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《灵界经历》 第2944节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2944

2944. To one who has faith in the Lord evil is not accounted,

nor is the good that person does ascribed to him or her

About these points I have spoken with spirits, and by a varied experience it has also been confirmed previously [1999, 2102], now again by one more, and demonstrated before my eyes that this is the case. For some were saying they wanted to reduce me to being nothing, so they received the reply that [one who has faith] confesses to being nothing. And so we spoke somewhat about this "being nothing," as often done previously [1912, 2043 ff., 2418, 2464-2467, 2470-2471], and it was shown by demonstration that when an evil is committed, such a person is then not in the evil along with them, being aroused by them to doing the evil, and indeed in such a way, as has sometimes happened, that they compelled me, as they have others, to speaking, feeling, and doing the evil for the purpose of laying the blame for their own evil on the person, which has often happened. So when spirits are able to compel someone to thinking, speaking or doing evilly, then they not only

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2944


I spoke concerning these things with spirits, and it was also confirmed by previous various experience, and now by [this] one, and demonstrated before the eyes that the matter is so. For certain said, that they wished to reduce me to be nothing. Wherefore it was replied to them, that they themselves acknowledge that there is a nothing: Wherefore I have spoken somewhat concerning this the being nothing, and often previously: and it was shown to demonstration, that when evil is done [by anyone] he is not then in evil along with them, because [he has been] excited by them to commit evil, yea to such extent, as sometimes occurred, that they have compelled me like [as also] others, to speak, feel, and do it for the purpose of criminating him, out of his own [art]. This often happened. Therefore, when spirits can compel anyone to think, say or do evil, then do they not only attribute evil to him.

Experientiae Spirituales 2944 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2944. Qui in fide in Dominum quod ei non imputatur malum, nec ei tribuitur bonum quod facit

De his cum spiritibus loquutus sum, et experientia quoque confirmatum, prius varia [1999, 2102], nunc quoque una, et demonstratum ante oculos, quod ita se res habeat: quidam enim dicebant, quod redigere me vellent, ut nihil essem, quare responsum iis quod [qui in fide] fateatur ipse quod nihil sit, quare de hoc "nihil esse" aliquid loquutum, et saepe prius [1912, 2043 seqq., 2418, 2464-2467, 2470-2471], et ex demonstrato ostensum, quod dum malum est, quod fit, tunc non est in malo cum iis, quia ab iis excitatur ad faciendum malum, et quidem ita, ut quandoque factum, quod adegerint me sicut alios ad id loquendum, sentiendum, agendumque propterea ut culpent eum ex suo, quod saepius factum, quare cum spiritus aliquem adigere possint ad male cogitandum,

(2945.) dicendum faciendumve, tunc non modo ei tribuunt malum, sed etiam propterea volunt castigare, punire, cruciare, quare cum veritas sit, quod videatur modo quod sit quia ita actus ab aliis, et in veritate est, tunc non imputatur ei, sed in veritate illa non potest esse, nisi sit in fide in Dominum, nam Dominus eum tenet in alia cogitatione et permittit spiritibus malis ita agere, tentationis causa, ut vertatur in ejus bonum--quare 1

qui non in Domino, hoc non possunt dicere, quia nullus liberans, semet liberare nequeunt--ita 2

non imputatur malum.


1. The Manuscript has bonum, quare

2. The Manuscript has nequeunt, ita

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