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《天堂与地狱》 第95节


95、前文{注1}已指出,天堂分为两个国度,一个被称为属天国度,另一个被称为属灵国度。属天国度在整体上对应于心脏和身体中属于心脏的一切;属灵国度对应于肺脏和身体中属于肺脏的一切。同样,在人里面,心肺形成两个国度,心脏通过动脉和静脉控制人体,肺脏通过神经和运动纤维控制人体,这二者一起存在于每一次的努力和动作中。所以,在每个人的灵界里,也就是所谓的属灵人里,有两个国度,一个是意志(will)国度,另一个是理智(understanding)国度。意志通过对良善的情感来统治,理智通过对真理的情感来统治。这两个国度对应于人体中的心和肺的国度。天堂里也一样,属天国度是天堂的意志部分,由出于爱的良善掌管;属灵国度是天堂的理智部分,由真理掌管。这些与人体的心和肺功能相对应。正是由于这种对应关系,在圣经中,“心”表示意志,也表示爱之良善(good of love);肺的“呼吸”表示理智和信之真理(truth of faith)。出于同样的原因,情感被归于心脏,尽管它们既不在心脏中,也不出于心脏。{注2}





95. 从前面的相关章节可以看出, 天堂分为两个国度, 一个被称为属天国度, 另一个被称为属灵国度. 属天国度总体上对应于心脏和心脏在全身的一切事物; 属灵国度对应于肺脏和肺脏在全身的一切事物. 同样, 在人里面, 心与肺形成两个国度, 心脏通过动脉和静脉支配人体, 肺脏通过神经和运动纤维支配人体, 这二者一起存在于一切努力和动作中. 所以, 在每个人里面, 在其被称为属灵人的灵界里面, 都有两个国度, 即: 意愿的国度和理解力的国度. 意愿通过对良善的情感进行支配, 理解力通过对真理的情感进行支配. 这两个国度对应于人体中心与肺的国度. 众天堂也一样; 属天国度是天堂的意志部分, 在该国度掌权的是爱之良善; 属灵国度是天堂的理性部分, 在该国度掌权的是真理; 这一切对应于人里面心与肺的功能. 正是由于这种对应关系, 在圣言中, “心”表示意愿, 以及爱之良善; 肺的“呼吸”表示理解力和信之真理. 出于同样的原因, 情感被归于心脏, 尽管它们既不在心脏中, 也并非源于心脏.

注: 心脏与大人, 也就是天堂的对应关系从经历得以描述(天国的奥秘 3883-3896节). 心脏对应于属天国度的天使, 肺脏对应于属灵国度的天使(天国的奥秘 3885-3887节). 天堂有像心脏那样的脉搏和像肺脏那样的呼吸, 但都是内在的(天国的奥秘 3884, 3885, 3887节). 在那里, 心脏脉搏随爱之状态发生变化, 呼吸随仁与信的状态发生变化(天国的奥秘 3886, 3887, 3889节). 在圣言中, “心”表示意愿, “发自内心”表示发自意愿(天国的奥秘 2930, 7542, 8910, 9113, 10336节); “心”还表示爱, “发自内心”表示发自爱(天国的奥秘 7542, 9050, 10336节).



95. 前面已經指出, 天國分為兩個國度, 一為仁智天國, 一為義信天國。仁智天國在總體上對應人的心臟及整個血液循環系統, 義信天國則對應人的肺臟及整個呼吸系統。心與肺構成人身上的兩個國度, 心臟通過動脈和血管, 肺臟通過神經和纖維各治其國, 各自都參與身體的每一次活動與動作。

在每個人的裡面, 也就是在被稱為"靈人"的我們的心靈世界中, 也有兩個國度:意志與認知。意志通過對善的渴慕來治理其國, 認知則通過對理的渴求來治理。意志與認知對應於人體的心肺二國。天國與此同理, 仁智天國代表天國之意志方面, 仁之善主導此國;義信天國代表天國中認知一面, 通過理施行治理。兩者對應於人體的心肺功能。

