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属天的奥秘 第3016节


3016、“亚伯拉罕已经老迈,到了日子”表示当这种状态,即主的人身或人性要变成神性,到来时。这从“亚伯拉罕”的代表,以及“老迈”或“年老”、“日子”和“到了日子”的含义清楚可知:“亚伯拉罕”是指主(参看1893, 1965, 1989, 2011, 2172, 2198, 2501, 2833, 2836节,以及其它许多地方);“老迈”或“年老”是指脱去人的东西,披上天上的东西(参看1854, 2198节),当论及主时,是指披上神性;“日子”是指状态(参看23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788节);“到了日子”是指当状态到来时。“老迈”和“到了日子”之所以表示这些事物,是因为天使没有年老的概念,也没有“到了日子”所表示的变老的概念,只有对他们所处的生命状态的概念。因此,当圣言提到变老或年老时,与人同在的天使只会有这些人所处的生命状态的概念,就是当人们度过人生的各个不同阶段,包括最后阶段时,他们所达到的状态。换句话说,他们逐渐脱去人的东西,披上天上的东西。因为人的一生,从幼年到老年,无非是从世界走向天堂;最后的阶段,即死亡,实际上是一个过渡。因此,埋葬是指复活,因为埋葬就是完全脱去人的东西(参看2916, 2917节)。由于这就是天使所拥有的观念,所以“到了日子”和“老迈”在内义上并非表示别的;内义主要是为天使和拥有天使心智的世人而存在的。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3016

3016. Abraham being old was come into days. That this signifies when the state was at hand that the Lord's Human should be made Divine, is evident from the representation of Abraham, as being the Lord (see n. 1893, 1965, 1989, 2011, 2172, 2198, 2501, 2833, 2836, and many other places); and from the signification of "old," or of "old age," as being to put off what is human, and put on what is heavenly (see n. 1854, 2198); and when predicated of the Lord, as being to put on the Divine. The same is evident also from the signification of "day," as being state (see n. 23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788); and hence from the signification of "coming into days," as being when the state was at hand. Such things are signified by "old" and "coming into days," for the reason that the angels have no idea of old age, or of the advancing age which is meant by "coming into days;" but an idea of state in regard to the life in which they are; and therefore when mention is made in the Word of advancement in age, and of old age, the angels who are with man can have no other idea than of the state of life in which the persons are, and in which men are while passing through their ages even to the last; namely, that they thus successively put off what is human and put on what is heavenly. For human life, from infancy to old age, is nothing else than a progression from the world to heaven; and the last age, which is death, is the transition itself. Therefore burial is resurrection, because it is a complete putting off (see n. 2916, 2917). As the angels are in such an idea, nothing else can be signified by "coming into days" and by "old age" in the internal sense which is principally for angels and for men who are angelic minds.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3016

3016. 'Abraham, being old, was advanced in years' means when the state was reached in which the Lord's Human could become Divine. This is clear from the representation of 'Abraham' as the Lord, dealt with in 1893, 1965, 1989, 2011, 2172, 2198, 2501, 2833, 2836, and many times elsewhere; from the meaning of 'old' or old age as casting off what is human and putting on what is heavenly, dealt with in 1854, 2198, and when it has reference to the Lord, putting on what is Divine; and from the meaning of 'day' as state, dealt with in 23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788, and therefore from the meaning of 'advanced in years' as the point when a state has been reached. The reason why 'old' and 'advanced in years' mean these things is that with angels the notion of old age does not exist, nor that of getting older, meant by 'advanced in years', only the notion of state as regards the life that is theirs. Consequently when getting older or old age is mentioned in the Word the angels present with man can have no other idea than that of the state of life that is theirs or that is men's as they pass through the different stages of life until they reach the last, that is to say, as they accordingly cast off what is human and put on what is heavenly. For man's life from infancy to old age is nothing else than an advance from the world towards heaven, the last stage of which is death and the actual transition from one life to the next. Burial therefore is also resurrection since the casting-off process is completed then, 2916, 2917. Such being the idea that angels have, nothing else can be meant by 'advanced in years' and by 'old age' in the internal sense - the sense which exists primarily for angels and for men who have minds like those of angels.

Latin(1748-1756) 3016

3016. `Abraham senex cum venit in dies': quod significet cum adesset status quod Humanum Domini fieret Divinum, constat a repraesentatione `Abrahami' quod sit Dominus, de qua n. 1893, 1965, 1989, 2011, 2172, 2198, 2501, 2833, 2836, et alibi multoties; a significatione `senis seu senectutis' quod sit exuere quod humanum est, ac induere quod caeleste, de qua n. 1854, 2198, et cum praedicatur de Domino, quod sit induere Divinum: et a significatione `diei' quod sit status, de qua n. 23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788; inde `venire in dies' quod sit cum adesset status. Quod `senex' et `venire in dies' illa significent, causa est quia apud angelos nulla idea senectutis est, nec progredientis aetatis, quae est `venire in dies,' sed idea status quoad vitam in qua {1}sunt; quare cum progressus aetatis et senectus nominatur in Verbo, angeli qui apud hominem, non possunt aliam ideam habere quam status vitae in qua sunt, et in qua homines cum percurrunt aetates usque ad ultimam, quod nempe successive sic exuant humanum, ac induant caeleste, nam vita humana non aliud est ab infantia ad senium, quam progressio a mundo ad caelum, ac ultima quae est mors, est ipse transitus; sepultura ideo est resurrectio quia plenaria exuitio, n. 2916, 2917; quia {2}angeli in tali idea sunt, non aliud per `venire in dies' et per `senectutem' in sensu interno, qui principaliter pro angelis est, et pro hominibus qui angelicae {3}mentes sunt, significari potest. @1 i illi$ @2 after sunt$ @3 mentis$

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