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《揭秘启示录》 第938节

(一滴水译本 2019)




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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 938

938. 22:4 They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. This symbolically means that they will turn to the Lord and the Lord to them, being conjoined by love.

To see the face of God and the Lamb, or the face of the Lord, does not mean to see His face, because no one can see the Lord's face such as He is in His Divine love and wisdom and live, for He is the sun of heaven and of the whole spiritual world. Indeed, to see His face as He is in Himself would be like entering the sun and being consumed in a moment by its fire. Nevertheless, the Lord sometimes presents Himself to be seen outside of the sun, but He veils Himself then and so presents Himself to those who see Him, which He does by means of an angel, as He did also in the world when He appeared to Abraham, Hagar, Lot, Gideon, Joshua, and others. That is why those angels are called angels and also Jehovah, for Jehovah was present in them from afar.

[2] Here, however, that His servants will see His face does not mean that they will see His face in this way, but that they will see the truths from Him contained in the Word and will know and acknowledge Him by means of them. For the Divine truths in the Word provide the light that emanates from the Lord as a sun, the light which angels enjoy, and because those truths provide the light, they are like mirrors in which the face of the Lord is seen. That to see the Lord's face symbolically means to turn to Him, will be explained below.

The Lord's name being on the servants' foreheads means, symbolically, that the Lord loves them and turns them to Him. The Lord's name symbolizes the Lord Himself, because it symbolizes His every attribute by which He is known and in consequence of which He is worshiped (nos. 81, 584). The forehead symbolizes love (nos. 347, 605), and being written on the forehead symbolizes the Lord's love in them (no. 729). It can be seen from this what is properly meant by the statement here.

[3] The statement, moreover, symbolically means that they will turn themselves to the Lord and the Lord to them, because the Lord gazes upon the forehead of all those who are conjoined with Him by love and so turns them to Him. Consequently, in heaven angels turn their faces only to the Lord as the sun, and this is astonishingly the case in whatever direction they turn physically. So people say in common speech that they have God ever before their eyes. The same is the case with the spirit of a person living in the world and conjoined with the Lord by love. But regarding this turning of the face to the Lord, more accounts may be seen in Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Love and Wisdom, nos. 129-144 and in the book Heaven and Hell (London, 1758), nos. 17 123, 143, 144, 151, 153, 255, 272.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 938

938. [verse 4] 'And they shall see His face, and His Name shall be in their foreheads' signifies that they will turn to the Lord and the Lord to them, because they have been conjoined by means of love. That by 'to see the face of God and the Lamb,' or of the Lord, is not understood to see His face [is plain], because no one can see His face such as it is in His own Divine Love and Wisdom and live, for He is the Sun of heaven and of the whole spiritual world. For to see His face, such as He is in Himself, would be as if one should enter into the sun, by the fire of which he would be consumed in a moment. But the Lord sometimes presents Himself to be seen outside of His own Sun, but then He veils Himself and presents Himself to their sight. This is done by means of an angel, as also He had done in the world in the presence of Abraham, Hagar, Lot, Gideon, Joshua and others; and therefore those angels were called 'angels' and also 'Jehovah,' for Jehovah's presence was in them from afar.

[2] But by 'they shall see His face' here is not understood to see His face in that manner, but to see the truths that are in the Word from Himself, and by their means to recognise and acknowledge Him. For the Divine truths of the Word make the light that proceeds from the Lord as the Sun. The angels are in these truths, and because they make the light, they are as mirrors in which the Lord's face is seen. That by 'to see the Lord's face' is signified to turn to Him will be stated below. By 'the Lord's Name in their foreheads' is signified that the Lord loves them and turns them to Himself. By 'the Lord's Name' is signified the Lord Himself, because there is signified every quality of His by which He is recognised, and in accordance with which He is worshipped (81, 584); and by 'the forehead' is signified love (347, 605), and by 'written in the forehead' is signified the Lord's love in them (729). From these considerations it can be established what is properly signified by these words.

[3] But the reason why it is signified that they turn to the Lord and the Lord to them is because the Lord looks at all, who have been conjoined with Him by means of love, in the forehead, and in this manner turns them to Himself; and therefore the angels in heaven turn the face only to the Lord and the Sun, and this takes place in every turning of their body, which is a wonderful thing. Consequently [this fact] is in the common saying, 'that they have God continually before their eyes.' It is similar with the spirit of the man who is living in the world and has been conjoined with the Lord by means of love. But concerning this turning of faces to the Lord many remarkable things may be seen in ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM 129-144, and in the work published in 1758 at London concerning HEAVEN AND HELL 17, 123, 143-144, 151, 153, 255, 272.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 938

938. Verse 4. (Revelation 22:4) And they shall see His face, and His name shall be in their foreheads, signifies that they will turn themselves to the Lord, and the Lord will turn Himself to them, because they are conjoined through love. By "seeing the face of God and of the Lamb," or the Lord, is not meant to see His face, because no one can see His face, as He is in His Divine love and in His Divine wisdom, and live; for He is the sun of heaven and of the whole spiritual world. For to see His face, such as He is in Himself, would be as if one should enter into the sun, by the fire of which he would be consumed in a moment. But the Lord sometimes presents Himself to be seen out of His sun; but He then veils Himself and presents Himself to their sight, which is done through an angel; as He also did in the world before Abraham, Hagar, Lot, Gideon, Joshua, and others; wherefore those angels were called angels, and also Jehovah; for the presence of Jehovah was in them from afar.