正因如此,"心"在聖言中表示意志, 還表示仁之善;呼的"氣"表示認知, 還表示信之理。這就是為何人們將感覺歸因於心, 儘管感覺並不在於心, 也非出於心。

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Heaven and Hell #95 (NCE, 2000)

95. The differentiation of heaven into two kingdoms, one called the heavenly kingdom and the other the spiritual kingdom, has been presented in its proper chapter above. The heavenly kingdom in general corresponds to the heart and to all the extensions of the heart throughout the body. The spiritual kingdom corresponds to the lungs and to all their extension throughout the body. Further, the heart and the lungs form two kingdoms in us, the heart governing through the arteries and veins and the lungs through the nerve and motor fibers, each involved in every effort and action.

Within each one of us, in the spiritual world of ours that is called our spiritual person, there are also two kingdoms. One is volitional and the other is cognitive, the volitional governing through affections for what is good and the cognitive through affections for what is true. These kingdoms also correspond to the kingdoms of the heart and lungs in the body. The same holds true in the heavens. The heavenly kingdom is heaven's volitional side, where the good that flows from love rules. The spiritual kingdom is heaven's cognitive side, where truth rules. These are what correspond to the functions of the heart and the lungs in us.

It is because of this correspondence that "the heart" in the Word means volition and the good of love, while "the breath of the spirit" means understanding and the truth of faith. This is also why we ascribe feelings to the heart, even though they do not reside or originate there. 1


1. On the correspondence of the heart and the lungs with the universal human that is heaven, based on experience: 3883-3896. The heart corresponds to people who are in the heavenly kingdom, while the lungs correspond to people in the spiritual kingdom: 3685 [3885?], 3886-3887. In heaven there is a pulse like that of the heart and a breathing like that of the lungs, but on a deeper level: 3884-3885, 3887. The heartbeat there varies depending on states of love, and the breathing varies depending on states of charity and faith: 3886-3887, 3889."The heart" in the Word is volition, so what comes from the heart is what comes from volition: 2930, 7542, 8910, 9113, 10336. So too, the heart in the Word means love, so what comes from the heart comes from love: 7542, 9050, 10336.


Heaven and Hell #95 (Harley, 1958)

95. That heaven is distinguished into two kingdoms of which one is called the celestial, the other the spiritual kingdom, may be seen above in the relevant section. The celestial kingdom corresponds in general to the heart and to all things of the heart in the whole body, and the spiritual kingdom to the lungs and to all things of the lungs in the whole body. Likewise in man, heart and lungs form two kingdoms, the heart ruling there by means of arteries and veins, the lungs by means of the nerve and motor fibres, both together in every exertion and movement. So again in any one man, in his spiritual world called his spiritual man, there are two kingdoms, one of the will and the other of the understanding. The will rules by means of affections of good, and the understanding by means of affections of truth. These kingdoms indeed correspond to the kingdoms of the heart and the lungs in the body. It is the same in the heavens. The celestial kingdom is the voluntary part of heaven, and the good of love rules there. The spiritual kingdom is the intellectual part of heaven and truth rules there, all this corresponding to the functions of the heart and lungs in man. It is on account of this correspondence that, in the Word, the heart signifies the will and also the good of love, and the breath of the lungs signifies the understanding and the truth of faith. For the same reason, affections are ascribed to the heart although they are neither in it nor derived from it. 1


1. The correspondence of the heart and lungs with the Grand Man, which is heaven, from experience (Arcana Coelestia 3883-3896).

The heart corresponds to those in the celestial kingdom, and the lungs to those in the spiritual kingdom (Arcana Coelestia 3885-3887).

There is in heaven a pulse like that of the heart, and a respiration like that of the lungs but interior (Arcana Coelestia 3884-3885, 3887).

There the pulse of the heart varies in conformity with states of love, and the respiration in conformity with states of charity and faith (Arcana Coelestia 3886-3887, 3889).

In the Word the "heart" means the will, and "from the heart" means from the will (Arcana Coelestia 2930, 7542, 8910, 9113, 10336).

In the Word the "heart" also signifies love, and "from the heart" means from love (Arcana Coelestia 7542, 9050, 10336).


