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属天的奥秘 第5832节


  5832.“那便是你们使我白发苍苍、悲悲惨惨地下坟墓去了”表属灵良善,因而教会的内在就要灭亡。这从“以色列”的代表、“白发苍苍”和“悲悲惨惨地下坟墓”的含义清楚可知:“以色列”是指属灵良善(580758125813581758195825节)和属灵教会的内在(4286节);“白发苍苍”是指教会的最后阶段,如前所述(5550节);“悲悲惨惨地下坟墓”是指灭亡(4785节)。“欢欢喜喜地下坟墓”(To go down in good into the grave)是指复活和重生(291629175551节),所以“悲悲惨惨地下坟墓”是指反面,因而是指灭亡。至于若“便雅悯”所代表的真理灭亡,教会的内在就灭亡,情况是这样:为叫良善能成为良善,良善必须有它自己的真理;而真理要成为真理,也必须有它们自己的良善。没有真理的良善不是良善,没有良善的真理不是真理。它们一起形成一个婚姻,被称为天上的婚姻。因此,若一个离开,另一个必灭亡;一个可能通过被邪恶与虚假撕碎而离开另一个。

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Potts(1905-1910) 5832

5832. And ye will make my gray hairs go down in evil to the grave. That this signifies that spiritual good, and thus the internal of the church, would perish, is evident from the representation of Israel, as being spiritual good (n. 5807, 5812, 5813, 5817, 5819, 5825), and the internal of the spiritual church (n. 4286); from the signification of "gray hairs," as being the ultimate of the church; and from the signification of "going down in evil to the grave," as being to perish (n. 4785). "To go down in good into the grave" is to rise again and to be regenerated (n. 2916, 2917, 5551), wherefore "to go down in evil into the grave" is the opposite, thus to perish. As to the internal of the church perishing if the truth represented by Benjamin were to perish, the case is this. In order that good may be good it must have its own truths; and truths must have their own good in order to be truths. Good without truths is not good, and truths without good are not truths. Together they form a marriage, which is called the heavenly marriage. Wherefore if one departs, the other perishes; and the one may depart from the other through a tearing in pieces by evils and falsities.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5832

5832. 'You will cause my grey hair to go down in evil to the grave' means that spiritual good and so the internal aspect of the Church is going to perish. This is clear from the representation of 'Israel' as spiritual good, dealt with in 5807, 5812, 5813, 5817, 5819, 5825, and as the internal aspect of the spiritual Church, 4286; from the meaning of 'grey hair' as the final phase of the Church, [dealt with in 5550;] and from the meaning of 'going down in evil to the grave' as perishing, dealt with in 4785. Going down in good to the grave describes rising again and being regenerated, 2916, 2917, 5551, and therefore 'going down in evil to the grave' is the opposite, namely perishing. As regards a perishing of the internal aspect of the Church if the truth represented by 'Benjamin' perishes, the situation is this: For good to be good it must have its own truths, and for truths to be truths they must have their own good. Without truths good is not good, even as truths without good are not truths; together they constitute a marriage, which is called the heavenly marriage. Consequently if one departs the other perishes; and one can depart from the other by being torn to pieces by evils and falsities.

Latin(1748-1756) 5832

5832. `Et descendere facietis canitiem meam in malo sepulcrum': quod significet quod periturum bonum spirituale et sic internum Ecclesiae, constat ex repraesentatione `Israelis' quod sit bonum spirituale, de qua n. 5807, 5812, 5813, 5817, 5819, 5825, et quod sit internum Ecclesiae spiritualis, n. 4286; ex significatione `canitiei' quod sit ultimum Ecclesiae; et ex significatione `descendere in malo sepulcrum' quod sit perire, de qua n. 4785; descendere in bono in sepulcrum, {1}est resurgere, et regenerari, n. 2916, 2917, 5551, {2}quare descendere in malo in sepulcrum, est oppositum, ita perire. Cum hoc quod periturum internum Ecclesiae si periret verum quod per `Benjaminem' repraesentatur, ita se habet: bonum habebit sua vera ut sit bonum, et vera habebunt suum bonum ut sint vera; bonum absque veris non est bonum, nec vera absque bono, formant simul {3} conjugium, quod vocatur conjugium caeleste; quapropter si unum discedit, perit alterum, et unum ab altero potest discedere per discerptionem a malis et falsis. @1 et I$ @2 at$ @3 i quasi$

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