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《天堂与地狱》 第513节




{注1}:消磨在来世实现,也就是说,那些从尘世进入来世的人经历消磨(698712274749763)。好性情的人在伪谬方面经历消磨,而恶人则在真理方面经历消磨(747475417542)。好性情的人经历消磨,是为了叫他们摆脱他们活在世时所获得的尘世和世俗的东西(71869763),也为了使邪恶与伪谬被除去,因而为从主来的、经由天堂的良善和真理的流注提供空间,并提供接受它们的能力(71229330)。在这类事物被除去之前,升入天堂是不可能的,因为它们阻碍了天堂的事物,与它们不和谐(692871227186754175429763)。那些将要被提入天堂的人就是如此做好准备的(47287090)。尚未做好准备就进入天堂是很危险的(537538)。启迪的状态,从消磨当中走出来并被提入天堂之人的喜乐,以及他们在那里如何被接受(269927012704)。实现消磨的地区被称为“低地”(lower earth)(47287090)。该地区在地狱围绕的脚底之下;描述它的特性 (4940-49517090);根据经历(699)。比其它地狱更能骚扰和消磨人的地狱(731775027545)。那些骚扰和消磨好性情灵人的人后来害怕他们,躲避并逃离他们(7768)。这些骚扰和消磨按照邪恶和伪谬的粘附程度以不同的方式实现,并按照其质和量继续下去(1106-1113)。有些人很愿意被消磨(1107)。有些人被恐惧消磨(4942)。有些人通过被他们在世时所行的邪恶和所思的伪谬攻击而经历消磨,这造成焦虑和良心的痛苦(1106)。有些人被灵性的囚禁消磨,这是对真理的无知和片面,连同认识真理的渴望(11092694)。有些人被睡眠梦境消磨;有些人被半睡半醒的状态消磨(1108)。那些以行为得功德的人觉得自己在砍柴(1110)。其他种类繁多的方式(699)。



513. 给予教导的, 是许多社群的天使, 尤其北部和南部地区的天使, 因为这些天使社群专注于基于良善与真理的聪明与智慧. 教导的场所位于北方, 照天堂良善的属和种而各不相同, 并被排列和划分, 以致每个人都能以适合自己秉性和接受力的方式得到教导. 这些场所分布于那里的一片广袤地区. 即将接受教导的善灵在灵人界结束第二个状态后, 就被主带到这些地方. 不是每个人都这样, 因为有些人已经在尘世接受教导, 在那里被主预备好上天堂; 这些人通过另外一条途径被主提入天堂: 有的死后立刻被提入天堂; 有的在善灵当中短暂停留, 在那里除去他们因关注世上的荣誉和财富而获得的思维和情感的粗俗元素, 以这种方式得以净化后被提入天堂. 有的先在位于脚底之下的场所, 就是所谓的低地被消磨, 在那里受到严厉对待. 他们是那些曾确认虚假, 然而仍过着良善生活的人, 因为当虚假被确认时, 它们便根深蒂固; 在它们被驱散之前, 真理无法被看见, 因而无法被接受. 关于消磨以及如何实现消磨, 这在《属天的奥秘》一书有所论述, 下面的注释就是从这本书搜集的.

