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《宇宙星球》 第41节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  41、他们当中有些人看到主后,被引到右前方;他们往前走的时候,说他们能看到一道光,远比以前所曾看到的更明亮、更纯净,任何光都不可能胜过它。当时此处正是傍晚。还有许多灵人这样说。天堂之光是大光,比地上的正午之光大出许多倍(AC 1117, 1521, 1533, 1619-32, 4527, 5400, 8644)。天堂所有的光皆出自那里显为太阳的主(AC 1053, 1521, 3195, 3341, 3636, 3643, 4415, 9548, 9684, 10809)。从主的神性之爱的神性良善发出的神性真理在天堂显为光,并为那里提供所有光(AC 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684)。天堂之光既光照天使的视觉,也光照天使的理解力(AC 2776, 3138)。说天堂处于光和热,意思是说处于智慧和爱(AC 3643, 9399, 9401)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 41

41. After they had seen the Lord some spirits were led forward and to the right, and as they went they said that they were seeing a much clearer and purer light than they had ever seen before and that there could be no greater light-and at the time, it was evening here. There were a lot of people saying this. 1


1. [Swedenborg note] There is great light in the heavens, many levels above the light of midday on earth: 1117, 1521, 1532, 16191632, 4527, 5400, 8644. All the light in the heavens comes from the Lord as their sun: 1053, 1521, 3195, 3341, 3636, 3643, 4415, 9548, 9684, 10809. The divine truth that emanates from the divine goodness of the Lord’s divine love appears in the heavens as light and is the source of all the light there: 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684. Heaven’s light enlightens both the eyesight and the understanding that angels have: 2776, 3138. Heaven is said to have abundant light and warmth, which means that it has abundant wisdom and love: 3643, 9399, 9400.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 41

41. Some, after seeing the Lord, were conducted forward towards the right; and as they advanced they said they could see a much brighter and purer light than ever before, and no greater light could ever be seen. At the time it was evening here. There were many spirits who said this. 1


1. The light in heaven is strong, many times greater than the light of midday on earth (Arcana Caelestia 1117, 1521, 1533, 1619-1632, 4527, 5400, 8644). All light in the heavens comes from the Lord as the sun there (Arcana Caelestia 1053, 1521, 3195, 3341, 3636, 3643, 4415, 9548, 9684, 10809). Divine truth coming forth from the Divine goodness of the Lord's Divine love is visible in the heavens as light, and provides all the light there (Arcana Caelestia 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684). The light of heaven enlightens both the sight and the intellect of angels (Arcana Caelestia 2776, 3138). Heaven being said to be in light and heat means in possession of wisdom and love (Arcana Caelestia 3643, 9399, 9401).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 41

41. Certain of them, after the Lord appeared, were led away towards the front to the right, and as they advanced, they said that they saw a light much clearer and purer than they had ever seen before, and that it was impossible any light could exceed it; and it was then evening here. There were many who said this. 1


1. There is in the heavens great light, which exceeds, by many degrees, the noonday light of this world (Arcana Coelestia 1117, 1521, 1533, 1619-1632, 4527, 5400, 8644). All light in the heavens is from the Lord as a sun there (Arcana Coelestia 1053, 1521, 3195, 3341, 3636, 3643, 4415, 9548, 9684, 10809). The Divine truth proceeding from the Divine good of the Divine love of the Lord appears in the heavens as light, and furnishes all the light that is there (Arcana Coelestia 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684). The light of heaven illumines both the sight and the understanding of the angels (Arcana Coelestia 2776, 3138). When heaven is said to be in light and heat, it signifies being in wisdom and in love (Arcana Coelestia 3643, 9399, 9401).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 41 (original Latin)

41. Quidam, postquam visus est Dominus, deducti sunt versus anteriora dextrorsum, et cum progrederentur dicebant, quod viderent Lucem multo clariorem et puriorem, quam usquam prius viderant, et quod major Lux nusquam videri queat: et tunc erat hic tempus vesperae: qui id dicebant erant plures. 1


1. Quod Lux magna sit in coelis, quae multis gradibus excedit lucem meridianam in terra, Arcana Coelestia 1117, 1521, 1533, 1619-1632, 4527, 5400, 8644. Quod omnis Lux incoelissit a Domino ut Sole ibi, Arcana Coelestia 1053, 1521, 3195, 3341, 3636, 3643, 4415, 9548, 9684, 10809. Quod divinum Verum procedens ex divino Bono divini Amoris Domini appareat in Coelis ut Lux, et sistat omnem lucem ibi, Arcana Coelestia 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684. Quod Lux coeli illuminet Angelorum et visum et intellectum, Arcana Coelestia 2776, 3138. Quod coelum in luce et calore dicatur esse, quod significet in sapientia et in amore, Arcana Coelestia 3643, 9399, 9401.

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