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属天的奥秘 第4358节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4358

4358. And said, Who are these to thee? That this signifies acknowledgment, may be seen from the fact that interrogations in the sense of the letter are not interrogations in the supreme sense; for the Lord, who is treated of in this sense, has no need to interrogate man, because He knows all things both in general and in particular. Hence this interrogation, "Who are these to thee?" signifies acknowledgment. For by Esau is represented the Lord as to Divine good natural; and Divine good immediately acknowledges the truths that it conjoins with itself. And moreover all good does this, for good cannot have being without what it calls truths, nor can truths without that which they call good. They conjoin themselves of themselves; but such as the good is, such are the truths it conjoins with itself. It is good that acknowledges them, and couples itself as a husband with a wife; for the conjunction of good with truths is marriage in the spiritual sense (see n. 2508, 2618). (That good acknowledges its own truth, and truth its own good, and that they are conjoined see n. 3101, 3102, 3161, 3179, 3180.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 4358

4358. 'And said, Who are these with you?' means acknowledgement. This becomes clear from the fact that questions in the sense of the letter are not such in the highest sense, for the Lord, who is the subject in that highest sense, has no need to ask man any questions since He knows every single thing. Consequently this question 'Who are these with you?' means acknowledgement, for 'Esau' represents the Lord as regards Divine Natural Good, and Divine Good acknowledges instantly the truths which it has to join to itself. What is more, all good does so, for good cannot exist without the things it calls truths, nor can truths exist without that which they call good. The two join together of their own accord; but as is the good so are the truths it joins to itself It is good that acknowledges them and links itself to them like a husband to his wife; indeed the joining together of good and truths is a marriage in the spiritual sense, 2508, 2618. For good acknowledges its own truth, and truth its own good, and thereby they are joined together, see 3101, 3102, 3161, 3179, 3180.

Latin(1748-1756) 4358

4358. `Et dixit, Qui illi tibi?: quod significet agnitionem, constare potest ex eo quod interrogationes in sensu litterae non sint interrogationes in sensu supremo, nam Dominus, de Quo agitur in sensu illo, non opus habet interrogare hominem, novit enim omnia et singula; inde interrogatio haec `qui illi tibi?' significat agnitionem; per `Esau' enim repraesentatur Dominus quoad Divinum Bonum naturale, et Divinum Bonum agnoscit ilico vera quae sibi conjunget; et praeterea omne bonum hoc facit, nam bonum {1} non potest esse absque illis quae vocat vera, nec vera absque illo quod vocant bonum; se conjungunt ex se; sed quale bonum est, talia vera sibi conjungit; bonum est quod agnoscit illa et se copulat sicut maritus cum uxore, conjunctio enim boni cum veris est conjugium in spirituali sensu, n. 2508, 2618: quod bonum agnoscat suum verum, et verum suum bonum, et conjungantur, videatur n. 3101, 3102, 3161, 3179, 3180. @1 bonum enim$

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