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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第197节










197、试探的起源与特征。试探来自与人相伴的邪灵。邪灵在一个人与其所爱的良善和所信的真理之间置入障碍,邪灵还翻搅起人曾经做过的恶行和经历过的谬误 (741751761392743074572503666578960)。同时,邪灵极尽所能的使用各种诡诈和恶意 (6666)。处于试探中的人离地狱很近 (8131)。试探过程中有两股力量在较劲,一种是内在的力量来自主,另一种是外在的力量来自地狱,人位于两者之间 (8168)。

在试探中受到攻击的是人的主导爱 (8474274)。邪灵唯独攻击人的信仰和仁爱,也就是人的属灵生命。所以此时他的永恒生命处于危机之中 (1820)。这里比较了身处试探中和被盗贼攻击时人的状态 (5246)。在试探中,来自主的天使把人守护在他自身的真知和良善中,而邪灵把他劫持在他原有的谬误和邪恶中,冲突和征战由此产生 (4249)。

试探是内在属灵之人与外在属世之人的一场征战 (21834256)。因此是发生在内在与外在之人彼此对立的兴趣之间 (39288351)。由于这两种兴趣不相容,导致征战 (3928)。于是这场征战的核心是主导权的争夺(39288961)。

人若不承认真理和良善并渴望它们,他不会遭遇属灵的试探。因为没有征战,即没有属灵与属世的相互对立,因而没有对主导权的征夺 (39284299)。只有获得一定程度属灵生命的人会经历试探(8963)。有良心的人会遭遇试探,因为他们有属灵之爱。对于获得觉悟的人,也就是有属天之爱的人,试探会更剧烈 (16688963)。无生命者,即不信不爱上帝、也不爱友邻的人不得经历试探,因为他们将会跌倒 (2704274429989648968)。因此今天很少有人经历属灵试探 (8965)。但是人们会因为世上过去、现在或未来发生的各种事件而焦虑,通常伴随着精神的忧愁和身体的病痛,这些焦虑和属灵试探无关 (7628164)。

属灵试探有时伴随着身体的病痛,有时没有 (8164)。处于试探中的人,其状态是不洁和污秽的,因为此时人被邪恶和谬误缠绕,他会怀疑良善和真理 (5246)。此外,处于试探中的人会有愤怒、心灵痛苦和很多不良的感觉 (19176829)。此外他还会感觉无望,怀疑结局 (18206829)。还会怀疑神权以及祂是否垂听祷告,因为人处于试探中的祷告不像以前那样被垂听 (8179)。人在试探中时,还会觉得自己似乎是被诅咒的 (6097)。因为人清楚地察觉到他的外在之人正在经历什么,以及邪灵正在注入和唤醒什么,这些都影响他对自身状态的认识。 但是他不会察觉他的内在之人正在经历什么,故不能察觉主通过天使的输注,结果是他无法判断自己的状态 (1023610240)。

试探通常持续到人出现绝望,此时试探也就终止了 (1787269452795280614471477155716681658567)。原因解释在这节里 (2694)。试探过程中人会感觉有些绝望,结束后就感觉松泛了 (8567)。绝望时人会说苦毒的话,但是主不计较它们 (8165)。一旦试探结束,人先会徘徊在真理和谬误之间 (848857)。随后真理之光照进,人进入平安,心旷神怡 (36964572682983678370)。

在重生的过程中人经受不止一次试探,而是很多次,因为很多邪恶和谬误需要被摈弃 (8403)。如果获得一些属灵生命的人在今生没有经受试探,他们在来世会经受它们 (7122)。下面各章节解释在来世试探如何发生,以及在哪里发生 (537-5396991106-11131122269447284940-49516119692870907122712771867317747475027541754275457768799093319763)。下面几节讲述走出试探后被提入天堂之光中那些人的状态,以及在那里受到的招待 (269927012704)。

下两节介绍缺乏真理的试探的特点,及其导致的对真理的渴望 (26828352)。下一节讲述婴幼儿在来世的试探,他们借此学会抵制邪恶 (2294)。试探、袭扰和毁谤之间的不同在这里描述 (7474)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 197

197. The origin and characteristics of crises of the spirit. Spiritual crises arise from the evil spirits who are with us; these spirits put barriers between us and the goodness we love and the truths we believe, and also stir up evil things that we have done and false things that we have thought: 741, 751, 761, 3927, 4307, 4572, 5036, 6657, 8960. At such times evil spirits use extreme cunning and malice: 6666. When we are undergoing a spiritual crisis we are close to hell: 8131. There are two forces at work in spiritual crises, a force from the Lord from within and a force from hell from without, and we are in between: 8168.

