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属天的奥秘 第8571节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8571

8571. To make me die, and my sons, and my cattle, with thirst. That this signifies that from the lack of truth everything of spiritual life is expiring, is evident from the signification of "dying," as being to expire, here in respect to the spiritual life; from the signification of "me, my sons, and my cattle," as being all things of spiritual life; for by "me," or the man of the church, is signified the good of charity and of faith; by "sons," the interior truths of faith; and by "cattle," the exterior truths from which is good; thus all things which are of the spiritual life. For spiritual life consists of the good of charity and of faith, and of the truth of faith internal and external. (That "man" denotes good, see n. 4287; that "sons" denote the truths of faith, n. 489, 491, 533, 2623, 2803, 2813, 3372, 3704; and that "cattle" denote the truths from which is good, n. 6016, 6045, 6049.) And from the signification of "thirst," as being a lack of truth (of which just above, n. 8568).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8571

8571. 'To cause me, and my children, and my livestock to die of thirst?' means, in order for everything constituting spiritual life to perish, owing to the lack of truth? This is clear from the meaning of 'dying' as perishing, at this point so far as spiritual life is concerned; from the meaning of 'me, my children, and my livestock' as everything constituting spiritual life, since 'me' - or a person (homo) belonging to the Church - means the good of charity and faith, 'children' or 'sons' interior truths of faith, and 'livestock' exterior truths leading to good, thus everything constituting spiritual life (spiritual life consists of the good of charity and faith, and of the truth of faith, internal and external; for the meaning of 'person' or 'man' (homo) as good, see 4287; 'children' or 'sons' as the truths of faith, 489, 491, 533, 2623, 2803, 2813, 3373, 3704; and 'livestock' as truths leading to good, 6016, 6045, 6049); and from the meaning of 'thirst' as the lack of truth, dealt with just above in 8568 (end).

Latin(1748-1756) 8571

8571. `Ad faciendum mori me, et filios meos, et pecora mea, siti': quod significet ut ex defectu veri exspiret omne vitae spiritualis, constat ex significatione `mori' quod sit exspirare, hic quoad vitam spiritualem, et ex significatione `me, filios meos, et pecora mea quod {1}sit omnia vitae spiritualis; per `me' enim seu per hominem Ecclesiae significatur bonum charitatis et (d)fidei, per `filios' vera interiora fidei, et per `pecora' vera exteriora ex quibus bonum, ita omnia quae sunt vitae spiritualis, nam vita spiritualis consistit ex bono charitatis et fidei, et ex vero fidei interno et externo; quod `homo' sit bonum, videatur n. 4287, quod `filii' sint vera fidei, {2} n. 489, 491, 533, 2623, 2803, 2813, 3373, 3704, et quod `pecora' sint vera ex quibus bonum, n. 6016, 6045, 6049; et ex significatione `sitis' quod sit defectus veri, de qua mox supra n. 8568 fin. @1 sint$ @2 i videatur$

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