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属天的奥秘 第6169节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6169

6169. And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt. That this signifies that spiritual good lived among the memory-knowledges which are of the church, is evident from the signification of "dwelling," as being to live (see n. 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451); from the representation of Israel, as being spiritual good (see n. 5801, 5803, 5807, 5812, 5817, 5819, 5826, 5833); and from the signification of the "land of Egypt," as being the natural mind where memory-knowledges are (n. 5276, 5278, 5280, 5288, 5301); (that "Egypt" signifies the memory-knowledges of the church may be seen above, n. 4749, 4964, 4966, 6004).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6169

6169. 'And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt' means that spiritual good lived among the facts known to the Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'dwelling' as living, dealt with in 1293, 3384, 3617, 4451; from the representation of 'Israel' as spiritual good, dealt with in 5801, 5803, 5806, 5812, 5817, 5819, 5826, 5833; and from the meaning of 'the land of Egypt' as the natural mind, where factual knowledge resides, dealt with in 5276, 5278, 5280, 5288, 5301 - 'Egypt' meaning the facts known to the Church, see 4749, 4964, 4966, 6004.

Latin(1748-1756) 6169

6169. `Et habitavit Israel in terra Aegypti': quod significet quod bonum spirituale viveret inter scientifica quae Ecclesiae, constat ex significatione `habitare' quod sit vivere, de qua n. 1293, 3384, 3613, 4451; ex repraesentatione `Israelis' quod sit bonum spirituale, de qua n. 5801, 5803, 5806, 5812, 5817, 5819, 5826, 5833; et ex significatione `terrae Aegypti' quod sit mens naturalis ubi scientifica, de qua n. 5276, 5278, 5280, 5288, 5301; quod `Aegyptus' significet scientifica Ecclesiae, videatur n. 4749, 4964,4966, 6004.

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