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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第305节






305、主使祂的人性成为神性。主的人性是神圣的,因为祂来自圣父的本源,即圣父的灵,就像孩子像父亲一样,这里有阐述 (102691037210823);还因为祂来自圣父的神性之爱 (6872)。每个人的心性取决于他爱的特征,人就是他自己的爱 (68721017710284)。主就是神圣的爱 (20772253)。主使祂人身的里里外外全部具有神性 (160318151902192620932803)。因此祂全人从死里复活,与任何人都不同 (17292083507810825)。主的人身是神圣的,所以圣餐就是确信主的人身无所不在 (23432359)。他在三个门徒面前改变容貌,也表明祂是神 (3212)。圣言中也说祂是神 (10154)。祂在圣言中被称为耶和华 (160317361815190229213035511062816303886491949315)。在圣言字义中,圣父和圣子或者耶和华和主之间有区别,但是在天使所知的“内义”中,祂们没有区别 (3035)。基督教世界不承认主的人性具有神性,而认为祂的人性和神性是分离的,这起源于宗教会议所通过的一项法令,为的是使教皇成为主的代理人 (我在灵界与曾参加该会议的人员交谈得知此事,(4738

来自永恒的圣子,就是天堂的神性真理,也是神性本体的彰显;后来在主里面显为圣子的神性,来源自天堂里的神性本体 (30616280688010579)。 这里描述了主道成肉身以前的天堂状态 (6371-6373)。那时神性是不可感知的,因而祂自天堂降临以前,无法被确信 (698269967004)。自有永有的主,就是天堂的神性真理 (280331953704)。所以说,圣子生自永恒 (26282798)。

以人身显现的圣子,是天堂唯一的神 (647593039356957110067)。远古之人无法敬拜无限的本体,只能敬拜无限本体的彰显,也就是圣子 (46875321)。古人确信以人的形象出现的神,祂就是圣子 (51105663684610737)。那时全地的居民都敬拜显为人身的神,当听到上帝真正显为人时,他们欢欣鼓舞 (67008541-8547936110736-10738)。请参阅《宇宙星球》一书。人若不能以一个人的形象思考上帝,就无法对祂形成任何清晰的概念,须知无法理解的事物在意识中无法成型 (93599972)。人类只能敬拜自己有概念的事物,而不能敬拜没有任何概念的事物 (4733511056637211935610067)。因此,世上绝大多数人敬拜的神都是人的形象,这实际上源自天堂来的灵流 (10159)。所有生活良善的人思考主时,思考的是一位具有神性之人,而不是与神性分离的人 (2326472447314766887891939198)。今日,教会中生活邪恶之人,以及将仁爱与信仰分离之人,思考的是不具神性的主的人身,他们并不理解圣子的神性是什么,这里讨论了造成这样的原因 (32123241468946924724473153216371887891939198)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 305

305. In this way the Lord made his human nature divine. The Lord's human nature is divine because it came from the underlying reality of the Father that was the Lord's soul (10269, 10372, 10823, which use as an illustration the way children resemble their fathers) and because it came from the divine love that is within him (6872). The nature of every individual is determined by the nature of his or her love; we are all our own love: 6872, 10177, 10284. The Lord was divine love: 2077, 2253. The Lord made every aspect of his human nature divine, both inner aspects and outer ones: 1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2093, 2803. So unlike anyone else, he rose from the dead with his whole body: 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825. The fact that the Lord's human nature is divine can be recognized from the omnipresence of that human nature in the Holy Supper (2343, 10826) and from his transfiguration in the presence of three of his disciples 1(3212) as well as from various statements in the Word (10154), particularly his being called "Jehovah" in it (1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6303, 6281, 8864, 9194, 9315). A distinction is maintained between the Father and the Son or between Jehovah and the Lord in the literal meaning, but not in the inner meaning of the Word, which the angels have: 3035. The Christian world does not recognize the Lord's human nature as divine; the view that his divinity and his humanity are separate was arrived at in a council to support recognition of the pope as the Lord's vicar (as I learned from conversation with members of that council in the other life) 2: 4738.

[2] The divine-human nature has existed from eternity, in the form of divine truth in heaven and therefore as the manifestation of divine presence; later, in the Lord, though, the divine-human nature became the divine underlying reality, the source of the manifestation of divine presence in heaven: 3061, 6280, 6880, 10579. What the state of heaven was like before the Lord came into the world: 6371, 6372, 6373. What was divine could not be perceived then and therefore could not be accepted unless it had passed through heaven: 6982, 6996, 7004. The Lord from eternity was the divine truth in heaven: 2803, 3195, 3704. This is "the Son of God born from eternity": 2628, 2798.