[2] In spiritual crises, what is under assault is the thing we love the most: 847, 4274. Evil spirits exclusively attack the things we believe and love and therefore our spiritual life itself, so that our eternal life is at stake: 1820. A comparison between the state we are in during a spiritual crisis and the state we are in when being attacked by thieves: 5246. When we are in spiritual crises, angels from the Lord hold us to a path of truth and goodness, while evil spirits hold us to a path of falsity and evil, which causes a conflict and a battle: 4249.

[3] A crisis of the spirit is a battle between the inner or spiritual self and the outer or earthly self: 2183, 4256. So it is a battle between the pleasures of the inner and the outer selves, which at this point are opposite to each other: 3928, 8351. This happens because the two kinds of pleasure clash with one another: 3928. So what is at stake is the control of one self over the other: 3928, 8961.

[4] No one can undergo a spiritual crisis who does not acknowledge the existence of truth and goodness and desire them, since if these are lacking no battle occurs. That is, there is nothing spiritual to counteract what is earthly and therefore there is no battle for control: 3928, 4299. Only those who have gained some spiritual life undergo spiritual crises: 8963. Crises of the spirit affect people who have a conscience-people, then, who have gained a spiritual kind of love. Such crises are more severe, though, for people who have perception-people who have gained a heavenly kind of love: 1668, 8963. Dead people-that is, people who have no faith in or love for God and no love for their neighbor-are not allowed to undergo spiritual crises, because they would give up the fight: 270, 4274, 4299, 8964, 8968. So nowadays not many people undergo spiritual crises: 8965. People do, however, have anxieties caused by various worldly situations-whether those situations have happened, or are happening, or are going to happen-situations that generally include mental affliction or physical illness. These are not, though, the same as the anxieties caused by spiritual crises: 762, 8164. Spiritual crises may or may not happen during times of physical suffering: 8164. The state we come into during a crisis of the spirit is impure and filthy, because we are inundated with evils and falsities and also doubts about what is good and true (5246) and because in these crises there are resentments, mental anguish, and many feelings that are not good (1917, 6829). There is also an element of darkness and doubt about the outcome (1820, 6829) and also about divine providence and whether we are being heard, because in crises of the spirit, prayers are not heard the way they are outside of such crises (8179), and because when we are in spiritual crises we experience ourselves as being in a state of damnation (6097). This is because we have a clear sense of what is happening in our outer self and therefore of the things that the evil spirits are injecting and evoking (and these shape the way we are thinking about our state). On the other hand, we do not sense what is happening in our inner self, which means we do not sense what is flowing in through angels from the Lord. The result is that we are incapable of judging our own state: 10236, 10240.

[5] Crises of the spirit continue until we reach despair, at which point the process comes to an end: 1787, 2694, 5279, 5280, 6144, 7147, 7155, 7166, 8165, 8567. Why this is so: 2694. Throughout the course of a spiritual crisis there are certain feelings of despair, but at the end they become all-encompassing: 8567. In despair we say some bitter things, but the Lord pays no attention to them: 8165. Once a spiritual crisis is over we at first fluctuate between truth and falsity (848, 857), but then the truth shines forth we feel peaceful lighthearted (3696, 4572, 6829, 8367, 8370).

