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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第199节







199、试探的益处。下列各节综述了试探的成就 (16921717174061448958-8969)。通过试探,属灵内在之人得以主导属世外在之人。结果是良善征服邪恶,真理辖制谬误。因为良善居住在属灵之人里。事实上,良善除了属灵内在之人再无其他居所,而邪恶居住在属世外在之人里 (8961)。因为试探是它们之间的战斗,因而主导权是征战的目的,即是否属灵之人将主导属世之人,人里面的良善将辖制邪恶,或者相反。结果是谁将主导人,是主还是地狱? (19233928)。

经过试探。属世外在之人接受了真理,这真理与属灵内在之人所渴慕的相对应 (33213928)。试探打开了属灵内在之人,使之与外在之人结合,从而人的两部分都能面向主,被主提升 (10685)试探打开属灵内在之人使之与外在之人结合的原因,是因为主从人的内在做功,并从那里流入外在,摈弃并降伏邪恶,同时使外在归顺并臣服内在 (10685)。

试探的发生是为了良善和真理的结合,并驱散依附于真理和良善的谬误 (4572)。因此,通过试探,良善与真理结合 (2272)。 试探使人意念中接受真理的容器被软化,从而易于接受良善 (3318)。经过试探,种种真理和良善牢固植入内心,从而信心和仁爱与日俱增 (8351892489668967)。邪恶和谬误的摈弃,为良善和真理腾出了空间 (7122)。通过试探,由爱自己和爱世界所产生的一切邪恶和谬误被瓦解 (5356)。从而人变得谦卑 (89668967)。试探使得邪恶和谬误被征服、隔离和摈弃,但不是被毁灭 (868)。通过试探,来自肉体的欲望被克制 (357868)。通过试探,人在比照和联系处于对立面的邪恶和谬误后,知道了什么是良善和真理 (5356)。他还认识到,除了邪恶他什么都不是,他的一切良善都来自主和祂的仁慈(2334)。

人通过试探获得战胜后,邪灵被褫夺了再次攻击他的能力 (16951717)。地狱不敢对那些经过试探并已获胜的人发起攻击 (21838273)。

人战胜试探后,良善与真理的结合会产生快乐,虽然人不知道这是快乐之源 (45726829)。然后,人被导向信仰的真理之光,并能觉知出于爱的良善 (83678370)。从此他拥有聪颖和智慧 (89668967)。试探之后,真知极大地增强 (6663)。良善居于主导或首位,真知位于其次 (5773)。这样人的属灵内在之人已被带入天使社群,也就是进入了天堂 (6611)。

一个人经受试探之前,他已有的真知和良善被主按秩序安排,使他能够抵制他具有的来自地狱且兴风作浪的邪恶和谬误 (8131)。在试探中,主在邪灵意欲作恶之处导向良善 (6574)。试探之后,主将人的真知和良善安置在一个新秩序中,也就是安置成天堂的样式 (10685)。关于属灵之人的内在按天堂的样式安排,请参看《天堂与地狱》一书中天堂的样式一章(第23章,译者注),天堂的样式决定了那里的联合与沟通 (200212节。

试探的失败者陷入诅咒,因为邪恶和谬误成为赢者,属世之人战胜属灵之人成为主宰。于是人后来的境况变得比之前更糟 (816581698961)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 199

199. The benefit of crises of the spirit. An overview of what crises of the spirit accomplish: 1692, 1717, 1740, 6144, 8958-8969. Through spiritual crises our spiritual or inner self gains control over our earthly or outer self; so goodness gains control over evil and truth over falsity, since goodness resides in our spiritual self. In fact, we have no goodness anywhere but in our spiritual self; evil resides in our earthly self: 8961. Since a spiritual crisis is a battle between these two, what is at stake is control-namely, whether or not the spiritual self will gain control over the earthly, whether or not goodness within us will gain control over evil, and therefore whether the Lord or hell will have control over us: 1923, 3928. It is through crises of the spirit that our outer or earthly self accepts truths that align with the desire for truth that has developed in our inner or spiritual self: 3321, 3928. Our inner, spiritual self is opened up by spiritual crises and joined to our outer self, so that both parts of us can be lifted up and can turn to the Lord: 10685. The reason our inner, spiritual self is both opened by spiritual crises and joined by them to our outer self is that the Lord acts from within and flows from there into our outer self, where he puts evils aside and conquers them, and during this process renders our outer self subject and subordinate to our inner self: 10685.

