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属天的奥秘 第3786节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3786

3786. It is not time for the cattle to be gathered together. That this signifies that the goods and truths of the churches and of doctrinal things could not yet be gathered into a one, is evident from the signification of "time," as being state in general (n. 2625, 2788, 2837, 3254, 3356); from the signification of "being gathered together," as being to be in a one; and from the signification of "cattle," as being in general the goods and truths of churches and of doctrinal things. That "cattle" in general have this signification, is because in the rituals of the representative church, and in the Word, animals signify the affections of good or of truth; as may be seen from what has been shown above (n. 45, 46, 142, 143, 246, 714, 715, 2679, 2697, 2979, 3203, 3502, 3508, 3510, 3665, 3699, 3701). [2] The case is the same in general with the church when it is being set up again-the doctrinal things of good and truth must be collected into a one, for it is on these that it is built. Moreover doctrinal things have a connection with and mutual respect to each other, and therefore unless they are first collected into a one, there will be a defect, and that which is lacking must be supplied by man's rational; and how blind and illusory this is in spiritual and Divine things, when its conclusions are from itself, has been abundantly shown above. For this reason there has been given to the church the Word, which contains all the doctrinal things of good and truth. In this regard, with a man who is being regenerated, the case is the same with the church in general as it is with the church in particular; for such a man is the church in particular. That the doctrinal things of good and truth which belong to the church must needs first be together in a man before he is regenerated has been shown above. This then is what is signified in the internal sense by "Behold as yet the day is great, it is not time for the cattle to be gathered together."

Elliott(1983-1999) 3786

3786. 'It is not time for the cattle to be gathered together' means that goods and truths constituting the Churches and their matters of doctrine were not yet gathered into one. This is clear from the meaning of 'time' as state in general, dealt with in 2625, 2788, 2837, 3254, 3356; from the meaning of 'being gathered together' as being made into one; and from the meaning of 'the cattle' in general as goods and truths constituting the Churches and their matters of doctrine. The reason why 'the cattle' in general has this meaning is that in the religious observances of the representative Church, and in the Word, living creatures mean affections for what is good and for what is true, as becomes clear from what has been shown in 45, 46, 142, 143, 246, 714, 715, 776, 1823, 2179, 2180, 2781, 3218, 3519. And since goods and truths constitute the Churches and their matters of doctrine, and these are the subject in the internal sense, it is evident that 'not time for the cattle to be gathered together' means that the goods and truths constituting the Churches and their matters of doctrine are not yet gathered into one. The situation with these in the representative sense is as follows: The person who is casting aside the old state and assuming the new, that is, who is being regenerated, must prior to this learn and be endued with the goods and truths that constitute the Churches and their matters of doctrine. For cognitions, and also affections for them, are the vessels which receive the new life. This is why nobody is able to be regenerated until he is passing through the appropriate period of life, that is, until one state has been completed, see what has been shown in 677, 679, 711, 1555, 2046, 2063, 2636, 2679, 2697, 2979, 3203, 3502, 3508, 3510, 3665, 3699, 3701.

[2] It is in general the same with the Church. When this is being re-established matters of doctrine concerning good and truth have first to be gathered into one since they are the base on which it is built. Matters of doctrine also have connections one with another and relate one to another. Consequently unless they are first gathered into one a defect would exist and things that are missing would have to be supplied from the person's rational. And how blind and deluded the rational is so far as spiritual and Divine things are concerned when it relies on itself in the conclusions it reaches has been shown in various places already. To the Church therefore the Word has been given which contains all matters of doctrine concerning good and truth. In this respect the Church answers in a general way to what exists in particular with the individual who is being regenerated, for he is the Church in particular. The point that with any person matters of doctrine concerning good and truth which are the Church's ought first to be gathered together in him before regeneration takes place has been stated above. It is those goods and truths that are meant in the internal sense by 'Behold, it is still high day; it is not time for the cattle to be gathered together'.

Latin(1748-1756) 3786

3786. `Non tempus colligi pecudes{1}': quod significet quod nondum in unum bona et vera Ecclesiarum et doctrinalium, constat ex significatione `temporis' quod sit status in genere, de qua n. 2625, 2788, 2837, 3254, 3356; ex significatione `colligi' quod sit in unum esse; et a significatione `pecudum {1}' quod sint in genere bona et vera Ecclesiarum et doctrinalium: quod pecudes {1} in genere significent illa, est quia animalia in ritualibus Ecclesiae repraesentativae et in Verbo sunt affectiones boni aut veri, ut constare potest ex illis quae n. 45, 46, 142, 143, 246, 714, 715, [776 , 1823, 2179, 2180, 2781, 3218, 3519, ostensa sunt; et quia bona et vera sunt Ecclesiarum et doctrinalium, et de illis in sensu interno agitur, patet, quod per `non tempus colligi pecudes {1}' significetur quod nondum in unum sint bona et vera Ecclesiarum et doctrinalium: cum his se ita in sensu repraesentativo habet: apud hominem qui exuit veterem statum et induit novum, hoc est, qui regeneratur, prius quam id fit, addiscet et imbuet bona et vera quae Ecclesiae et doctrinalium, cognitiones enim, tum affectiones pro illis, sunt vasa quae recipient novam vitam, inde est quod nemo nisi in procedente aetate, seu in statu pleno, regenerari possit, videantur n. 677, 679, 711, 1555, 2046, 2063, 2636, {2}] 2697, 2979, 3203, 3502, 3508, 3510, 3665, 3699, 3701 ostensa sunt (o) similiter se habet in communi cum Ecclesia; eum haec instauratur, primum erunt in unum doctrinalia boni et veri, haec enim sunt super quibus exstruitur; habent etiam doctrinalia inter se nexum seque mutuo spectant, quare nisi in unum prius sint, mancum erit {3}, et quae deficiunt, a rationali hominis supplenda (o)essent, quod quantum {4} caecutit et hallucinatur in spiritualibus et Divinis dum ex se concludit, prius passim ostensum est; ideo Ecclesiae datum est Verbum, in quo omnia doctrinalia boni et veri sunt;

Ecclesia in communi se habet in hoc, sicut in particulari cum homine qui regeneratur, hic enim est Ecclesia in particulari; apud hominem {5} quod prius simul esse debeant doctrinalia boni et veri quae Ecclesiae, antequam regeneratur, supra dictum est; haec sunt quae in sensu interno significantur per `ecce adhuc dies magnus, non tempus colligi pecudes.' @1 singular A$ @2 This serious omission, evident from the confusion in the references, can be explained as due to a printer's error. If the group of numbers beginning at line 8 were written in MS `45, 46, ... 715' on one line, and the remainder, `776, ... 3519' on next line, and the group beginning at line 19 also split, `677,... 2636' on one line, and `2679,...3701' on next line, then the omission can be accounted for by the compositor, when he had set up the first line of first group, looking back for second line and by mistake going to second line of second group.$ @3 esset$ @4 i nempe rationale$ @5 hunc$

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