[6] When we are being regenerated we experience crises of the spirit not just once but many times, because we have many evils and falsities that need to be put aside: 8403. If people gain some spiritual life in this world but do not undergo spiritual crises here, they go through them in the other life: 7122. How and where spiritual crises happen in the other life: 537, 538, 539, 699, 1106-1113, 2694, 4728, 4940-4951, 6119, 6928, 7090, 7122, 7186, 7317, 7474, 7502, 7541, 7542, 7545, 7768, 7990, 9331, 9763. The state of enlightenment of people who are emerging from crises of the spirit and being raised into heaven, and what happens to them there: 2699, 2701, 2704.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 197

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 197

197. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 197

197. Temptations, their source and quality. Temptations arise from the evil spirits who are with a man, and who insinuate stumbling-blocks against the goods and truths which the man loves and believes; and who likewise stir up the evils which he has done and the falsities which he has thought, Arcana Coelestia 741, 751, 761, 3927, 4307, 4572, 5036, 6657, 8960. Evil spirits in such cases make use of every kind of cunning and malice, Arcana Coelestia 6666. The man who is in temptations is near hell, Arcana Coelestia 8131. Two forces are active in temptations, the force from the Lord which acts from within, and the force from hell which acts from without, the man being in the middle, Arcana Coelestia 8168.

A man's ruling love is assaulted in temptations, Arcana Coelestia 847, 4274. Evil spirits attack only those things which belong to a man's faith and love, and consequently those which belong to his very spiritual life; wherefore his eternal life is then at stake, Arcana Coelestia 1820. The state of temptations compared with the state of a man among thieves, Arcana Coelestia 5246. In temptations, the man through angels from the Lord is kept in the truths and goods which are with him, but through evil spirits in the falsities and evils which are with him; hence conflict and combat, Arcana Coelestia 4249.

Temptation is a combat between the internal or spiritual man, and the external or natural man, Arcana Coelestia 2183, 4256; thus between the delights of the internal man, and those of the external man, which are then in opposition to each other, Arcana Coelestia 3928, 8351. It has place on account of the antagonism between them, Arcana Coelestia 3928, 8351. The dominion of one over the other is what is contended for, Arcana Coelestia 3928, 8961.

No one can be tempted unless he is in the acknowledgment of truth and good, and in an affection for them, because otherwise there is no combat; for the Spiritual does not act then against the Natural, wherefore there is no question about rule, Arcana Coelestia 3928, 4299. He is tempted who has acquired something of spiritual life, Arcana Coelestia 8963. Temptations exist with those who have conscience, and consequently, with those who are in spiritual love; more grievous temptations, however, exist with those who have perception, and, therefore, with those who are in celestial love, Arcana Coelestia 1668, 8963. Dead men, that is, those who are neither in faith, nor in love to God and love towards the neighbour, are not admitted into temptations, because they would succumb, Arcana Coelestia 270, 4274, 4299, 8964, 8968. Wherefore few at the present day come into spiritual temptations, Arcana Coelestia 8965. They are, however, in states of distress on account of various causes in the world, past, present, and future; which causes are wont to be combined with faintness of mind and weakness of body; these states, however, are not those of the distress of temptations, Arcana Coelestia 762, 8164. Spiritual temptations are sometimes combined with pains of the body, and sometimes they are not, Arcana Coelestia 8164. A state of temptations is an unclean and filthy state, because evils and falsities, and also doubts concerning goods and truths, are injected, Arcana Coelestia 5246. Further, because indignation, pain of mind, and many affections which are not good are involved in temptations, Arcana Coelestia 1917, 6829; likewise, states of obscurity and doubt concerning the end, Arcana Coelestia 1820, 6829; and also concerning the Divine Providence and the hearing of prayer, since prayers are not answered in temptations, as they are when out of them, Arcana Coelestia 8179. And because a man, when in temptation, seems to himself to be in a state of damnation, Arcana Coelestia 6097. The reason of this is, that a man perceives clearly what takes place in the external man, and consequently what is injected and called forth by evil spirits, in accordance with which the man also thinks of his state; but he does not perceive what takes place in his internal man; nor consequently what flows in from the Lord through the angels; from which, therefore, he cannot judge of his state, Arcana Coelestia 10236, 10240.

