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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第307节





307、关于天堂的主。主在天堂中既显为一轮太阳,也显为一轮月亮。对于那些属天国度的天使,祂显现为一轮太阳;对于属灵国度的天使,主显现为一轮月亮 (105315211529-153136363641432150977078708371737270881210809)。从显为一轮太阳的主发出的光是神性真理,那是天使所有智慧和聪明的源泉 (10531521-153327763138319532223223322533393341363636433993418043024415540093999407954895719684)。从显为太阳的主发出的热是神性良善,天使们从中汲取他们的爱 (3338363636435215)。

在天堂,主的神性本体远在祂展现出的神性之上 (72708760)。神性真理不在主内,而是从主发出,正如光不在太阳内,而是从太阳发出 (3969)。本体实相在于主内,其彰显作为却从主发出 (3938)。主是天堂共同的中心,所有的天使都朝向祂 (363398281013010189)。此外,天使不是自己转向主的,而是主使他们朝向祂 (10189)。因为不是天使展现于主,而是主展现于天使 (9415)。主与天使的同在,取决于他们从祂所接受的爱之良善与仁慈的程度 (904419842064211432062806832704288199680968296831010610810)。主在天堂与所有人同在,也展现给地狱中的每个人 (277636423644)。出于祂的属天之爱,主愿意引导所有人都归向祂、进入天堂 (6645)。主从未中断与人的联结,但是祂的联结与灵流却被人类的自爱(中文译者注:即爱自己和爱尘世)阻隔断了 (2041205324115696)。

神性人身荣入天堂,造就了天堂。 天堂之人不能与神性本体联结,只能与神性人身联结 (3038421147245663)。并且神性人身经天堂流出到人类 (1925)。主是天堂的全部,也是天堂的生命 (72119128)。主从本体内与天使同在 (9338101251015110157)。因此,天堂的天使是在主里面 (36373638)。天堂就是主的神性人身,人的方方面面都对应于天堂,因此天堂在总体上如一人,所以被称为最大的人 (298829963624-36293636-36433741-37454625)。主是唯一真正的人,只有从祂接受神性的人才能成为人 (1894)。人越多的接受主,就越具有主的形象 (8547)。天使具有从主而来的人形,为爱和慈悲的化身 (380437354797498551995530987910177)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 307

307. The Lord in heaven. The Lord is seen in heaven as a sun or a moon-as a sun by people in the heavenly kingdom and as a moon by people in the spiritual kingdom: 1053, 1521, 1529, 1530, 1531, 3636, 3641, 4321, 5097, 7078, 7083, 7173, 7270, 8812, 10809. The light that radiates from the Lord as the sun is divine truth, the source of all intelligence and wisdom for angels: 1053, 1521-1533, 2776, 3138, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3339, 3341, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4180, 4302, 4415, 5400, 9399, 9407, 9548, 9571, 9684. The warmth that radiates from the Lord as the sun is divine goodness, the source of the love that angels have: 3338, 3636, 3643, 5215. The Lord's divinity as it is in itself is far above his divinity as it is present in heaven: 7270, 8760. Divine truth is not in the Lord but emanates from him, just as light is not in the sun but emanates from it: 3969. The underlying reality exists within the Lord, and the manifestation of it comes from the Lord: 3938. The Lord is the one center toward which all the angels in heaven turn: 3633, 9828, 10130, 10189. Still, angels do not turn themselves toward the Lord; rather, the Lord turns them toward himself (10189), because angels do not make themselves present with the Lord; the Lord makes himself present with the angels (9415). The Lord's presence with angels depends on how receptive they are to the goodness of love and of caring that come from him: 904, 4198, 4206, 4211, 4320, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9682, 9683, 10106. The Lord is present with everyone in heaven and also everyone in hell: 2706. Because of his divine love, the Lord wants to lead everyone toward himself in heaven: 6645. The Lord is constantly engaged in an effort to join with us, but his inflowing and his joining with us are impeded by our own loves: 2041, 2053, 2411, 5696.

[2] The Lord's divine humanity flows into heaven and constitutes it; those in heaven are joined not to the divinity itself but to the divine humanity: 3038, 4211, 4724, 5663. Further, the divine humanity flows through and out of heaven to be with us: 9706. The Lord is everything to heaven and is the life of heaven: 7211, 9128. The Lord dwells with angels in what is his own: 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157. Therefore those who are in heaven are in the Lord: 3637, 3638. Heaven corresponds to the Lord's divine humanity, and a human being in every detail corresponds to heaven, so heaven taken as a whole is like one individual and is therefore called "the universal human": 2988, 2996, 3624-3649, 3741-3745, 4625. The Lord is the only true human being, and we become human only if we become receptive to what is divine from him: 1894. The more receptive we are to the Lord, the more we become images of the Lord: 8547. Angels are embodiments of love and caring in human form, a quality that they get from the Lord: 3804, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 307