[2] Crises of the spirit happen so that goodness and truth can be joined together in us and so that the falsities that cling to goodness and truth can be dispelled (4572); so through spiritual crises, goodness is joined to truths (2272). Vessels in our minds that are receptive to truths are softened by spiritual crises and take on a state that is also receptive to goodness: 3318. Through spiritual crises, truths and goodness of various kinds take root and are strengthened in us; therefore our faith and caring increase: 8351, 8924, 8966, 8967. Meanwhile, evil and falsity in us are moved aside so that there is room for goodness and truth: 7122. Through spiritual crises, our love for ourselves and our love for the world-the sources of everything that is evil and false-are broken up (5356) and we are taught humility (8966, 8967). Through spiritual crises, what is evil and false in us is tamed, separated, and put aside, but is not destroyed: 868. Through spiritual crises, bodily concerns and cravings are tamed: 857, 868. Through spiritual crises we learn what goodness truth are, in part from the contrast between them their opposites, evil falsity: 5356. We also learn that everything we have is nothing but evil and that anything good we have comes from the Lord and his mercy: 2334.

Through spiritual crises in which we are victorious, evil spirits are deprived of their power to do anything further against us: 1695, 1717. The hells do not dare rise up against people who have undergone spiritual crises and have been victorious: 2183, 8273.

After crises of the spirit in which we are victorious, there is a joy that arises from the joining together of goodness and truth, though we are not aware that this is the source of our joy: 4572, 6829. We then gain an enlightenment regarding the truth that leads to faith and a perception of the goodness that comes from love: 8367, 8370. From crises of the spirit we also gain intelligence and wisdom: 8966, 8967. Truths increase immensely after spiritual crises: 6663. Goodness takes the lead or occupies first place, while truth comes second: 5773. With respect to our inner, spiritual self we are brought into angelic communities, and therefore into heaven: 6611.

Before we undergo crises of the spirit, the truths we have, as well as the good things in us, are set in order for us by the Lord so that we can resist the evil and falsity that are with us from hell and will be stirred up: 8131. In spiritual crises, the Lord provides a good outcome where the hellish spirits intend nothing but evil: 6574. After spiritual crises, the Lord sets our truths, as well as the good things in us, in a new order and arranges them in a heavenly form: 8370. On the arrangement of the deeper parts of the spiritual self into a heavenly form, see the chapter in Heaven and Hell titled "Heaven's Form, Which Determines How People Associate and Communicate There" (200-212).

People who give up the fight in spiritual crises come into damnation because the evil and falsity win and the earthly self triumphs over the spiritual and takes control; and our latter state becomes worse than our former one: 8165, 8169, 8961.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 199

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 199

199. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 199

199. The good effected by Temptations. A summary of what is effected by temptations, Arcana Coelestia 1692, 1717, 1740, 6144, 8958-8969. Dominion is acquired through temptations for the spiritual or internal man over the natural or external man, and consequently for good over evil, and truth over falsity; for in the spiritual man there is good, without which the spiritual man has no being, and in the natural man there is evil, Arcana Coelestia 8961. Since temptation means the combat between these, therefore dominion is the object of the strife, namely, whether the spiritual man shall have dominion over the natural man, and thus whether good shall have dominion over evil, or conversely; and, consequently whether the Lord or hell shall have dominion over man, Arcana Coelestia 1923, 3928. The external, that is, the natural man, through temptations, receives truths which correspond to the affection thereof in the internal, that is, in the spiritual man, Arcana Coelestia 3321, 3928. The internal spiritual man is opened, and conjoined with the external man, through temptations, in order that the man as to both may be capable of being elevated, and of looking to the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 10685. The reason why the internal spiritual man is opened and conjoined with the external through temptations, is, that the Lord acts from the interior, and from it flows into the external man, and therein removes and subjugates evils, and together therewith subjects the external man, and renders it subordinate to the internal, Arcana Coelestia 10685.