Temptations for the most part are carried on even to despair, which is their end, Arcana Coelestia 1787, 2694, 5279, 5280, 6144, 7147, 7155, 7166, 8165, 8567. The reasons whereof, Arcana Coelestia 2694. In the temptation itself also there are despairs, but these terminate in the general one, Arcana Coelestia 8567. In a state of despair a man speaks bitter things, but they are not heeded by the Lord Arcana Coelestia 8165. After a temptation has ended, there is at first a fluctuation between truth and falsity, Arcana Coelestia 848, 857. Afterwards, however, the truth shines, and there arises serenity and gladness, Arcana Coelestia 3696, 4572, 6829, 8367, 8370.

Those who are being regenerated do not undergo temptations only once, but many times, because many evils and falsities are to be removed, Arcana Coelestia 8403. If those who have acquired some spiritual life, do not undergo temptations in this world, they undergo them in the other life, Arcana Coelestia 7122. How temptations take place in the other life, and where, Arcana Coelestia 537-539, 699, 1106-1113, 2694, 4728, 4940-4951, 6119, 6928, 7090, 7122, 7127, 7186, 7317, 7474, 7502, 7541, 7542, 7545, 7768, 7990, 9331, 9763. The state of enlightenment of those who come out of temptation, and are raised into heaven, and their reception there, Arcana Coelestia 2699, 2701, 2704.

The nature of the temptation occasioned by a failure of truth, which is attended then by a desire for truth, Arcana Coelestia 2682 Arcana Coelestia 2682[1-3], 8352. The temptation of children in the other world, whereby they learn how to resist evils, Arcana Coelestia 2294. The difference there is between temptations, infestations, and vastations, Arcana Coelestia 7474.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 197

197. Whence and of what quality temptations are.

Temptations exist from the evil spirits who are with man, who inject scandals against the goods and truths which a man loves and believes, and likewise they also excite the evils which he has done and the falsities which he has thought (n. 741, 751, 761, 3927, 4307, 4572, 5036, 6657, 8960). Then evil spirits use all sorts of cunning and malice (n. 6666). The man who is in temptations is near to hell (n. 8131). There are two forces which act in temptations, a force from the interior from the Lord, and a force from the exterior from hell (n. 8168).

The ruling love of man is assaulted in temptations (n. 847, 4274). Evil spirits attack those things only which are of man's faith and love, thus those things which relate to his spiritual life; wherefore at such times it is about his eternal life (n. 1820). A state of temptations compared with the state of a man among robbers (n. 5246[1-4]). In temptations angels from the Lord keep man in the truths and goods which are with him, but evil spirits keep him in the falsities and evils which are with him, whence arises a conflict and combat (n. 4249).

Temptation is a combat between the internal or spiritual man, and the external or natural man (n. 2183, 4256). Thus between the delights of the internal and external man, which are then opposite to each other (n. 3928, 8351). It takes place on account of the disagreement between those delights (n. 3928). Thus it is concerning the dominion of one over the other (n. 3928, 8961).

No one can be tempted unless he is in the acknowledgment, and likewise in the affection of truth and good, because there is otherwise no combat, for there is nothing spiritual to act against what is natural, thus there is no contest for dominion (n. 3928, 4299). Whoever has acquired any spiritual life, undergoes temptations (n. 8963). Temptations exist with those who have conscience, that is, with those who are in spiritual love; but more grievous ones with those who have perception, that is, with those who are in celestial love (n. 1668, 8963). Dead men, that is they who are not in faith and love to God, and in love towards the neighbor, are not admitted into temptations, because they would fall (n. 270, 4274[1-2], 4299, 8964, 8968). Therefore very few at this day are admitted into spiritual temptations (n. 8965). But they have anxieties on account of various causes in the world, past, present, or future, which are generally attended with infirmity of mind and weakness of body, which anxieties are not the anxieties of temptations (n. 762, 8164). Spiritual temptations are sometimes attended with bodily pains, and sometimes not (n. 8164). A state of temptation is an unclean and filthy state, inasmuch as evils and falsities are injected, and also doubts concerning goods and truths (n. 5246[1-4]). Also, because in temptations there are indignations, pains of the mind, and many affections that are not good (n. 1917, 6829). There is also obscurity and doubt concerning the end (n. 1820, 6829). And likewise concerning the Divine Providence and hearing, because prayers are not heard in temptations as they are out of them (n. 8179). And because man when he is in temptation, seems to himself to be in a state of damnation (n. 6097). Because man perceives clearly what is doing in his external man, consequently the things which evil spirits inject and call forth, according to which he thinks of his state; but he does not perceive what is doing in his internal man, consequently the things which flow in by means of angels from the Lord, and therefore he cannot judge of his state therefrom (n. 10236, 10240).