注: 消磨在来世实现, 也就是说, 那些从尘世进入来世的人经历消磨(天国的奥秘 698, 7122, 7474, 9763节). 正直人在虚假方面经历消磨, 而恶人则在真理方面经历消磨(天国的奥秘 7474, 7541, 7542节). 正直人经历消磨, 是为了叫他们摆脱他们活在世时所获得的尘世和世俗的执著(天国的奥秘 7186, 9763节), 也为了使邪恶与虚假被除去, 因而为从主出于天堂的良善与真理的流注提供空间, 并提供接受它们的能力(天国的奥秘 7122, 9330节). 在这类事物被除去之前, 升入天堂是不可能的, 因为它们阻碍了天堂事物, 与它们不一致(天国的奥秘 6928, 7122, 7186, 7541, 7542, 9763节). 那些将要被提入天堂的人就是如此做好准备的(天国的奥秘 4728, 7090节). 尚未做好准备就进入天堂是很危险的(天国的奥秘 537, 538节). 启示的状态, 那些从消磨当中走出来, 并被提入天堂之人的喜乐, 以及他们在那里如何被接受(天国的奥秘 2699, 2701, 2704节). 实现消磨的地区被称为低地(天国的奥秘 4728, 7090节). 该地区在地狱围绕的脚底之下; 它的性质得以描述(天国的奥秘 4940-4951, 7090节); 根据经历(天国的奥秘 699节). 比其它地狱更能攻击和消磨人的地狱(天国的奥秘 7317, 7502, 7545节). 那些攻击和消磨正直灵魂的人后来害怕他们, 躲避并逃离他们(天国的奥秘 7768节). 这些攻击和消磨照邪恶和虚假的顽固性以不同方式实现, 并照其质和量继续下去(天国的奥秘 1106-1113节). 有些人很愿意经历消磨(天国的奥秘 1107节). 有些人被恐惧消磨(天国的奥秘 4942节). 有些人通过被他们在世时所行的邪恶和所思的虚假攻击而经历消磨, 这造成焦虑和良心的痛苦(天国的奥秘 1106节). 有些人被属灵的囚禁消磨, 这是对真理的无知和真理的匮乏, 连同认识真理的渴望(天国的奥秘 1109, 2694节). 有些人被睡眠消磨; 有些人被半睡半醒的状态消磨(天国的奥秘 1108节). 那些将功德置于行为的人觉得自己在砍柴(天国的奥秘 1110节). 凡此种种, 不一而足(天国的奥秘 699节).



513. 教導的任務由多個社群的天人承擔, 主要是分佈在北方和南方的社群, 因為這些社群因著認知善與理而有聰明智慧。教導的場所位於北方, 照天國之善的種類而分佈。如此, 每個人都能受到適合其秉性和接受能力的教導。這些場所覆蓋一片廣袤的區域。

需要學習的善靈, 在靈界的時日滿足以後, 蒙主引導來到受教的地方。不是每個靈都需要經歷這個過程, 因為有的靈在人間已領受教導, 為天國做好了準備, 其上天國的途徑因而有所不同。有的人死後立刻被帶入天國, 有的人在靈界只作短暫停留, 與善靈交往, 去除思想和情感中為世間名利錢財所染之粗鄙, 從而得到淨化以後, 就被帶入天國。有的靈首先需要在位於腳趾下部被稱為"地下"之處被淨盡, 在那裡受到嚴厲的對待。他們在世時堅定自己於偽謬之中, 好在仍過著良善的生活。因為所信之偽謬被他們確信, 因而執著於成見。在它們被驅散以前, 真理無法被看見, 因而無法被接受。關於淨盡的經歷和不同方式, 天國的奧秘一書已作過描述(參見天國的奧秘698, 7122, 7474, 9763)。

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Heaven and Hell #513 (NCE, 2000)

513. The teaching is done by angels from a number of communities, mainly ones in the northern and southern regions, because these angelic communities are focused on intelligence and wisdom based on firsthand knowledge of what is good and true. The teaching sites are in the north; and there are different ones, differentiated and arranged according to the genera and species of heavenly virtues so that everyone can be taught there in a manner suited to his or her character and receptivity. The sites are spread out over a large area there.

Good spirits who need to be taught are taken there by the Lord after their time in the world of spirits has been fulfilled. This does not apply to everyone, though, since people who have been taught in the world have already been prepared for heaven by the Lord and are taken up into heaven by a different route. For some, this happens immediately after death. For others, it happens after a short stay with good spirits for the removal of the cruder elements of their thoughts and affections (acquired because of concerns for rank and wealth in the world), and their consequent purification. Some people are shattered first, which happens in sites under the soles of the feet called the lower earth, where they suffer harsh treatment. These are people who have convinced themselves of false principles but still have lived good lives. False convictions cling hard, and until they are dispelled, truths cannot be seen and therefore cannot be accepted. These shattering experiences and the different ways they happen have been treated in Secrets of Heaven, though, and some references to that work are appended in the note. 1


