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属天的奥秘 第9405节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9405

9405. And they saw the God of Israel. That this signifies the coming and presence of the Lord in the Word, is evident from the signification of "seeing," when it is the Lord who is seen, as being, His coming and presence (see n. 4198, 6893). That "the God of Israel" denotes the Lord, is evident from all those passages in the Word where He is called "the Holy One of Israel" and "the God of Israel" (see n. 7091). "The God of Israel" denotes the God of the spiritual church, because by "Israel" is signified this church (of which above, n. 9404). That it is the coming and presence of the Lord in the Word which is signified by "they saw the God of Israel," is because by the laws promulgated from Mount Sinai is signified in a wide sense all Divine truth, thus the Word as to each and all things of it (see n. 6752, 9401). That the coming and presence of the Lord in the Word is signified, is because the Word is the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord, and that which proceeds from the Lord, is the Lord Himself. And therefore they who read the Word and at the same time look to the Lord-acknowledging that all truth and all good are from Him, and nothing from themselves-are enlightened, and see truth and perceive good, from the Word. This enlightenment is from the light of heaven, which light is the Divine truth itself that proceeds from the Lord, for this appears as light before the angels in heaven (n. 2776, 3195, 3339, 3636, 3643, 3862, 3993, 4302, 4413, 4415, 5400, 6032, 6313, 6608). [2] The coming and presence of the Lord in the Word are also meant by "seeing the Son of man," as in Matthew:

Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory (Matt. 24:30; see also n. 4060);

for a "cloud" denotes the literal sense of the Word; and "power and glory" its internal sense. The literal sense of the Word is called a "cloud" because it is in the light of the world; and the internal sense is called "glory" because it is in the light of heaven (see the preface to Genesis 18, and n. 5922, 6343, 6752, 8106, 8267, 8427, 8443, 8781). Moreover, in the internal sense of the Word, the Lord alone and His kingdom and church are treated of. From this comes the holiness of the Word, and also the coming and presence of the Lord with those who, as above said, while reading the Word do not look to themselves, but to Him and the neighbor, that is, to the good of one's fellow citizen, of our country, of the church, and of heaven (n. 6818-6824, 8123). The reason is that those who look to the Lord suffer themselves to be raised by Him into the light of heaven; whereas those who look to themselves do not suffer themselves to be raised, for they keep their view fixed on themselves and the world. From this it can be seen what is meant by "seeing the Lord in the Word."

Elliott(1983-1999) 9405

9405. 'And they saw the God of Israel' means the Lord's coming and presence in the Word. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeing', when it has reference to the Lord, as His coming and presence, dealt with in 4198, 6893. The fact that 'the God of Israel' means the Lord is clear from all those places in the Word where the expressions 'the Holy One of Israel' and 'the God of Israel' are used, see 7091. 'The God of Israel' is the God of the spiritual Church, since 'Israel' means that Church, dealt with immediately above in 9404. The Lord's coming and presence in the Word is what is meant by 'they saw the God of Israel' because the laws declared from Mount Sinai mean in a broad sense the whole of Divine Truth, thus the Word in every single part, 6752, 9401. The reason why the Lord's coming and presence in the Word is meant is that the Word is Divine Truth emanating from the Lord, and what emanates from the Lord is the Lord Himself. Consequently those who read the Word and at the same time look to the Lord, acknowledging that all truth and all good come from Him, and none whatever from themselves, receive enlightenment; they see truth and perceive good from the Word. That enlightenment is provided by the light of heaven, a light which is Divine Truth itself flowing from the Lord. For this Truth manifests itself before the eyes of angels in heaven as light, see 2776, 3195, 3339, 3636, 3643, 3862, 3993, 4302, 4413, 4415, 5400, 6032, 6313, 6608.

[2] The Lord's coming and presence in the Word is also meant by 'seeing the Son of Man' in Matthew,

Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear, and they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory. Matt 24:30.

