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属天的奥秘 第6896节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6896

6896. And that which is done to you in Egypt. That this signifies the endeavor to subjugate, is evident from what goes before, in regard to the affliction and oppression of the sons of Israel, that is, of those who are of the spiritual church; this is what is meant by "that which was done to you in Egypt." (That those afflictions and oppression signify infestations and endeavors to subjugate, see n. 6633, 6666, 6668, 6670, 6671, 6851, 6852, 6863.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 6896

6896. 'And [seen] what has been done to you in Egypt' means the endeavour to bring them into subjection. This is clear from what has gone before regarding the affliction and oppression of the children of Israel, that is, of those who belong to the spiritual Church. These are the things meant by 'what has been done to you in Egypt'. For the fact that these afflictions and acts of oppression mean molestations and endeavours to bring into subjection, see 6663, 6666, 6668, 6670, 6671, 6851, 6852, 6863.

Latin(1748-1756) 6896

6896. `Et quod factum vobis in Aegypto': quod significet subjugationis conatum, constat ex illis quae praecedunt de afflictione et oppressione filiorum Israelis, hoc est, illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali; haec sunt quae intelliguntur per `quod factum vobis in Aegypto'; {1}quod afflictiones et oppressiones illae significent infestationes et subjugationis conatus {2}, videatur n. 6663, 6666, 6668, 6670, 6671, 6852, 6852, 6863. @1 quae quod sint$ @2 i a falsis$

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