Temptations are for the sake of the conjunction of good and truth, and for the sake of the dispersion of the falsities which adhere to truths and goods, Arcana Coelestia 4572. Through temptations, consequently, good is conjoined with truths, Arcana Coelestia 2272. The vessels receptive of truth are softened through temptations, and put on a state in which they are capable of receiving good, Arcana Coelestia 3318. Truths and goods, and thus the things belonging to faith and charity, are confirmed and implanted through temptations, Arcana Coelestia 8351, 8924, 8966, 8967; and evils and falsities are removed, and room is thus afforded to goods and truths, Arcana Coelestia 7122. The loves of self and of the world, from which spring all evils and falsities, are broken through temptations, Arcana Coelestia 5356; and the man is thus humbled, Arcana Coelestia 8966, 8967. Evils and falsities are subdued, separated, and removed, but not abolished, through temptations, Arcana Coelestia 868. Corporeal things with their concupiscences are subdued through temptations, Arcana Coelestia 857, 868. A man through them learns what good and truth are, even from their relation to their opposites, which are evils and falsities, Arcana Coelestia 5356. He also learns that with himself there is nothing but evil, and that all the good which is with him, is from the Lord and His Mercy, Arcana Coelestia 2334.

Through the temptations in which a man conquers, evil spirits are deprived of the power of operating further against him, Arcana Coelestia 1695, 1717. The hells do not dare to rise up against those who have suffered temptations and have conquered, Arcana Coelestia 2183, 8273.

After the temptations in which a man has conquered, there is joy arising from the conjunction of good and truth, although the man does not know that the joy proceeds therefrom, Arcana Coelestia 4572, 6829. There exists then enlightenment of the truth which belongs to faith, and a perception of the good which belongs to love, Arcana Coelestia 8367, 8370. From it a man has intelligence and wisdom, Arcana Coelestia 8966, 8967. After temptations, truths increase immensely, Arcana Coelestia 6663; and good then has the precedence, that is, holds the first place, and truth the second, Arcana Coelestia 5773. As to his internal spiritual man, the man is admitted into angelic societies, and thus into heaven, Arcana Coelestia 6611.

Before a man undergoes temptations, truths with goods are arranged with him in order by the Lord, so that he may resist the evils and falsities which are with him from hell, and which are being stirred up, Arcana Coelestia 8131. In temptations the Lord provides good in place of the evil which is intended by infernal spirits, Arcana Coelestia 6574. After temptations the Lord reduces truths with goods into a new order, and arranges them into a heavenly form, no, 10685. The interiors of the spiritual man are arranged into a heavenly form; see in the work on Heaven and Hell, the. chapter on "The Form of Heaven, according to which the consociations and communications therein take place," Heaven and Hell 200-212.

Those who fall in temptations come into damnation, because evils and falsities are victorious, and the natural man prevails over the spiritual man, and afterwards has dominion: the latter state then becomes worse than the former, Arcana Coelestia 8165, 8169, 8961.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 199

199. What good is effected by temptations.

The effect of temptations, a summary (n. 1692, 1717[1-3], 1740, 6144, 8958-8969). By temptations the spiritual or internal man acquires dominion over the natural or external man; consequently good over evil, and truth over falsity; because good resides in the spiritual man, which cannot exist without it, and evil resides in the natural man (n. 8961). Since temptation is a combat between them, it follows that dominion is the object of the contest, that is, whether the spiritual man shall have dominion over the natural man, thus whether good shall have dominion over evil, or vice versa; consequently, whether the Lord or hell shall have dominion over man (n. 1923, 3928). The external or natural man, by means of temptations, receives truths corresponding to the affection thereof in the internal or spiritual man (n. 3321, 3928). The internal spiritual man is opened and conjoined with the external by means of temptations, in order that man as to each may be elevated, and look to the Lord (n. 10685). The internal spiritual man is opened and conjoined with the external by means of temptations, because the Lord acts from the interior, and flows in thence into the external, and removes and subjugates the evils therein, and at the same time subjects and renders it subordinate to the internal (n. 10685).