1. Shattering experiences do happen in the other life - that is, some people who arrive there from the world are shattered there: Arcana Coelestia 698, 7122, 7474, 9763. Upright people are shattered as regards false elements, and evil people as to true ones: 7474, 7541-7542. Shattering experiences happen to upright people so that they can shed the earthly and worldly preoccupations they acquired while they were living in the world: 7186, 9763; and so that evil and false things may be removed, providing room for the inflow of good and true things out of heaven from the Lord, and providing the ability to accept them: 7122, 9331 [9330?]. We cannot be raised into heaven before things like this are removed because they get in the way and do not agree with heavenly values: 6928, 7122, 7136 [7186?], 7541-7542, 9763. This is how people who are to be raised into heaven are prepared: 4728, 7090. It is dangerous for people to enter heaven before they have been prepared: 537-538. On the state of enlightenment and the joy of people who are emerging from shattering experiences and being raised into heaven, and on how they are accepted there: 2699, 2701, 2704. The area where shattering experiences take place is called "the lower earth": 4728, 7090. A description of this area under the soles of the feet, surrounded by hells: 4940-4951, 7090; from experience: 699. The particular hells that attack and shatter more than the others: 7317, 7502, 7545. People who attack and shatter upright souls later fear and flee and avoid them: 7768. These attacks and shattering experiences take different forms depending on the stubbornness of the evil and false elements and the manner and mode in which they persist: 1106-1113. Some people undergo shattering experiences willingly: 1107. Some people are shattered by fears: 4942; some by being assailed by evil things they had done in the world and false things they had thought in the world, which gives rise to anxiety and pangs of conscience: 1106. Some are shattered by spiritual imprisonment, which is ignorance and deprivation of truth yoked to a longing to know what is true: 1109, 2694; some by dreams [reading somnium; the first edition has somnum, "sleep"], some by a state halfway between waking and sleep, with a description: 1108. People who have claimed credit for their deeds seem to be chopping wood: 1110. And so on, with a wide range of variety: 699.


Heaven and Hell #513 (Harley, 1958)

513. Instruction is given by the angels of many societies, especially those in the northern and southern quarters, because those angelic societies are in intelligence and wisdom from cognitions of good and truth. The places of instruction are towards the north and are various, arranged and distinguished according to the kinds and varieties of heavenly goods, that all and each may be instructed there according to their disposition and faculty of reception. The places there extend round about to a great distance. The good spirits who are to be instructed are brought by the Lord to these places when they have completed their second state in the world of spirits, and yet not all. For those who have been instructed in the world, have been prepared there by the Lord for heaven, and also are taken up into heaven by another way-some immediately after death, some after a short stay with good spirits, where the grosser things of their thoughts and affections, which they had contracted from honours and riches in the world, are removed, and in that way they are purified. Some first are vastated, which is effected in places under the soles of the feet, called the lower earth, where some suffer severely. These are such as had confirmed themselves in falsities and yet had led good lives, for when falsities have been confirmed they inhere with much force, and until they have been dispersed, truths cannot be seen, and thus cannot be received. But vastations and how they are effected have been treated of in the ARCANA CAELESTIA, from which collected passages may be seen here in the notes below the line. 1


1. Vastations are effected in the other life, that is, those who pass into the other life from the world are vastated (Arcana Coelestia 698, 7122, 7474, 9763).

The well-disposed are vastated in respect of falsities, while the evil are vastated in respect of truths (Arcana Coelestia 7474, 7541-7542).

The well-disposed undergo vastations that they also may be divested of what pertains to the earth and the world, which they had contracted while living in the world (Arcana Coelestia 7186, 9763).

Also that evils and falsities may be removed, and thus there may be room for the influx of goods and truths out of heaven from the Lord, and ability to accept these (Arcana Coelestia 7122, 9330).

Elevation into heaven is impossible until such things have been removed, because they obstruct heavenly things and are not in harmony with them (Arcana Coelestia 6928, 7122, 7186, 7541-7542, 9763).

Those who are to be raised up into heaven are thus prepared for it (Arcana Coelestia 4728, 7090).

It is dangerous to come into heaven before being prepared ( 537-538).

The state of enlightenment and the joy of those who come out of vastation and are raised up into heaven, and their reception there (Arcana Coelestia 2699, 2701, 2704).

