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《宇宙星球》 第80节

(一滴水译本 2020)






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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 80

80. So far I have not described what the angels of this planet are like. The ones who come to the people of their planet and sit by their heads, as noted in 73 above, are not angels from their inner heaven but are angelic spirits or angels from their outer heaven. 1Since the nature of the angels [from their inner heaven] has also been disclosed to me, I wish to relate what I have learned about them as well.

[2] A particular spirit from Jupiter, one of the ones who strikes people with fear, came up to my left side under the elbow and spoke to me from there. His speech was raspy-the words were not very well articulated or distinct from each other, so it took some time before I could gather what he meant. Further, as he was speaking he was also creating an atmosphere of fear, warning me that when the angels came to me I should be sure to receive them graciously. I was permitted to reply, though, that this is not up to me-I am obligated to receive all people in accord with their nature.

[3] Soon afterward some angels from that planet arrived, and it was granted to me to perceive from the way they talked with me that they were entirely different from the angels of our planet. They communicated not through words but through mental images that spread out in all directions within me, and flowed from there into my face so that my face was reflecting every detail, beginning with my lips and spreading out from there in all directions. The images that took the place of words were separate from each other, but just barely so. 2

[4] Later on they communicated with me in another way, using images that were still less separated from each other, to the point that there seemed to be scarcely any spacing between them at all. To my perception it was like the meaning of verbal speech when someone ignores the words and pays attention solely to the meaning. This kind of communication was easier for me to understand than the earlier kind and was also fuller. Like the earlier kind, it flowed into my face, but the inflow, like the speech, was smoother; and unlike the earlier kind it began not with my lips but with my eyes.

[5] After that they communicated with me by a method that was even more smooth and full; but in that case my face could no longer keep up and present a suitable motion. Rather, I felt an inflow into my brain, and felt that it was being moved in much the same way.

Lastly, they communicated in such a way that their message simply fell into my inner comprehension. It was like a stream of highly rarefied air. I felt the inflow itself, but did not get details with any clarity.

These kinds of speech behave like fluids of different kinds-the first like liquid water, the second like a thinner fluid, the third like the air [at sea level], and the fourth like the thinner air [at high altitude].

The spirit I mentioned earlier, the one by my left side, interrupted this from time to time, especially to remind me to be courteous to the angels. This was because there were spirits from our planet who kept saying things that displeased these angels. The spirit said that he had not understood what the angels were saying until he moved closer to my left ear. After that, his speech was no longer raspy, but sounded like that of other spirits.


1. Swedenborg’s terminology for the inhabitants of the various levels of heaven developed gradually. The highest level of heaven is referred to as highest or inmost, third, or heavenly; the next level down is referred to as middle, inner, second, or spiritual; the lowest is referred to as lowest or outer, first, or earthly. In Secrets of Heaven 459, 684, and 1642, only the inhabitants of the highest level are referred to as “angels,” while the inhabitants of the middle level and lowest level are referred to as “angelic spirits” and “good spirits,” respectively. However, a transition to his later, settled terminology begins shortly thereafter. In Secrets of Heaven 1752:2 he writes: “It is true that good spirits are angels too, but they are a lower kind, because they inhabit the first heaven. Angelic spirits inhabit the second, and those who are properly called angels inhabit the third, as mentioned in Secrets of Heaven 459, 684.” In Secrets of Heaven9741, the corresponding terms are “heavenly angels,” “spiritual angels,” and “angelic spirits.” (Note, however, that Swedenborg makes mention of “heavenly angels” and “spiritual angels” as early as Secrets of Heaven 178.) In publications subsequent to Secrets of Heaven the inhabitants of all three levels are referred to as “angels.” The terms “heavenly angels” and “spiritual angels” are retained for the inhabitants of the two higher heavens. The angels of the lowest heaven are rarely identified with a corresponding compact term, but see Heaven and Hell 31, where the angels of the lowest heaven are divided into two classes: “spiritual-natural” and “heavenly-natural.” On the general distinction between angels and spirits in Swedenborg’s fully developed terminology, see note 2 in New Jerusalem 25. [GFD, LSW]