Temptations take place for the sake of the conjunction of good and truth, and the dispersion of the falsities which adhere to truths and goods (n. 4572). Consequently that good is conjoined to truths by temptations (n. 2272). The vessels recipient of truth are softened by temptations, and put on a state receptive of good (n. 3318). Truths and goods, thus the things which belong to faith and charity, are confirmed and implanted by temptations (n. 8351, 8924, 8966, 8967). And evils and falsities are removed, and room made for the reception of goods and truths (n. 7122). By temptations the loves of self and the world, from whence proceed all evils and falsities, are broken (n. 5356). And thus man is humbled (n. 8966, 8967). Evils and falsities are subdued, separated, and removed, but not abolished, by temptations (n. 868). By temptations corporeal things with their lusts are subdued (n. 857, 868). 1Man by temptations learns what good and truth are, even from their relation to their opposites, which are evils and falsities (n. 5356). He also learns that of himself he is nothing but evil, and that all the good with him is from the Lord, and from His mercy (n. 2334).

By the temptations in which man conquers, evil spirits are deprived of the power of rising up against him any further (n. 1695, 1717[1-3]). The hells dare not rise up against those who have suffered temptations and have conquered (n. 2183, 8273).

After temptations in which man has conquered, there is joy arising from the conjunction of good and truth, although the man does not know that the joy is thence (n. 4572, 6829). There is then the enlightenment of the truth which is of faith, and the perception of the good which is of love (n. 8367, 8370). Thence he has intelligence and wisdom (n. 8966, 8967). Truths after temptations increase immensely (n. 6663). And good has the precedence, or is in the first place, and truth in the second (n. 5773). And man, as to his internal spiritual man, is admitted into the angelic societies, thus into heaven (n. 6611).

Before a man undergoes temptations, the truths and goods which are with him are arranged in order by the Lord, that he may be able to resist the evils and falsities which are with him, and are excited from hell (n. 8131). In temptations the Lord provides good where the evil spirits intend evil (n. 6574). After temptations the Lord reduces truths with goods into a new order, and arranges them in a heavenly form (n. 10685). The interiors of the spiritual man are arranged into a heavenly form, see the work on Heaven and Hell, in the chapter on the Form of Heaven, according to which are the consociations and communications 2there (n. 200, 212).

They who fall in temptations, come into damnation, because evils and falsities conquer, and the natural man prevails over the spiritual man, and afterwards has the dominion; and then the latter state becomes worse than the former (n. 8165, 8169,8961).


1. The printed version has 357, an incorrect reading of the Latin.

2. The phrase "and communications" is found in the 1st Latin edition but not the 2nd. The translator thus omits it.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 199 (original Latin 1758)

199. Tentationes quid boni efficiunt.

Quid tentationes efficiunt (in summa, Arcana Coelestia 1692, 1717, 1740, 6144, 8958-8969).

Quod per tentationes acquiratur dominium spirituali seu interno homini super naturalem seu externum, consequenter bono super malum ac vero super falsum, quoniam in spirituali homine est bonum, nam absque eo non est, et in naturali malum (Arcana Coelestia 8961).

Quoniam tentatio est pugna inter illa, inde agitur de dominio; nempe, num sit spirituali homini super naturalem, proinde num bono super malum, aut vicissim; proinde num sit Domino super hominem, vel num inferno (Arcana Coelestia 1923, 3928).

Quod externus seu naturalis homo per tentationes recipiat vera correspondentia affectioni eorum in interno seu spirituali homine, (Arcana Coelestia 3321, 3928).

