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《灵界经历》 第366节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

366.形成弥赛亚神国度里的心和肺的那些人是谁。前面(270, 279节)说过,天国是一个人的形像,因为它的每一个事物都对应于独一的人,即弥赛亚神。但至于心脏,可以说它是由那些拥有至深的品质,或说在其至内层的人形成的,或它对应于这些人;肺也是如此。因为这些天使的功能,如我们所称谓的(359节),都(与这些器官的)很相似,他们的思维也(与这些器官的)很相似。肺通过一种奇妙的回应而代表婚姻的结合。这种奇妙的回应在我里面由在整个夜间,同时处于清醒状态下的天使来代表。它类似某种东西如它所显现的那样在心脏流动,然后形成心脏;后来,在清醒的时候,如围绕肺流动时,我发现他们有他们自己的呼吸,我有我自己的呼吸,两者之间通过一种相互对应关系而有一种结合。(1747年12月19日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 366

366. Who they are that form the heart and lungs in the Kingdom of God the Messiah

It was said before [270, 279] that the Heavenly Kingdom is the image of one human being, because every least thing in it interacts with the Only Human, God the Messiah. But as for the heart, it is shaped, so to speak, by those who possess the deepest qualities, or it interacts with them; so also the Lungs. For the flowing, as we have called it [359], of those [angels] is similar, and their thinking is similar [to that of these organs].

A marriage union is displayed by the lungs, through a wonderful reciprocation which was portrayed in me by angels for the whole night, also in wakeful periods. It resembled something that seemed to be flowing, in the heart, then shaping the heart, and afterwards during wakefulness, [doing the same] in regard to the lungs; and it was observed throughout that they had their own breathing, and I my own, and that there was a union between the two breathings by a mutual interaction. 1747, the 19th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 366


It was before said [nos. 270,279 that the Heavenly Kingdom is the likeness of one man because its single things correspond to the Only Man, God Messiah. But in regard to the heart, this is as it were formed by or corresponds to those who are in its inmosts: so also the lungs, for their fluction, so called, is similar, and their thought is similar. The conjugial union is represented by the lungs by a wonderful reciprocation. This was represented in me during the whole night, and at the same time in wakeful states, by angels in the likeness of something flowing, as it appeared, in the heart, and thus forming the heart; and afterwards, during wakefulness, as flowing around the lungs, when it was observed that they had their breath, and I had mine, and there was a union between both by a mutual correspondence. 1747, Dec. 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 366 (original Latin 1748-1764)

366. Quinam cor et pulmones formant in Regno Dei Messiae

Prius dictum est [270, 279], quod Regnum Coeleste sit instar unius hominis, quia correspondent singula Soli Homini, Deo Messiae, quod autem cor attinet, hoc quasi formatur aut correspondet iis qui in intimis sunt, tum etiam Pulmones; eorum enim fluxio ita dicta similis est, et eorum cogitatio similis; unio conjugialis repraesentatur per pulmones, per reciprocationem mirabilem, hoc in me repraesentatum est per angelos tota nocte et simul in vigiliis ad similitudinem fluentis, ut apparet, in corde, et sic formantis 1

cor; et postea, ad vigiliam circa pulmones, dum observatum quod ii suam haberent spiratum 2

, et ego meam, et unio inter utramque per mutuam correspondentiam. 1747, die 19 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has formans

2. feminine dictum; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition spiritum substituit

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