[3] The only divinity they perceive in heaven is the divine humanity: 6475, 9303, 9356, 10067. The earliest people were not able to worship the infinite underlying reality but they were able to worship the infinite manifestation of it, which is the divine humanity: 4687, 4692. The ancients acknowledged the Divine because it appeared in a human form, and this was the divine humanity: 5110, 5663, 6846, 10737. The inhabitants of all planets worship the Divine in a human form; they rejoice when they hear that God actually became a human being: 6700, 8541-8547, 9361, 10736, 10737, 10738. See my booklet "The Earthlike Bodies Called Planets in Our Solar System and in Deep Space". 3If we do not think of God as being in a human form, we can have no definite idea of God, because what is incomprehensible does not take shape in the mind: 9359, 9972. We can worship only something of which we have some concept; we cannot worship something of which we have no concept: 4733, 5110, 5663, 7211, 9356, 10067. So most people throughout the world worship the Divine in a human form, and this happens because of an inflow from heaven: 10159. When people who are devoted to living good lives think about the Lord, they all think about him as having a divine-human nature and not as having a human nature separate from a divine one: 2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9193, 9198. Why the people in today's church who are consumed with leading an evil life, as well as the people who are devoted to faith apart from caring, think about the Lord's human nature as not being divine, and why they do not understand what the divine-human nature is: 3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6371, 8878, 9193, 9198.


1. For the transfiguration of Jesus before Peter, James, and John, the three disciples referred to here, see Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Peter 1:16-18. [SS]

2. The identity of this council is not made clear, but judging from the description in the passage cited here, Secrets of Heaven 4738, Swedenborg refers to the Council of Chalcedon held in 451. It established the "Chalcedonian Definition" that held in part: "Following the holy Fathers, we all with one voice confess our Lord Jesus Christ one and the same Son, the same perfect in Godhead, the same perfect in manhood, truly God and truly man, the same consisting of a reasonable soul and a body, of one substance with the Father as touching the Godhead, the same of one substance with us as touching the manhood, like us in all things apart from sin" (quoted in Frend 1984, 771). For discussion of this council, see Frend 1984, 742-785; Pelikan 1971, 1:256-266. [SS]

3. This book, referred to by the short title Other Planets in this edition, was originally published by Swedenborg in London in 1758. For a description of the delight of the inhabitants of other planets, and of spirits and angels from other planets, when they learn that God is human, see Other Planets 121. See also note 1 in Other Planets 7. [Editors]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 305

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 305

305. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 305

305. The Lord thus made His Human Divine. The Lord's Human is Divine, because He had His soul from the Esse of the Father; illustrated by a father's likeness in his children, Arcana Coelestia 10269, 10372, 1082. And because it is from the Divine Love which is in Him, Arcana Coelestia 6872. Every man is such as his love is, and he is his own love, Arcana Coelestia 6872, 10177, 10284. The Lord was Divine Love, Arcana Coelestia 2077, 2253. The Lord made His whole Human, the internal as well as the external, Divine, Arcana Coelestia 1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2093, 2803. Wherefore He rose again as to the whole body differently from any other man, Arcana Coelestia 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825. That the Lord's Human is Divine, is acknowledged by the omnipresence of His Human in the Holy Supper, Arcana Coelestia 2343, 2359. It is evident also from His transfiguration before the three disciples, Arcana Coelestia 3212. And likewise from the Word, Arcana Coelestia 10154. And, that He is there called Jehovah, Arcana Coelestia 1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6281, 6303, 8864, 9194, 9315. In the sense of the letter a distinction is made between the Father and the Son, that is, between Jehovah and the Lord, but not in the internal sense, in which are the angels of heaven, Arcana Coelestia 3035. The Christian world does not acknowledge the Lord's Human as Divine, which was done in council for the sake of the Pope, that he might be acknowledged as the Lord's vicar; from conversation in the other life, with those [who had then been present], Arcana Coelestia 4738.

The Divine Human from eternity was the Divine Truth in heaven, thus the Divine Existere, which afterwards became in the Lord the Divine Esse, from which is the Divine Existere in heaven, Arcana Coelestia 3061, 6280, 6880, 10579. The quality of the state of heaven previously, Arcana Coelestia 6371-6373. The Divine was not perceptible, and therefore not capable of being received, except as it passed through heaven, Arcana Coelestia 6982, 6996, 7004. The Lord from eternity was the Divine Truth in heaven, Arcana Coelestia 2803, 3195, 3704. This is the Son of God born from eternity, Arcana Coelestia 2628, 2798.