The region where those vastations are effected is called the lower earth. (Arcana Coelestia 4728, 7090).

That region is under the soles of the feet surrounded by the hells; its nature described (Arcana Coelestia 4940-4955, 7090); from experience (Arcana Coelestia 699).

What the hells are which more than others infest and vastate (Arcana Coelestia 7317, 7502, 7545).

Those who have infested and vastated the well-disposed are afterwards afraid of them, shun them, and turn away from them (Arcana Coelestia 7768).

These infestations and vastations are effected in different ways in accordance with the adhesion of evils and falsities, and they continue in accordance with their quality and quantity (Arcana Coelestia 1106-1113).

Some are quite willing to be vastated (Arcana Coelestia 1107).

Some are vastated by fears (Arcana Coelestia 4942).

Some by being infested with the evils they have done in the world, and with the falsities they have thought in the world, from which they have anxieties and pangs of conscience (Arcana Coelestia 1106).

Some by spiritual captivity, which is ignorance of truth and interception of truth, combined with a longing to know truths (Arcana Coelestia 1109, 2694).

Some by sleep; some by a middle state between wakefulness and sleep (Arcana Coelestia 1108).

Those who have placed merit in works seem to themselves to be cutting wood (Arcana Coelestia 1110).

Others in other ways, with great variety (Arcana Coelestia 699).


Heaven and Hell #513 (Ager, 1900)

513. Instruction is given by the angels of many societies, especially those in the northern and southern quarters, because those angelic societies are in intelligence and wisdom from a knowledge of good and truth. The places of instruction are towards the north and are various, arranged and distinguished according to the kinds and varieties of heavenly goods, that all and each may be instructed there according to their disposition and ability to receive; the places extending round about to a great distance. The good spirits who are to be instructed are brought by the Lord to these places when they have completed their second state in the world of spirits, and yet not all; for there are some that have been instructed in the world, and have been prepared there by the Lord for heaven, and these are taken up into heaven by another way-some immediately after death, some after a short stay with good spirits, where the grosser things of their thoughts and affections which they had contracted from honors and riches in the world are removed, and in that way they are purified. Some first endure vastations, which is effected in places under the soles of the feet, called the lower earth, where some suffer severely. These are such as had confirmed themselves in falsities and yet had led good lives, for when falsities have been confirmed they inhere with much force, and until they have been dispersed truths cannot be seen, and thus cannot be accepted. But vastations and how they are effected have been treated of in the Arcana Coelestia, from which the notes below have been collected. 1


1. Vastations are effected in the other life, that is, those that pass into the other life from the world are vastated (Arcana Coelestia 698, 7122, 7474, 9763).

The well disposed are vastated in respect to falsities, while the evil are vastated in respect to truths (7474, 7541-7542).

The well disposed undergo vastations that they also may be divested of what pertains to the earth and the world, which they had contracted while living in the world (7186, 9763).

Also that evils and falsities may be removed, and thus there may be room for the influx of goods and truths out of heaven from the Lord, and ability to accept these (7122, 9330).

Elevation into heaven is impossible until such things have been removed, because they obstruct heavenly things and are not in harmony with them (6928, 7122, 7186, 7541-7542, 9763).

Those who are to be raised up into heaven are thus prepared for it (4728, 7090).

It is dangerous to come into heaven before being prepared (537-538).

The state of enlightenment and the joy of those who come out of vastation and are raised up into heaven, and their reception there (2699, 2701, 2704).

The region where those vastations are effected is called the lower earth (4728, 7090).

That region is under the soles of the feet surrounded by the hells; its nature described (4940-4951, 7090); from experience (699).

What the hells are which more than others infest and vastate (7317, 7502, 7545).

Those that have infested and vastated the well disposed are afterwards afraid of them, shun them, and turn away from them (7768).

These infestations and vastations are effected in different ways in accordance with the adhesion of evils and falsities, and they continue in accordance with their quality and quantity (1106-1113).

Some are quite willing to be vastated (1107).

Some are vastated by fears (4942).

Some by being infested with the evils they have done in the world, and with the falsities they have thought in the world, from which they have anxieties and pangs of conscience (1106).