See 4060. 'Cloud' is the literal sense of the Word, and 'power and glory' its internal sense. The literal sense of the Word is called 'cloud' because that sense exists in the light of the world, whereas the internal sense is called 'glory' because this sense exists in the light of heaven, see Preface to Genesis 18, and 5922, 6343 (end), 6752, 8106, 8267, 8427, 8443, 8781, in addition to which the only subject in the internal sense of the Word is the Lord, and His kingdom and Church. This is what accounts for the holiness of the Word, and also for the Lord's coming to and presence with those who, as they read the Word, have in mind the Lord and the neighbour - the neighbour being the good of fellow citizen, country, the Church, and heaven, 6818-6824, 8123 - and not themselves, as stated above. He comes to them and is present with them because they allow themselves to be raised by the Lord into the light of heaven, unlike others who do not allow themselves to be so raised because they have their minds firmly fixed on self and the world. All this shows what is meant in the Word by seeing the Lord.

Latin(1748-1756) 9405

9405. `Et viderunt Deum Israelis': quod significet adventum et praesentiam Domini in Verbo, constat ex significatione `videre' cum de Domino, quod sit Ipsius adventus et praesentia, de qua n. 4198, 6893; quod `Deus Israelis' sit Dominus, constat ex omnibus illis locis in Verbo ubi dicitur `Sanctus Israelis' et `Deus Israelis,' videatur n. 7091; Deus Israelis' est Deus Ecclesiae spiritualis, quia per `Israelem' significatur illa Ecclesia, de qua mox supra n. 9404. Quod sit adventus et praesentia Domini in Verbo quae significatur per `viderunt Deum Israelis,' est quia per leges quae e monte Sinai promulgatae sunt, in lato sensu significatur omne Divinum Verum, ita Verbum quoad omnia et singula ejus, n. 6752, 9401; quod adventus et praesentia Domini in Verbo significetur, est quia Verbum est Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, et quod procedit a Domino est Ipse Dominus; quapropter qui Verbum legunt et tunc spectant ad Dominum, agnoscendo quod omne verum et omne (x)bonum sit ab Ipso et nihil a {1}semet, illi illustrantur et vident verum ac percipiunt bonum e Verbo; illustratio illa est a luce caeli, quae lux est ipsum Divinum Verum procedens a Domino, hoc enim coram angelis in caelo apparet ut lux, videatur n. 2776, 3195, 3339, 3636, 3643, 3862, 3993, 4302, 4413, 4415, 5400, 6032, 6313, 6608. Domini adventus et praesentia in Verbo etiam per `videre Filium 2 hominis' intelligitur apud Matthaeum, Tunc apparebit signum Filii hominis, et videbunt Filium hominis venientem in nubibus caeli cum virtute et gloria, xxiv 30;

(d)videatur n. 4060; `nubes' enim est sensus litteralis Verbi, ac `virtus et gloria' {2}sensus ejus internus; sensus litteralis Verbi dicitur `nubes' quia est in luce mundi, et sensus internus dicitur `gloria' quia est in luce caeli, videatur Praefatio ad Gen. xviii et n. 5922, (x)6343 fin., 6752, 8106, 8267, 8427, 8443, 8781; et praeterea in sensu interno Verbi agitur de solo Domino ac de Ipsius regno et Ecclesia; inde sanctum Verbi, et inde adventus et praesentia Domini illis qui cum legunt Verbum, Ipsum et proximum, qui est bonum concivis, patriae, Ecclesiae, caeli, n. 6818-6824, 8123, intuentur, et non seipsos, ut supra dictum est; causa est quia illi patiuntur se elevari a Domino in lucem caeli, hi autem non patiuntur se elevari, tenent enim intuitionem suam affixam sibi et mundo. Ex his constare potest quid sit videre Dominum in Verbo. @1 seipsis, et tunc pro fine habent Dominum et ad proximum, et non semet$ @2 est sensus internus$

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