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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第303节




303、主在尘世的人性就是神性真理。 主在尘世时,祂自身的神性良善使祂的人性彰显为神性真理 (28033194319532106716686470147499812787249199)。于是主所有的一切,均依照神性真理显为天堂的样式 (19283633)。从而天堂在主里面,主就显现如天堂 (911190019283624-363136343884404142794523-452560136057669092799632993110303)。主从其本身的神性真理说话 (8127)。因而在圣言中,主说话都使用对应 (253328132859289433933712)。所以主就是圣言,被称为圣言的,就是神性真理 (253328132859289433933712)。在圣言中,“人子”指神性真理,“父”指神性良善 (28033704749987249194)。因为主是神性真理,所以祂是神性智慧 (25002572)。唯有主的知觉和思想全然出自祂自己,超越所有天使的知觉和思想 (190419141919)。神性真理能被试探,但是神性良善不能(2814)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 303

303. When the Lord was in the world his human nature was divine truth. When he was in the world, the Lord made his human nature divine truth from the divine goodness that was in him: 2803, 3194, 3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199. The Lord then arranged everything within himself into the form of heaven in accord with divine truth: 1928, 3633. As a result, heaven was then in the Lord and the Lord was like heaven: 911, 1900, 1928, 3624-3631, 3634, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523, 4524, 4525, 6013, 6057, 6690, 9279, 9632, 9931, 10303. The Lord spoke from the divine truth itself: 8127. So in the Word, the Lord used correspondences when he spoke: 3131, 3472-3485, 8615, 10687. As a result, the Lord is the Word and is called the Word, which is divine truth: 2533, 2813, 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712. In the Word, "the Son of Humanity" means divine truth and "the Father" means divine goodness: 2803, 3704, 7499, 8724, 9194. Since the Lord was divine truth, he was also divine wisdom: 2500, 3382. Only the Lord's perception and thinking came entirely from himself, and they transcended all angelic perception and thinking: 1904, 1914, 1919. His divine truth was susceptible to spiritual assault; his divine goodness was not: 2824.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 303

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 303

303. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 303

303. While the Lord was in the world, His Human was the Divine Truth. While the Lord was in the world, from the Divine Good which was in Him, He made His Human the Divine Truth, Arcana Coelestia 2803, 3194, 3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199. The Lord then arranged all things in Himself into the heavenly form, which is according to the Divine Truth, Arcana Coelestia 1928, 3633. Heaven, consequently, was then in the Lord, and the Lord was as heaven, Arcana Coelestia 911, 1900, 1928, 3624-3631, 3634, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523-4525, 6013, 6057, 6690, 9279, 9632, 9931, 10303. The Lord spoke from the very Divine Truth, Arcana Coelestia 8127. Wherefore the Lord spoke in the Word by correspondences, Arcana Coelestia 3131, 3472-3485, 8615, 10687. For this reason the Lord is the Word, and is called the Word, which is the Divine Truth, Arcana Coelestia 2533, 2813, 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712. The Son of Man, in the Word, signifies the Divine Truth, and the Father the Divine Good, Arcana Coelestia 2803, 3704, 7499, 8724, 9194. Since the Lord was Divine Truth, He was Divine Wisdom, Arcana Coelestia 2500, 2572. The Lord alone had perception and thought from Himself, beyond all angelic perception and thought, Arcana Coelestia 1904, 1914, 1919. The Divine Truth could be tempted, but not the Divine Good, Arcana Coelestia 2814.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 303

303. The Lord's Human, when He was in the world, was Divine truth.

The Lord, when He was in the world, made His Human Divine truth from the Divine good which was in Him (n. 2803, 3194, 3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199). The Lord then arranged all things in Himself into a heavenly form, which is according to the Divine truth (n. 1928, 3633). Consequently, that heaven was then in the Lord, and the Lord was as heaven (n. 911, 1900, 1928, 3624-3631, 36 3634, 3884,4041, 4279, 4523-4525, 6013, 6057, 6690, 9279, 9632, 9931, 10303). The Lord spoke from the Divine truth itself (n. 8127). Therefore the Lord spoke in the Word by correspondences (n. 3131, 3472-3485, 8615, 10687). Hence the Lord is the Word, and is called the Word, which is the Divine truth (n. 2533, 2813, 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712). In the Word "the Son of man" signifies the Divine truth, and "the Father" the Divine good (n. 2803, 3704, 7499, 8724, 9194). Because the Lord was the Divine truth, He was the Divine wisdom (n. 2500, 2572). The Lord alone had perception and thought from Himself, above all angelic perception and thought (n. 1904, 1914, 1919). The Divine truth could be tempted, but not the Divine good (n. 2814).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 303 (original Latin 1758)

303. Quod Humanum Domini fuerit Divinum Verum, cum in mundo.

Quod Dominus Humanum suum fecerit Divinum Verum, ex Divino Bono quod in Ipso, cum fuit in mundo (Arcana Coelestia 2803, 3194, 3195, 3210, 6716, 6864, 7014, 7499, 8127, 8724, 9199).

Quod Dominus tunc disposuerit apud Se omnia in formam caelestem, quae est secundum Divinum Verum (Arcana Coelestia 1928, 3633).

Consequenter quod caelum tunc fuerit in Domino, ac Dominus ut caelum (Arcana Coelestia 911, 1900, 1982, [1928?], 3624-3631, 3634, 3884, 4041, 4279, 4523-4525, 6013, 6057, 6690, 9279, 9632, 9931, 10303).

Quod Dominus locutus sit ex ipso Divino Vero (Arcana Coelestia 8127).

Quod ideo Dominus in Verbo locutus sit per correspondentias (Arcana Coelestia 3131, 3472-3485, 8615, 10687).

Quod inde Dominus sit Verbum, et dicatur Verbum, quod est Divinum Verum (Arcana Coelestia 2533, 2818, [2813?], 2859, 2894, 3393, 3712).

Quod in Verbo "Filius hominis" significet Divinum Verum, ac "Pater" Divinum Bonum (Arcana Coelestia 2803, 3704, 7499, 8724, 9194).

Quia Dominus fuit Divinum Verum, quod fuerit Divina Sapientia (Arcana Coelestia 2500, 2527, [2572?],).

Quod perceptio et cogitatio Domino soli fuerit ex Se Ipso, et supra omnem perceptionem et cogitationem angelicam (Arcana Coelestia 1904, 1914, 1915, [1919?],).

Quod Verum Divinum potuerit tentari, non autem Divinum Bonum (Arcana Coelestia 2814).

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