Some by spiritual captivity, which is ignorance of truth and interception of truth, combined with a longing to know truths (1109, 2694).

Some by sleep; some by a middle state between wakefulness and sleep (1108). Those that have placed merit in works seem to themselves to be cutting wood (1110).

Others in other ways, with great variety (699).


De Coelo et de Inferno #513 (original Latin)

513. Instructiones fiunt ab angelis plurium societatum, imprimis ab illis quae in plaga septentrionali et meridionali sunt, nam illae societates angelicae in intelligentia et sapientia ex cognitionibus boni et veri sunt. Instructionis loca sunt ad septentrionem et sunt varia, ordinata et distincta secundum bonorum caelestium genera et species, ut ibi instruantur omnes et singuli secundum suam indolem, et receptionis facultatem: loca illa ibi circumcirca ad multam distantiam se extendunt. Ad illa feruntur a Domino boni spiritus post exactum secundum statum eorum in mundo spirituum, qui instruendi sunt: sed usque non omnes nam qui in mundo instructi sunt, ibi etiam a Domino praeparati sunt ad caelum, ac per aliam viam in caelum auferuntur quidam statim post mortem quidam post brevem cum spiritibus bonis commorationem, ubi crassiora cogitationum et affectionum eorum, quae traxerunt ex honoribus et divitiis in mundo, removentur, et sic purificantur: quidam prius vastantur, quod fit in locis sub plantis pedum, quae terra inferior vocantur ubi aliqui dura patiuntur: hi sunt qui se confirmaverunt in falsis, et usque bonam vitam egerunt nam falsa confirmata dure inhaerent, et antequam illa discussa sunt, non videri possunt vera, ita non recipi. Sed de vastationibus, et de modis quomodo fiunt, in Arcanis Caelestibus actum est, ex quibus Collecta videantur hic in notis sub linea. 1


1. Quod vastationes fiant in altera vita, hoc est, quod illi qui e mundo illuc alluunt, vastentur (698, 7122, 7474, 9763). Quod probi vastentur quoad falsa, ac mali quoad vera (7474, 7541, 7542).

Quod apud probos vastationes fiant, etiam ut exuantur terrestria et mundana, quae, cum in mundo vixerunt, contraxerunt (7186, 9763).

Utque mala et falsa removeantur, et sic detur locus influendi bonis et veris e caelo a Domino, ac facultas recipiendi illa (7122, 9331 [9330?]).

Quod non prius elevari possint in caelum, quam postquam talia remota sunt, quia obstant et non concordant cum caelestibus (6928, 7122, 7136 [7186?] 7541, 7542, 9763).

Quod sic quoque praeparentur, qui in caelum elevandi sunt (4728, 7090).

Quod periculosum sit in caelum venire antequam praeparati (n.

537, 538).

De statu illustrationis, et de gaudio eorum qui e vastatione veniunt, et elevantur in caelum, et de receptione illorum ibi (2699, 2701, 2704).

Quod regio, ubi vastationes illae fiunt, dicatur terra inferior (4728, 7090).

Quod regio illa sit sub plantis pedum circumcincta infernis, qualis illa, describitur (4940-4951, 7090) ab experientia (699).

Quaenam inferna sunt, quae prae ceteris infestant et vastant (7317, 7502, 7545).

Quod qui infestaverunt et vastaverunt probos, postea illos timeant, fugiant, et aversentur (7768).

Quod infestationes et vastationes illae fiant diversimode secundum adhaerentiam malorum et falsorum, et quod secundum quale et quantum eorum persistant (1106-1113).

Quod quidam libenter velint vastari (1107). Quod quidam vastentur per timores (4942).

Quidam per infestationes a suis malis quae fecerunt in mundo, et a suis falsis quae cogitaverunt in mundo, unde anxietates et dolores conscientiae (1106).

Quidam per captivitatem spiritualem, quae est ignorantia et interceptio veri conjuncta cum desiderio sciendi vera (1109, 2694).

Quidam per somnum quidam per statum medium inter vigiliam et somnum (de quo 1108).

Qui meritum in operibus posuerunt, quod appareant sibi ligna secare (1110).

Alii aliter, cum multa varietate (699).

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