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 307

307. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 307

307. The Lord in Heaven. The Lord appears in heaven as a sun and also as a moon: as a sun, to those who are in the celestial kingdom, and as a moon, to those who are in the spiritual kingdom, Arcana Coelestia 1053, 1521, 1529-1531, 3636, 3641, 4321, 5097, 7078, 7083, 7173, 7270, 8812, 10809. The light which proceeds from the Lord as a sun is Divine Truth, from which the angels have all wisdom and intelligence, Arcana Coelestia 1053, 1521-1533, 2776, 3138, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3339, 3341, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4180, 4302, 4415, 5400, 9399, 9407, 9548, 9571, 9684. And the heat which proceeds from the Lord as a sun, is Divine Good, from which the angels have love, Arcana Coelestia 3338, 3636, 3643, 5215. The very Divine of the Lord is far above His Divine in heaven, Arcana Coelestia 7270, 8760. The Divine Truth is not in the Lord, but proceeds from Him, as the light is not in the sun, but proceeds from it, Arcana Coelestia 3969. Esse is in the Lord, and Existere is from the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 3938. The Lord is the common centre to which all the angels in heaven turn themselves, Arcana Coelestia 3633, 9828, 10130, 10189. Nevertheless the angels do not turn themselves to the Lord, but the Lord turns them to Him, Arcana Coelestia 10189: because the angels are not present with the Lord, but the Lord is present with them, Arcana Coelestia 9415. The Lord's presence with the angels is according to their reception of the good of love and charity from Him, Arcana Coelestia 904, 4198, 4206, 4211, 4320, 6280, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9682, 9683, 10106, 10810. The Lord is present with all in heaven, and also in hell, Arcana Coelestia 2706. The Lord wishes from the Divine Love to draw all men to Himself in heaven, Arcana Coelestia 6645. The Lord is in a continual endeavour at conjunction with man; but influx and conjunction are impeded by a man's own loves, Arcana Coelestia 2041, 2053, 2411, 5696.

The Lord's Divine Human flows into heaven, and causes heaven; and there is no conjunction with the very Divine in heaven, but with the Divine Human, Arcana Coelestia 3038, 4211, 4724, 5663. This Divine flows in with men out of heaven and through heaven, Arcana Coelestia 1925. The Lord is the all of heaven, and He is the life of heaven, Arcana Coelestia 7211, 9128. The Lord dwells with the angels in His own, Arcana Coelestia 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157. Those therefore who are in heaven are in the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 3637, 3638. Heaven corresponds to the Lord's Divine Human, and man, as to each and all things, to heaven; wherefore heaven in general is as one Man, and is therefore called the Grand Man, Arcana Coelestia 2988, 2996, 3624-3629, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625. The Lord is the only Man; and those only are men who receive the Divine from Him, Arcana Coelestia 1894. So far as they receive the same, so far they are images of the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 8547. The angels are forms of love and charity in a human form, and this is from the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 3804, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 307

307. Of the Lord in heaven.

The Lord appears in heaven both as a sun and a moon; as a sun to those who are in the celestial kingdom, and as a moon to those who are in the spiritual kingdom (n. 1053, 1521, 1529-1531, 3636 ,3641, 4321, 5097, 7078, 7083, 7173, 7270, 8812, 10809). The light which proceeds from the Lord as a sun is the Divine truth, from which the angels derive all their wisdom and intelligence (n. 1053, 1521-1533, 2776, 3138, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3339, 3341, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4180, 4302, 4415, 5400, 9399, 9407, 9548, 9571, 9684). And the heat which proceeds from the Lord as a sun is the Divine good, from which the angels derive their love (n. 3338, 3636, 3643, 5215).

The Lord's Divine itself is far above His Divine in heaven (n. 7270, 8760). The Divine truth is not in the Lord, but proceeds from the Lord, as light is not in the sun, but proceeds from the sun (n. 3969). Esse is in the Lord, and existere from the Lord (n. 3938). The Lord is the common center to which all the angels in heaven turn (n. 3633, 9828, 10130, 10189). Nevertheless the angels do not turn themselves to the Lord, but the Lord turns them to Himself (n. 10189); because the angels are not present with the Lord, but the Lord is present with the angels (n. 9415). The Lord's presence with the angels is according to their reception of the good of love and charity from Him (n. 904, 4198, 4206, 4211, 4320, 6280, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9682, 9683, 10106, 10810). The Lord is present with all in heaven, and also in hell (n. 2776, 3642, 3644). The Lord from His Divine love wishes to draw all men to Himself into heaven (n. 6645). The Lord is in a continual endeavor of conjunction with man, but the influx and conjunction are impeded by the loves of man's proprium (n. 2041, 2053, 2411, 5696).