[2] But by "they shall see His face" is not here meant to thus see His face, but to see the truths which are in the Word from Him, and through them to know and acknowledge Him. For the Divine truths of the Word make the light which proceeds from the Lord as a sun, in which the angels are; and as they make the light, they are like mirrors in which the Lord's face is seen. That by "seeing the Lord's face" is signified to turn oneself to Him, will be told below. By "the Lord's name in their foreheads," is signified that the Lord loves them, and turns them to Himself. By "the Lord's name" the Lord Himself is signified, because all His quality by which He is known and according to which He is worshiped is signified, (81[1-4], 584); and by "the forehead" is signified love, (347, 605); and by "written in the forehead" is signified the love of the Lord in them, (729); from this it may be evident what is properly signified by those words.

[3] But that it signifies that they turn themselves to the Lord, and that the Lord turns Himself to them, is because the Lord looks at all who are conjoined to Him by love, in the forehead, and thus turns them to Himself. Therefore the angels in heaven turn their faces in no other direction than to the Lord as the sun; and, what is wonderful, this is done in every turning of their body. Hence it is in common speech, that "they have God continually before their eyes." A similar thing takes place with the spirit of a man who is living in the world, and is conjoined to the Lord through love. But concerning this turning of the face to the Lord, more things worthy of mention may be seen in The Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and Wisdom, (129-144); and in the work on Heaven and Hell, published at London, 1758 (17, 123, 143-144, 151, 153, 255, 272).

Apocalypsis Revelata 938 (original Latin 1766)

938. (Vers. 4.) "Et videbunt Faciem Ipsius, et Nomen Ipsius in frontibus illorum," significat quod convertent se ad Dominum, et Dominus Se ad illos, quia conjuncti per amorem. - Quod per "videre Faciem" Dei et Agni, seu Domini, non intelligatur videre Faciem Ipsius, quia nemo potest videre Faciem Ipsius, qualis est in Divino Suo Amore et in Divina Sua Sapientia, et vivere, est enim Sol Caeli et totius mundi spiritualis; nam videre Faciem Ipsius, qualis in Se est, foret sicut quis intraret in solem, a cujus igne momento consumeretur. At Dominus extra Solem Suum Se quandoque sistit videndum; sed tunc obvelat se et sistit Se visui illorum, quod fit per angelum; ut quoque fecerat in mundo coram Abrahamo, Hagare, Lotho, Guideone, Josua, et aliis; quare illi angeli vocati sunt "angeli," et quoque "Jehovah;" fuit enim praesentia Jehovae e longinquo in illis. At per "videbunt Faciem Ipsius" hic nec intelligitur ita videre Faciem Ipsius, sed videre vera quae in Verbo sunt ab Ipso, et per illa cognoscere et agnoscere Ipsum. Divina enim vera Verbi faciunt lucem quae procedit a Domino ut Sole, in qua sunt Angeli; et quia faciunt lucem, sunt sicut specula, in quibus Facies Domini videtur. Quod per "videre Faciem Domini" significetur convertere se ad Ipsum, dicetur infra. Per "Nomen Domini in frontibus illorum" significatur quod Dominus amet illos, et convertat illos ad Se; per "Nomen Domini significatur Ipse Dominus, quia significatur omne quale Ipsius, per quod cognoscitur, et secundum quod colitur (81, 584); et per "frontem" significatur amor (347, 605); et per "scriptum in fronte" significatur amor Domini in illis (729); ex his constare potest quid proprie per illa verba significatur. Quod autem significetur, quod illi convertent se ad Dominum, et Dominus Se ad illos, est quia Dominus omnes qui Ipsi conjuncti sunt per amorem aspicit in fronte, et sic convertit illos ad Se; quare angeli in Caelo non alio faciem vertunt, quam ad, Dominum et Solem, et hoc fit in omni corporis eorum conversione, quod mirabile est; inde est in communi sermone, ut "habeant Deum jugiter ante oculos." Simile fit cum spiritu hominis qui in mundo vivit, et per amorem conjunctus est Domino; sed de hac conversione facierum ad Dominum, plura memorabilia videantur in Sapientia Angelica de Divino Amore et Divina Sapientia (129-144); et in Opere de Caelo et Inferno Londini 1758 edito (17, 123, 143, 144, 151, 153, 255, 272).

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