2. For other descriptions of this and similar modes of nonverbal communication, see Other Planets 53-54, 87, 95[3]; Secrets of Heaven 1118-1119, 10587; Spiritual Experiences (= Swedenborg 1998-2013) 3278-3279. [LSW]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 80

80. I have not said in what I have written so far what the angels from that world are like. Those who visit people in their world and sit by their heads (see 73 above) are not angels in their inner heaven, but angelic spirits or angels in their outer heaven. Since the nature of these angels has been disclosed to me, I should like to report what I was allowed to learn about them.

[2] One of the spirits of Jupiter who inspire fear came up to my left side below the elbow and talked with me from that position. His speech was strident, nor were the words separate and divided one from another, so that it took a long time before I was able to grasp his meaning. While he was speaking, he also struck fear into me at times. He warned me that I too should make the angels welcome when they came. But I was allowed to answer that it was not for me to do this, but all were received in my presence as they are themselves.

[3] Soon some angels from that world arrived, and I was able to perceive from the way they talked with me that they were quite different from the angels of our world. Their speech was not in spoken words, but in ideas which spread in all directions through my interiors; they also had an effect on my face, making it agree with each detail, beginning from the lips and spreading out to the periphery in all directions. The ideas which took the place of words were separated, but only slightly.

[4] Afterwards they talked with me by means of ideas even less separate one from another, so that there seemed to be hardly any interval between them. It seemed to my way of perception like the sense of words apprehended by those who pay attention to the sense but ignore the words. I found this speech easier to understand, and more filled with meaning. Like the previous kind of speech its influence was felt on the face, but to match their speech this was more continuous. But unlike the previous kind it did not begin from the lips, but from the eyes.

[5] Later still they spoke even more continuously and fully, and then my face was unable to keep pace with suitable movements; but I felt the influence acting on my brain, which then behaved in similar fashion. Finally they spoke in such a way that their speech fell only on my inner intellect. It was as fluid as a rarefied atmosphere. I could fell the influence, but not distinguish its details.

These types of speech were rather like fluids; the first like flowing water, the second like a more rarefied liquid, the third in comparison like air, and the fourth like a rarefied atmosphere. The spirit on my left side, whom I mentioned before, interjected remarks from time to time, especially to warn me to show restraint in dealing with his angels. For there were spirits from our world who introduced unpleasant ideas. He said he had not understood what the angels were saying, but he did later on, when he came close to my left ear. At that time too his speech was not as strident as before, but like that of other spirits.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 80

80. Thus far nothing has been said of the quality of the angels who are from that earth; for those who come to the men of their earth and sit at their head, as mentioned above (n. 73), are not angels in their interior heaven, but are angelic spirits, or angels, in their exterior heaven. And as the nature of the angels of the interior heaven has also been disclosed to me, it is permitted to relate what has been given me to know. A certain one of the spirits of Jupiter who inspire fear, applied himself to my left side under the elbow and spoke thence. But his speech was harsh, nor were his words sufficiently distinct and separate; so that I had to wait some time before I could gather his meaning. And when he spoke he also injected something of fear, thus also admonishing me to receive the angels well when they came. But it was given to answer, that this did not depend on me; since all were received with me as they are. Presently angels of that earth came to me, and I was able to perceive from their speech with me, that they were altogether different from the angels of our earth; for their speech was not by words, but by ideas, which diffused themselves everywhere through my interiors, and thus they had also an influx into my face, so that the face concurred in every particular, beginning from the lips and proceeding in every direction toward the circumference. The ideas which were in the place of spoken words were discrete, though in small degree. They afterwards spoke with me by ideas still less discrete, so that scarce any interstice was perceivable. To my perception it was like the meaning of words with those who only attend to the meaning abstractly from the words. This speech was more intelligible to me than the former, and was also more full. Like the former it flowed into the face, but the influx in accordance with the quality of the speech, was more continuous. It did not however begin like the former from the lips, but from the eyes. Afterward they spoke still more continuously and fully, so that my face was not then able to concur by fitting motion; but there was felt an influx into the brain, and that this was then acted upon in like manner. At last they so spoke that the discourse fell only into the interior understanding. Its volubility was like that of a thin aura. I felt the influx itself, but not distinctly the particulars. These kinds of speech were like fluids, the first kind like flowing water, the second like thinner water, the third comparatively like the atmosphere, and the fourth like a thin aura. The spirit mentioned above, who was on the left side, sometimes interrupted, especially warning me to act modestly with his angels; for there were spirits from our earth, who introduced such things as were displeasing. He said that he did not at first understand what the angels said, but that he did afterward when he was brought nearer to my left ear. Then also his speech was not harsh, as before, but like that of other spirits.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 80 (original Latin)