Temptations are generally carried to desperation, which is their ultimate (n. 1787, 2694, 5279, 5280, 6144, 7147, 7155, 7166, 8165, 8567). The reasons (n. 2694). In the temptation itself there are also despairings, but that they terminate in a general one (n. 8567). In a state of despair a man speaks bitter things, but the Lord does not attend to them (n. 8165). When the temptation is finished, there is at first a fluctuation between the truth and falsity (n. 848, 857). But afterwards truth shines, and becomes serene and joyful (n. 3696, 4572, 6829, 8367, 8370).

They who are regenerated undergo temptations not once only, but many times, because many evils and falsities are to be removed (n. 8403). If they who have acquired some spiritual life do not undergo temptations in the world, they undergo them in the other life (n. 7122). How temptations take place in the other life, and where (n. 537-539, 699, 1106-1113, 1122, 2694, 4728, 4940-4951, 6119, 6928, 7090, 7122, 7127, 7186, 7317, 7474, 7502, 7541, 7542, 7545, 7768, 7990, 9331, 9763). Concerning the state of enlightenment of those who come out of temptation, and are raised into heaven, and their reception there (n. 2699, 2701, 2704).

The quality of the temptation from lack of truth, and the desire thereof at the same time (n. 2682, 8352). The temptation of infants in the other life, whereby they learn to resist evils, their quality (n. 2294). The difference between temptations, infestations, and vastations (n. 7474).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 197 (original Latin 1758)

197. Tentationes unde et quales.

Quod Tentationes existant a malis spiritibus qui apud hominem, ac injiciunt scandala contra bona et vera quae homo amat et credit, et quoque excitant mala quae fecerat, et falsa quae cogitaverat (Arcana Coelestia 741, 751, 761, 3927, 4307, 4572, 5036, 6657, 8960).

Quod mali spiritus tunc omni astu et malitia utantur (Arcana Coelestia 6666).

Quod homo qui in tentationibus, juxta infernum sit (Arcana Coelestia 8131).

Quod in tentationibus binae vires agant, vis a Domino ab interiori, et vis ab inferno ab exteriori, et quod homo sit in medio (Arcana Coelestia 8168).

Quod in tentationibus impugnetur amor regnans hominis (Arcana Coelestia 847, 4274).

Quod mali spiritus aggrediantur solum illa quae sunt fidei et amoris hominis, ita quae sunt ipsius vitae ejus spiritualis, quare tunc de vita ejus aeterna agitur (Arcana Coelestia 1820).

Status tentationum comparatus cum statu hominis inter latrones (Arcana Coelestia 5248, [5246?],).

Quod in tentationibus angeli a Domino teneant hominem in veris et bonis quae apud illum, mali autem spiritus in falsis et malis quae apud illum; inde conflictus et pugna (Arcana Coelestia 4249).

Quod tentatio sit pugna inter hominem internum seu spiritualem et inter externum seu naturalem (Arcana Coelestia 2183, 4256).

Ita inter jucunda interni et externi hominis, quae tunc sibi opposita sunt (Arcana Coelestia 3928, 10351, [8351?],).

Quod existat propter discidium inter illa (Arcana Coelestia 3928).

Ita quod agatur de dominio unius super alterum (Arcana Coelestia 3928, 8961).

Quod nemo tentari possit, nisi sit in agnitione veri et boni, et in affectione illorum, quoniam alioqui non fit pugna, non enim est spirituale agens contra naturale, ita non de dominio (Arcana Coelestia 3928, 4299).

