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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第198节





198、试探如何发生及何时发生。属灵征战主要通过信仰的真理发生 (8962)。真理是征战的核心要素(1685)。属灵教会的人经历的试探有关信仰的真理,因此他们依靠真理征战。但属天教会的人经历的试探针对其凭爱而行的良善,因此他们靠良善征战 (16688963)。大多数情况下,属灵教会的人在征战中并不依靠真正的真理,而是依靠因教会教导而使他们信以为真的教义。要想行之有效,这些教义应该能够合于良善 (6765)。

任何被重生之人都必须经受试探。未经试探不能达到重生 (50368403)。因此试探是必需的(7090)。在重生的过程中人经历试探,此时邪恶竭力攫取对良善的主宰,属世之人努力主导属灵之人 (66578961)。试探也可能发生在当良善即将居于主导时 (42484249425689628963)。重生之人首先进入心神平静的状态,然后试探来临,之后又回到气静神闲的状态,试探至此结束(3696)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 198

198. The nature of a spiritual crisis caused by lack of truth, and the longing for truth that results from it: 2682, 8352. How little children are tested in the other life, a process by which they learn to resist evils: 2294. How spiritual crisis, persecution, and devastation differ from each other: 7474.

How and when crises of the spirit take place. Spiritual battles are waged primarily by means of truths that belong to religious faith: 8962. Therefore truth is the first requirement for the battle: 1685. The crises of the spirit that people of the spiritual church undergo concern the truths that belong to their religious faith, so their battles are waged by means of truths; the crises of the spirit that people of the heavenly church undergo concern the good that they love to do, so their battles are waged by means of goodness: 1668, 8962. For the most part, the people of the spiritual church do not have genuine truths to use in the battle, but instead things they believe to be true because they were taught them by their church; to be effective, though, these teachings need to be capable of being joined to what is good: 6765.

When we are being regenerated we have to experience crises of the spirit. Apart from such crises regeneration is impossible (5036, 8403), and that is why spiritual crises are necessary (7090). As we are being regenerated, we come into spiritual crises when evil tries to gain control over goodness and our earthly self tries to gain control over our spiritual self: 6657, 8961. We also come into spiritual crises at the point when goodness needs to take the lead: 4248, 4249, 4256, 8962, 8963. When we are being regenerated we are brought first into a tranquil state, then into spiritual crises, then back to the tranquil state of peace that has become our goal: 3696.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 198

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 198

198. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 198

198. How and when Temptations take place. Spiritual combats are chiefly carried on by means of truths of faith, Arcana Coelestia 8962. Truth is the first thing of combat, Arcana Coelestia 1685. The men of the spiritual Church are tempted with regard to the truths of faith, wherefore they combat by truths; but the men of the celestial Church are tempted with regard to the goods of love, wherefore they combat by goods, Arcana Coelestia 1668, 8963. Those who are of the spiritual Church, for the most part, do not combat from genuine truths, but from such as they believe to be genuine from a doctrinal of their Church; but which doctrinal ought nevertheless to be such as to be capable of being conjoined with good, Arcana Coelestia 6765.

Whoever is regenerated must undergo temptations, and without them he cannot be regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 5036, 8403; wherefore temptations are necessary, Arcana Coelestia 7090. The man who is being regenerated comes into temptations, when evil strives to gain dominion over good, and the natural man over the spiritual man, Arcana Coelestia 6657, 8961; and he comes into temptations when good is about to have the precedence, Arcana Coelestia 4248, 4249, 4256, 8962, 8963. Those who are being regenerated are first let into a state of tranquillity, then into temptations, and afterwards return into a state of tranquillity of peace, which is the end, Arcana Coelestia 3696.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 198

198. How and when temptations take place.

Spiritual combats chiefly take place by the truths of faith (n. 8962). Truth is the first of combat (n. 1685). The men of the spiritual church are tempted as to the truths of faith, wherefore with them the combat is by truths; but the men of the celestial church are tempted as to the goods of love, wherefore with them the combat is by goods (n. 1668, 8963). Those who are of the spiritual church, for the most part, do not combat from genuine truths, but from such as they believe to be true from the doctrinals of their church; which doctrinals however ought to be such, as to be capable of being conjoined with good (n. 6765).

Whoever is regenerated must undergo temptations, and he cannot be regenerated without them (n. 5036, 8403); and temptations therefore are necessary (n. 7090). The man who is regenerating comes into temptations, when evil endeavors to gain dominion over good, and the natural man over the spiritual man (n. 6657, 8961). And he comes into them when good ought to have the precedence (n. 4248, 4249, 4256, 8962, 8963). They who are regenerated, are first let into a state of tranquillity, then into temptations, and afterwards return into a state of tranquillity of peace, which is the end (n. 3696[1-5]).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 198 (original Latin 1758)

198. Tentationes quomodo et quando.

Quod pugnae spirituales imprimis fiant per vera fidei (Arcana Coelestia 8962).

Quod verum sit primum pugnae (Arcana Coelestia 1685).

Quod homines ecclesiae spiritualis tententur quoad vera fidei, quare illis est pugna per vera; at quod homines ecclesiae caelestis tententur quoad bona amoris, quare illis est pugna per bona (Arcana Coelestia 1668, 8963).

Quod illi qui ab ecclesia spirituali sunt, utplurimum non pugnent ex veris genuinis, se ex illis quae 1credunt vera esse ex doctrinali suae ecclesiae; quod doctrinale usque tale esse debet ut conjungi queat bono (Arcana Coelestia 6765).

Quod qui regeneratur tentationes subiturus sit, et quod absque illis regenerari nequeat (Arcana Coelestia 5036, 5403, [8403?],).

Et quod tentationes ideo necessariae sint (Arcana Coelestia 7090).

Quod homo qui regeneratur, tunc in tentationes veniat cum malum conatur dominari super bonum, ac naturalis homo super spiritualem (Arcana Coelestia 6857, [6657?], 8961).

Et quod in illas veniat cum bonum debet agere primas (Arcana Coelestia 4248, 4249, 4256, 8962, 8963).

Quod illi qui regenerantur, primum in statum tranquillitatis mittantur, dein in tentationes quod postea in statum tranquillitatis pacis redeant, qui est finis (Arcana Coelestia 3696).


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