Quod internus spiritualis homo per tentationes aperiatur, et conjungatur cum externo, ut homo quoad utrumque elevari possit, et spectare ad Dominum (, [10685?],.

Causa quod internus spiritualis homo per tentationes et aperiatur et conjungatur cum externo, est quia Dominus ab interiori agit, ac influit inde in externum, ac removet ibi et subjugat mala, ac cum illis subjicit et subordinat eum interno (Arcana Coelestia 10685).

Quod tentationes sint propter conjunctionem boni et veri, et propter discussionem falsorum adhaerentium veris et bonis (Arcana Coelestia 4572).

Ita quod per tentationes conjungatur bonum veris (Arcana Coelestia 2272).

Quod vasa recipientia veri per tentationes emolliantur, ac induant statum recipiendi bonum (Arcana Coelestia 3318).

Quod vera et bona per tentationes confirmentur et implantentur, ita illa quae fidei et charitatis sunt (Arcana Coelestia 8351, 8924, 8966, 8967).

Et quod mala et falsa removeantur, et sic locus detur bonis et veris (Arcana Coelestia 7122).

Quod per tentationes infringantur amores sui et mundi, ex quibus omnia mala et falsa (Arcana Coelestia 5356).

Et quod sic homo humilietur (Arcana Coelestia 8966, 8967).

Quod mala et falsa per tentationes domentur, separentur, et removeantur, sed non aboleantur (Arcana Coelestia 868).

Quod per tentationes domentur corporea, et eorum concupiscentiae (Arcana Coelestia 857, 858, 868?).

Quod homo per illas discat quid bonum et verum, etiam ex relatione ad opposita, quae sunt mala et falsa (Arcana Coelestia 5356).

Quod etiam discat quod apud se non sit nisi quam malum; et quod omne bonum quod apud illum, sit a Domino, et ex Ipsius misericordia (Arcana Coelestia 2334).

Quod homo per tentationes in quibus vincit, mali spiritus depriventur potentia ulterius contra illum agendi (Arcana Coelestia 1695, 1717).

Quod inferna contra illos qui tentationes passi sunt et vicerunt, non ausint exsurgere (Arcana Coelestia 2183, 8273).

Quod post tentationes, in quibus homo vicit, sit gaudium oriundum ex conjunctione boni et veri, tametsi homo nescit quod gaudium tunc inde sit (Arcana Coelestia 4572, 6829).

Quod tunc illustratio veri quod fidei, et perceptio boni quod amoris (Arcana Coelestia 8367, 8370).

Quod inde ei intelligentia et sapientia (Arcana Coelestia 8966, 8967).

Quod vera post tentationes immensum crescant (Arcana Coelestia 6663).

Et quod bonum primas agat, seu primo loco sit, ac verum secundo (Arcana Coelestia 5773).

Et quod homo quoad internum spiritualem hominem in societates angelicas immittatur, ita in caelum (Arcana Coelestia 6611).

Quod vera cum bonis, antequam homo subit tentationes, apud illum in ordinem disponantur a Domino, ut resisti possit malis et falsis quae apud illum ab inferno, et excitantur (Arcana Coelestia 8131).

Quod Dominus in tentationibus prospiciat bonum, loco quod infernales spiritus intendant malum (Arcana Coelestia 6574).

Quod Dominus vera cum bonis post tentationes in novum ordinem redigat, et disponat in formam caelestem (Arcana Coelestia 10685).

(Quod interiora hominis spiritualis disposita sint in formam caelestem, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno, et ibi in articulo, De Forma Caeli, secundum quam consociationes [et communicationes] 1ibi, De Caelo et Inferno 200, 212.)

Quod qui in tentationibus succumbunt in damnationem veniant, quia mala et falsa vincunt, et naturalis homo super spiritualem, ac postea dominatur, et quod tunc status posterior at pejor priori (Arcana Coelestia 8165, 8169, 8961).


1. This phrase is present in the 1st Latin edition but not in the 2nd. This observation made by the Rev. Stephen D. Cole.

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