Quod is tentetur qui aliquam vitam spiritualem nactus est (Arcana Coelestia 8963).

Quod tentationes existant apud illos qui conscientiam habent, ita qui in amore spirituali sunt; graviores autem apud illos qui perceptionem, ita qui in amore caelesti sunt (Arcana Coelestia 1668, 8963).

Quod mortui homines, hoc est, qui non in fide et amore in Deum et in amore erga proximum sunt, non admittantur in tentationes, quoniam succumberent (Arcana Coelestia 270, 4274, 4299, 8964, 8968).

Quod ideo pauci hodie in tentationes spirituales (Arcana Coelestia 8965).

Sed quod illi sint anxietates propter varias causas in mundo, quae fuerunt, quae sunt, et quae futura sunt; quae causae conjunctae solent esse cum infirmitate animi ac invalitudine corporis; quae non sunt anxietates tentationum (Arcana Coelestia 762, 8164).

Quod tentationes spirituales conjunctae soleant esse cum doloribus corporis, et non conjunctae (Arcana Coelestia 8164).

Quod status tentationum sit immundus et squalidus, quia injiciuntur mala et falsa, et quoque dubia de bonis et veris (Arcana Coelestia 5246).

Tum quia in tentationibus sunt indignationes, dolores animi, et plures affectiones non bonae (Arcana Coelestia 1917, 6829).

Quod etiam sit obscurum et dubium de fine (Arcana Coelestia 1820, 6829).

Et quoque de Divina providentia et auditione; quoniam in tentationibus preces non ita audiuntur sicut extra illas (Arcana Coelestia 8179).

Et quia homo, cum in tentatione est, sibi videatur in damnatione esse (Arcana Coelestia 6097).

Causa quod ita sit, est, quia homo sentit clare quae in externo homine fiunt, ita quae mali spiritus injiciunt et evocant, secundum quae etiam homo de suo statu cogitat; non autem sentit quae in interno homine fiunt, ita quae per angelos a Domino influunt; ex quibus ideo nec de statu suo judicare potest (Arcana Coelestia 10236, 10240).

Quod tentationes utplurimum perducantur ad desperationem, quae est ultimum illarum (Arcana Coelestia 1787, 2694, 5279, 5280, 6144, 7147, 7155, 7166, 8165, 8567).

Causae (Arcana Coelestia 2694).

Quod in ipsa tentatione etiam sint desperationes sed quod desinant in communem (Arcana Coelestia 8567).

Quod homo in desperatione loquatur acerba, sed quod ad illa a Domino non attendatur (Arcana Coelestia 8165).

Peracta tentatione, quod primum sit fluctuatio inter verum et falsum (Arcana Coelestia 848, 857).

Sed quod postea luceat verum, et fiat serenum et laetum (Arcana Coelestia 3696, 4572, 6829, 8367, 8370).

Quod qui regenerantur, non semel sed pluries subeant tentationes, quoniam plura mala et falsa removenda sunt (Arcana Coelestia 8403).

Quod qui aliquam vitam spiritualem adepti sunt, si in mundo non subeunt tentationes, in altera vita subeant (Arcana Coelestia 7122).

Quomodo tentationes fiunt in altera vita, et ubinam (Arcana Coelestia 537-539, 699, 1106-1113, 1122, 2694, 4728, 4940-4951, 6119, 6928, 7090, 7122, 7123, 7186, 7317, 7474, 7502, 7541, 7542, 7545, 7768, 7990, 9331, 9763 (1122, 7127?).

De statu illustrationis illorum qui e tentatione veniunt, et elevantur in caelum et de receptione illorum ibi (Arcana Coelestia 2699, 2701, 2704).

Tentatio per defectum veri, et desiderium veri tunc, qualis (Arcana Coelestia 2682, 8352).

Tentatio infantum in altera vita, per quam discunt resistere malis, qualis (Arcana Coelestia 2294).

Discrimen inter tentationes, infestationes, et vastationes, quale (n.747).

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