The Divine Human of the Lord flows into heaven, and makes heaven, and there is no conjunction with the Divine itself in heaven, but with the Divine Human (n. 3038, 4211, 4724, 5663). And the Divine Human flows in with men out of heaven and through heaven (n. 1925). The Lord is the all of heaven, and the life of heaven (n. 7211, 9128). The Lord dwells with the angels in what is His own (n. 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157). Hence they who are in heaven are in the Lord (n. 3637, 3638). Heaven corresponds to the Divine Human of the Lord, and man as to each and all things, corresponds to heaven, whence heaven in general is as one man, and is therefore called the Greatest Man (n. 2988, 2996, 3624-3629, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625). The Lord is the only Man, and they only are men who receive the Divine from Him (n. 1894). So far as they receive, so far they become images of the Lord (n. 8547). The angels are forms of love and charity in a human form, and this is from the Lord (n. 3804, 4735, 14797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177).


1. The printed version has 3745, whereas the Latin is 4735.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 307 (original Latin 1758)

307. De Domino in Caelo.

Quod Dominus appareat in caelo ut Sol et ut Luna; ut Sol illis qui in regno caelesti, ac ut Luna illis qui in regno spirituali (Arcana Coelestia 1053, 1521, 1529-1531, 3636, 3643, [3641?], 4321, 5097, 7078, 7083, 7173, 7270, 8812, 10809).

Quod lux, quae procedit ex Domino ut Sole, sit Divinum Verum, ex quo omnis sapientia et intelligentia angelis (Arcana Coelestia 1053, 1521-1533, 2776, 3138, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3399, [3339?], 3341, 3636, 3643, 3993, 4180, 4302, 4415, 5400, 9399, 9407, 9548, 9571, 9684).

Et quod calor, qui procedit ex Domino ut Sole, sit Divinum Bonum ex quo amor angelis (Arcana Coelestia 3338, 3636, 3643, 5215).

Quod ipsum Divinum Domini sit longe supra Divinum Ipsius in caelo (Arcana Coelestia 7270, 8760).

Quod Divinum Verum non 1sit in Domino, sed quod procedat ex Domino; sicut lux non est in sole, sed ex sole (Arcana Coelestia 3969).

Quod in Domino sit Esse, et a Domino Existere (Arcana Coelestia 3938).

Quod Dominus sit centrum commune, ad quod omnes angeli in e vertunt (Arcana Coelestia 3633, 9828, 10130, 10189).

Quod tamen angeli se non vertant ad Dominum, sed quod Dominus illos vertat ad Se (Arcana Coelestia 10189): quia non est praesentia angelorum apud Dominum, sed Domini apud angelos (Arcana Coelestia 9415).

Quod praesentia Domini apud angelos se habeat secundum receptionem boni amoris et charitatis ab Ipso (Arcana Coelestia 904, 4198, 4206, 4211, 4320, 6280, 6832, 7042, 8819, 9680, 9682, 9683, 10106, 10811, [1081?],).

Quod Dominus praesens sit apud omnes in caelo, et quoque in inferno (Arcana Coelestia 2766 (2776, 3642, 3644?)).

Quod Dominus ex Divino Amore velit adducere omnes homines ad Se in caelum (Arcana Coelestia 6645).

Quod Dominus sit in continuo conatu conjunctionis cum homine, sed quod influxus et conjunctio impediatur per proprios hominis amores (Arcana Coelestia 2041, 2053, 2411, 5696).

Quod Divinum Humanum Domini influat in caelum et faciat caelum, quodque nulla conjunctio cum ipso Divino sit in caelo, sed cum Divino Humano (Arcana Coelestia 3038, 4211, 4724, 5633, [5663?],).

Et quod Divinum illud influat e caelo et per caelum apud homines (Arcana Coelestia 1925).

Quod Dominus sit omne caeli, et quod sit vita caeli (Arcana Coelestia 7211, 9128).

Quod Dominus in suo habitet apud angelos (Arcana Coelestia 9338, 10125, 10151, 10157).

Inde, quod qui in caelo sunt in Domino sint (Arcana Coelestia 3637, 3638). Quod caelum correspondeat Divino Humano Domini, et quod homo quoad omnia et singula caelo, et quod inde caelum in communi sit sicut unus Homo, qui ideo Maximus Homo vocatur (Arcana Coelestia 2948, [2988?], 2996, 3624-3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625).

Quod Dominus sit solus Homo, et quod illi modo homines sint qui recipiunt Divinum ab Ipso (Arcana Coelestia 1894).

Quod quantum recipiunt, tantum imagines Domini sint (Arcana Coelestia 8547).

Quod angeli sint formae amoris et charitatis in humana forma, et quod hoc a Domino (Arcana Coelestia 3804, 4735, 4797, 4985, 5199, 5530, 9879, 10177).


1. sit pro "fit"

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