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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 28

28. The first-born from the dead. That this signifies from whom is all good in heaven, is evident from the signification of first-born, when said of the Lord, as denoting the Divine good in heaven, thus all good there. The reason why this is signified by first-born, is, because by generations, in general and in particular, are signified spiritual generations, which are those of good and truth, or of love and faith. Therefore, by father, mother, sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and sons' sons, are signified the goods and truths which generate, and which are generated, in their order (Arcana Coelestia 10490). For in heaven there are no other nativities; and, this being the case, by first-born is not meant first-born, but the good of heaven and the church, because this is in the chief place. Now, because all good in heaven exists from the Lord, therefore He is called the First-born.

[2] The reason why He is called the first-born from the dead, is because, when He rose from the dead, He made His Human Divine Good by union with the Divine which was in Him from conception. This is why He is called the first-born from the dead; and why He says of Himself in David,

"I will make him the first-born, higher than the kings of the earth" (Arcana Coelestia 3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076, thus that He came forth from the Father and returned to the Father, n. 3194, 3210; and that after the union, the Divine truth, which is the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, goes forth from Him, n. 3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398, 9407. But this mystery may be seen more fully explained in the small work, The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 293-295; and in the passages from Arcana Coelestia there cited, n. 303-305.)

Since the Lord as to His Divine Human is called the first-born, because all good goes forth from Him, therefore all the first-born in the Israelitish church were holy to Jehovah; and therefore also the Levites were taken in the place of all the first-born in Israel. For by the sons of Levi were represented those of the church who are in the good of charity. On this account, also, a double portion of the inheritance fell to the first-born. All this, because the first-born signified good from the Lord, and, in the highest sense, the Lord Himself as to the Divine Human, from which all good comes; for all the things commanded in the Israelitish church were representative of spiritual and celestial Divine things.

[3] That all the first-born in the Israelitish church were holy to Jehovah is evident from Moses, in the following passages:

"Sanctify unto me all the first-born, whatsoever openeth the womb among the sons of Israel, in man and in beast; it is mine" (720, 1686, 5194, 8423).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 28

28. The Firstborn from the dead, signifies from whom is all good in heaven. This is evident from the signification of the "firstborn," as being, in reference to the Lord, Divine good in heaven, thus all good there. The "firstborn" signifies this, because by generations, in general and in particular, spiritual generations are signified, which are the generations of good and truth or of love and faith; from this it is, that by "father," "mother," "sons," "daughters," "sons-in-law," "daughters-in-law," and "son's sons," are signified goods and truths which generate and are generated in their order (Arcana Coelestia 10490), for in heaven there are no other nativities. This being so, by "firstborn" is not meant the firstborn, but the good of heaven and of the church, because this is in the first place. And since it is the Lord from whom all good in heaven is, He is called the "Firstborn." He is called "the Firstborn from the dead," because, when He arose from the dead, He made His Human to be Divine good by union with the Divine that was in Him from conception.

[2] This is why He is called "the Firstborn from the dead," and says of Himself in David:

I will make Him the Firstborn, high above the kings of the earth (Arcana Coelestia 3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076; thus that He came forth from the Father and returned to the Father, n. 3194, 3210; and that after the union, the Divine truth, which is the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, proceeds from Him, n. 3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398, 9407. But this arcanum may be seen more fully explained in the small work on The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 293-295; and in the passages there cited from the Arcana Coelestia 303-305.)

As the Lord in respect to the Divine Human is called "the Firstborn," for the reason that all good proceeds from Him, so all the firstborn in the Israelitish church were holy to Jehovah; so also the Levites were received in place of all the firstborn in Israel; for by the sons of Levi were represented those of the church who are in the good of charity: therefore also a double portion of inheritance was allotted to the firstborn; all this for the reason that the firstborn signified the good that is from the Lord, and in the highest sense, the Lord Himself in respect to the Divine Human from which is all good. For all things that were commanded in the Israelitish church were representative of Divine things, spiritual and celestial.