80. In praecedentibus nondum dictum est, quales sunt Angeli qui ex illa Tellure; qui enim ad homines suae telluris veniunt et assident capiti (de quibus supra 73), non sunt angeli in eorum coelo interiori, sed sunt spiritus angelici seu angeli in coelo eorum exteriori; et quia mihi detectum est, quales etiam sunt Angeli illi, licet memorare, quae de illis quoque scire datum est. Quidam ex spiritibus Jovis, qui timorem incutiunt, appulit se ad sinistrum meum latus sub ulna, ac inde loquebatur; sed loquela ejus erat stridens, voces nec erant admodum discretae ac inter se separatae, adeo ut diu exspectare deberem antequam colligerem sensum, et cum loquebatur, etiam interjiciebat aliquid timoris; monens etiam sic ut ego Angelos, cum veniunt, bene excipiam; sed respondere dabatur, quod hoc meum non sit, sed quod apud me excipiantur omnes sicut ipsi sunt. Mox veniebant Angeli illius telluris, et dabatur percipere ex loquela mecum, quod prorsus differrent ab Angelis nostrae telluris; loquela enim eorum fiebat non per voces, sed per ideas quae se per interiora mea undequaque diffundebant; et inde quoque influxum habebant in faciem, sic ut facies ad singula concurreret, incipiendo a labiis, et pergendo versus circumferentiam undequaque: ideae, quae loco vocum erant, discretae erant, sed perparum. Postea loquebantur mecum per ideas adhuc minus discretae, adeo ut vix aliquid interstitiale perciperetur; erat in mea perceptione sicut sensus vocum apud illos qui solum ad sensum abstracte a vocibus attendunt; haec loquela mihi intelligibilior priori erat, et quoque erat plenior: influebat similiter ac prior in faciem; sed influxus erat secundum quale loquelae magis continuus; verum non incepit ut prior a labiis, sed ab oculis. Postea loquebantur adhuc continuius et plenius; et tunc facies non potuit conveniente motione concurrere; sed sentiebatur influxus in Cerebrum, et quod illud tunc similiter ageretur. Ultimo loquebantur ita, ut sermo solum caderet in intellectum interiorem; erat volubilitas ejus sicut aurae tenuis; ipsum influxum sentiebam, sed non distincte singula. Loquelae haec genera se habebant sicut fluida, primum genus sicut aqua fluens, altera sicut aqua tenuior; tertium sicut atmosphaera respective; et quartum sicut aura tenuis. Spiritus, qui a latere sinistro erat, de quo supra, quandoque interloquebatur, imprimis monens ut cum angelis suis modeste agerem; erant enim spiritus e nostra tellure quae inferebant talia quae displicerent: dicebat, quod non intellexerit quid angeli loquebantur, sed quod postea quando admotus auri mea: sinistrae: tunc quoque ei loquela erat non stridens ut prius, sed qualis est aliis spiritibus.

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