Heaven and Hell #95 (Ager, 1900)

95. That heaven is divided into two kingdoms, one called the celestial kingdom and the other the spiritual kingdom, may be seen above in its own chapter. The celestial kingdom corresponds in general to the heart and all things of the heart in the whole body, and the spiritual kingdom to the lungs and to all things of the lungs in the whole body. Likewise in man heart and lungs form two kingdoms, the heart ruling there through the arteries and veins, and the lungs through the tendinous and motor fibers, both together in every exertion and movement. So in every man, in his spiritual world, which is called his spiritual man, there are two kingdoms, one of the will and the other of the understanding, the will ruling through affections for good, and the understanding through affections for truth; and these kingdoms correspond to the kingdoms of the heart and of the lungs in the body. It is the same in the heavens; the celestial kingdom is the voluntary part of heaven, and in it good of love reigns; the spiritual kingdom is the intellectual part of heaven, and in it truth reigns. These are what correspond to the functions of the heart and lungs in man. It is on account of this correspondence that in the Word the "heart" signifies the will and also good of love, and the "breath" of the lungs signifies the understanding and the truth of faith. For the same reason affections are ascribed to the heart, although they are neither in it nor from it. 1


1. The correspondence of the heart and lungs with the Greatest Man, which is heaven, from experience (Arcana Coelestia 3883-3896),

The heart corresponds to those in the celestial kingdom, and the lungs to those in the spiritual kingdom (3885-3887).

There is in heaven a pulse like that of the heart, and a respiration like that of the lungs but interior (3884-3885, 3887).

There the pulse of the heart varies in conformity to states of love, and the respiration in conformity to states of charity and faith (3886-3887, 3889).

In the Word the "heart" means the will, and "from the heart" means from the will (2930, 7542, 8910, 9113, 10336).

In the Word the "heart" also signifies love, and "from the heart" means from love (7542, 9050, 10336).


De Coelo et de Inferno #95 (original Latin)

95. Quod caelum in duo regna distinctum sit, quorum unum vocatur regnum caeleste, alterum regnum spirituale, videatur supra in suo articulo. Regnum caeleste in genere correspondet cordi, et omnibus cordis in toto corpore et regnum spirituale pulmoni et omnibus ejus in toto corpore faciunt etiam cor et pulmo duo regna in homine cor regnat ibi per arterias et venas, et pulmo per fibras nerveas et motrices, ambo in unaquavis vi et actione. In unoquovis homine, in spirituali ejus mundo, qui spiritualis ejus homo vocatur, sunt etiam duo regna unum est voluntatis et alterum est intellectus voluntas regnat per affectiones boni, et intellectus per affectiones veri haec regna etiam correspondent regnis cordis et pulmonis in corpore. Similiter in caelis regnum caeleste est voluntarium caeli, et ibi regnat bonum amoris et regnum spirituale est intellectuale caeli, et ibi regnat verum haec sunt, quae correspondent functionibus cordis et pulmonis in homine. Ex correspondentia illa est, quod "cor" in Verbo significet voluntatem, et quoque bonum amoris, ac pulmonaris "spiritus" intellectum et verum fidei: inde quoque est, quod cordi adscribantur affectiones, tametsi non ibi nec inde sunt. 1


1. De correspondentia cordis et pulmonum cum Maximo Homine. qui est caelum, ab experientia (3883-3896).

Quod cor correspondeat illis qui in regno caelesti sunt, pulmo autem illis qui in regno spirituali (3885-3887).

Quod in caelo sit pulsus qualis cordis, et respiratio qualis pulmonum, sed interiores (3884, 3885, 3887).

Quod pulsus cordis ibi sit varius secundum status amoris, et respiratio secundum status charitatis et fidei (3886, 3887, 3889).

"Cor quod in Verbo sit voluntas, ita "ex corde" quod sit ex voluntate," (2930, 7542, 8910, 9113, 10336).

Quod etiam "cor" in Verbo significet amorem, ita "ex corde" quod sit ex amore (7542, 9050, 10336).

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