se ex conceptione, Humano suo, et hoc fecerit Divinum; sicut hominem per tentationes facit spiritualem (Arcana Coelestia 1725, 1729, 1733, 1737, 3318, 3381, 3382, 4286).

Quod Domini tentationes etiam in fine habuerint desperationem (Arcana Coelestia 1787).

Quod Dominus per tentationes in Se admissas subjugaverit inferna, ac redegerit ibi et in caelis omnia in ordinem, et simul Humanum suum glorificaverit (Arcana Coelestia 1737, 4287, 9397, [9315?], 9528, 9937 (9315).

Quod Dominus solus contra omnia inferna pugnaverit (Arcana Coelestia 8273).

Quod inde in Se admiserit tentationes (Arcana Coelestia 2816, 4295).

Quod Dominus non potuerit tentari quoad Divinum, quoniam inferna Divinum aggredi non possunt; quod ideo assumpserit humanum ex matre, tale quod tentari potuit (Arcana Coelestia 1414, 1444, 1573, 5041, 5157, 7193, 9315).

Quod per tentationes et victorias expulerit omne hereditarium ex matre, et exuerit humanum ex illa, usque tandem ut amplius non filius ejus esset (Arcana Coelestia 2159, 2574, 2649, 3036, 10829, [10830?],).

Quod Jehovah, qui in Ipso ex conceptione, in tentationibus apparuerit sicut absens (Arcana Coelestia 1815).

Quod id fuerit status humiliationis Ipsius (Arcana Coelestia 1785, 1999, 2159, 6866).

Quod ultima Ipsius tentatio et victoria fuerit in Gethsemane et in cruce, per quam plene subjugavit inferna, et Humanum suum Divinum fecit (Arcana Coelestia 2776, 2803, 2813, 2814, 10655, 10659, 10829 (10828)).

Quod "panem non edere et aquam non bibere quadraginta diebus" significet statum integrum tentationum (Arcana Coelestia 10686).

Quod "quadraginta anni," "menses" aut "dies" significent statum tentationum plenarium a principio ad finem; et quod ille status significetur per durationem diluvii "quadraginta diebus;" per commorationem Mosis super Monte Sinai "quadraginta diebus;" per commorationem filiorum Israelis in deserto "quadraginta annis;" et per tentationes Domini in deserto "quadraginta diebus" (Arcana Coelestia 730, 862, 2272, 2273, 8098).

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