[3] That all the firstborn in the Israelitish church were holy to Jehovah appears from Moses, in the following passages:

Sanctify unto Me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the sons of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is Mine (Arcana Coelestia 720, 1686, 5194, 8423)

Apocalypsis Explicata 28 (original Latin 1759)

28. "Ipse Primogenitus ex mortuis." - Quod significet ex quo omne bonum ibi, constat ex significatione "primogeniti", cum de Domino, quod sit Divinum Bonum in caelo, ita omne bonum ibi; quod "primogenitus" id significet, est quia per "generationes" In genere et in specie significantur generationes spirituales, quae sunt boni et veri, seu amoris et fidei; inde est quod per "patrem", matrem", "filios", "filias", "generos", "nurus", "filios filiorum", significantur bona et vera, quae generant, et quae generantur in suo ordine (n. AC 10490); in caelo enim non sunt aliae nativitates; et quia ita est, per "primogenitum" non intelligitur primogenitus, sed bonum caeli et ecclesiae, quia hoc primo loco est: nunc quia Dominus est ex quo omne bonum ibi, ideo Ille vocatur "Primogenitus." Quod vocetur "Primogenitus ex mortuis", est quia cum surrexit ex mortuis, Humanum suum per unionem cum Divino, quod in Se ex conceptione erat, fecit Divinum Bonum;

[2] inde est quod dicatur "Primogenitus ex mortuis", et de Ipso apud Davidem,

"Ego Primogenitum dabo Illum, altum regibus terrae" (Psalms 89:29 [Biblia Anglica, 27]);

quid intelligitur per "altum regibus terrae", videatur in subsequente articulo. (Quod Dominus, cum e mundo abivit, Humanum suum fecerit Divinum Bonum, videatur n. 3194, 3210, 6864, 7499, 8724, 9199, 10076; ita quod exiverit ex Patre et redierit ad Patrem, n. 3194, 3210; et quod post unitionem, Divinum Verum, quod est Paracletus Spiritus veritatis, procedat ab Ipso, n. 3704, 3712, 3969, 4577, 5704, 7499, 8127, 8241, 9199, 9398, 9407; sed hoc arcanum videatur plenius explicatum in opusculo De Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae, n. 293-295; et in locis ex Arcanis Caelestibus ibi citatis, n. 303-305.) Quoniam Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum vocatus est "Primogenitus", ex causa quia omne bonum procedit ab Ipso, ideo omnia primogenita in Ecclesia Israelitica sancta fuerunt Jehovae, et ideo Levitae loco omnium primogenitorum in Israele recepti sunt, per filios enim Levi representati fuerunt illi ab ecclesia qui in bono charitatis sunt; et ideo cesserunt primogenito binae partes ex hereditate; et haec omnia ob causam, quia "primogenitum" significabat bonum quod a Domino, et in supremo sensu Ipsum Dominum quoad Divinum Humanum, ex quo omne bonum; omnia enim quae in Ecclesia Israelitica mandata fuerunt, erant repraesentativa Divinorum spiritualium et caelestium.

[3] Quod omnia primogenita in Ecclesia Israelitica sancta fuerint Jehovae, constat apud Moschen in his sequentibus locis: -

"Sanctifica Mihi omne primogenitum, aperturam omnis uteri, inter filios Israelis; in homine et in bestia mea sunto" (Exodus 13:2);

"Transire facies omnem aperturam uteri Jehovae; et omnis apertura (fetus) bestiae, quot erunt tibi masculi, Jehovae" (Exodus 13:12);

"Primitias frugum tuarum, et primitias vini tui non differes: primogenitum filiorum tuorum dabis Mihi: sic facies bovi tuo, et pecori tuo: septem diebus erit cum matre sua, octavo die dabis illud Mihi; et viri sanctitatis eritis Mihi" (Exodus 22:28-30 [B.A. 29-31]);

quod etiam darent primogenita bestiae, erat quia illae etiam repraesentabant; et quia repraesentabant, etiam in holocaustis et sacrificiis adhibebantur. (Quid variae bestiae ibi repraesentabant, videatur n. 1823, 3519, 9280, 10042.

Quod Levitae loco omnium primogenitorum in Israele accepti sint, de qua re videatur Numeri 3:12, 13, 41, 45; 8:15-19,

erat causa, ut supra dictum est, quia "filii Levi" repraesentabant et inde significabant bonum charitatis, et "Levi" in supremo sensu Dominum quoad id bonum, videatur n. 3875, 3877, 4497, 4502, 4503, 10017.

Quod primogenito cesserint binae partes ex hereditate, Deuteronomius 21:17,

erat quia "binae partes" significabant bonum amoris, n. 720, 1686, 5194, 8423.)

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