No other Divine is perceived in heaven except the Divine Human, Arcana Coelestia 6475, 9303, 9356, 10067. The most ancient people could not adore the infinite Esse, but the infinite Existere, which is the Divine Human, Arcana Coelestia 4687, 5321. The ancients acknowledged the Divine, because it appeared in a human form, and this was the Divine Human, Arcana Coelestia 5110, 5663, 6846, 10737. The inhabitants of all the earths adore the Divine under a human form, and they rejoice when they hear that God actually became a man, Arcana Coelestia 6700, 8541-8547, 9361, 10736-10738. See also the little work on The Earths in our Solar System and in the Starry Heaven. God can only be thought of in the human form, and that which is incomprehensible does not enter into the idea, Arcana Coelestia 9359, 9972. A man can worship him of whom he has some idea, but not him of whom he has no idea, Arcana Coelestia 4733, 5110, 5663, 7211, 9356, 10067. Wherefore by most in the whole world the Divine is worshipped under a human form, which is due to an influx from heaven, Arcana Coelestia 10159. All who are in good as to life when thinking of the Lord, think of a Divine Human, but not of a Human separated from the Divine, Arcana Coelestia 2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9193, 9198. Those in the Church at the present time who are in evil as to life, as well as those who are in a faith separated from charity, think of the Lord's Human apart from the Divine; they also do not comprehend what the Divine Human is: the causes thereof, Arcana Coelestia 3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6371, 8878, 9193, 9198.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 305

305. Thus the Lord made His Human Divine.

The Human of the Lord is Divine, because it was from the esse of the Father, which was His soul, illustrated by the likeness of a father and children (n. 10269, 10372, 10823). And because it was from the Divine love which was in Him (n. 6872). Every man is such as his love is, and he is his own love (n. 6872, 10177, 10284). The Lord was the Divine love (n. 2077, 2253). The Lord made all His Human, both the internal and the external, Divine (n. 1603, 1 815, 1902, 1926, 2093, 2803). Therefore He rose again as to the whole body, differently from any man (n. 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825). That the Lord's Human is Divine, is acknowledged from the omnipresence of His Human in the Holy Supper (n. 2343, 2359). And it is evident from His transfiguration before the three disciples (n. 3212). And likewise from the Word (n. 10154). And He was there called Jehovah (n. 1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6281, 6303, 8864, 9194, 9315). In the sense of the letter there is a distinction made between the Father and the Son, or Jehovah and the Lord, but not in the internal sense, in which the angels are (n. 3035). The Christian world does not acknowledge the Human of the Lord to be Divine, in consequence of a decree passed by a council in favor of the Pope, that he might be acknowledged as the Lord's vicar; from conversation with them in another life (n. 4738).

The Divine Human from eternity was the Divine truth in heaven, thus the Divine existere, which was afterwards made in the Lord the Divine esse, from which is the Divine existere in heaven (n. 3061, 6280, 6880, 10579). The previous state of heaven described (n. 6371-6373). The Divine was not perceptible, and therefore not capable of being received, until it passed through heaven (n. 6982, 6996, 7004). The Lord from eternity was the Divine truth in heaven (n. 2803, 3195, 3704). This is the Son of God born from eternity (n. 2628, 2798).

In heaven no other Divine is perceived but the Divine Human (n. 6475, 9303, 9356, 9571, 10067). The most ancient people could not adore the infinite esse, but the infinite existere, which is the Divine Human (n. 4687, 5321). The ancients acknowledged the Divine, because it appeared in a human form, and this was the Divine Human (n. 5110, 5663, 6846, 10737). The inhabitants of all the earths adore the Divine under a human form, and they rejoice when they hear that God actually became Man (n. 6700, 8541-8547, 9361, 10736-10738). See also Earths in Our Solar System, and in the Starry Heaven. God cannot be thought of, but in a human form, and that which is incomprehensible cannot fall into any idea (n. 9359, 9972). Man can worship what he has some idea of, but not what he has no idea of (n. 4733, 5110, 5663, 7211, 9356, 10067). Therefore the Divine is worshiped under a human form by most in the whole globe, and this is through an influx from heaven (n. 10159). All who are in good as to life, when they think of the Lord, think of a Divine Human, but not of the Human separated from the Divine (n. 2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9193, 9198). They in the church at this day who are in evil as to life, and they who are in faith separate from charity, think of the Human of the Lord without the Divine, and do not comprehend what the Divine Human is, the causes thereof (n. 3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6371, 8878, 9193, 9198).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 305 (original Latin 1758)

305. Quod sic Dominus Humanum suum Divinum fecerit.

Quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum, quia ex Esse Patris quod Ipsi Anima illustratum per similitudinem patris in liberis, (Arcana Coelestia 10270, [1026?], 10372, 10823).

Et quia ex Divino Amore, qui in Ipso (Arcana Coelestia 6872).

Quod unusquisque homo sit talis qualis ejus amor, et quod sit suus amor (Arcana Coelestia 6872, 10177, 10284).

Quod Dominus fuerit Divinus Amor (Arcana Coelestia 2077, 2253).

Quod Dominus omne Humanum, tam internum quam externum, fecerit Divinum (Arcana Coelestia 1603, 1815, 1902, 1926, 2093, 2803).

Quod ideo quoad totum Corpus resurrexerit, secus ac ullus homo (Arcana Coelestia 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825).

Quod Humanum Domini sit Divinum, agnoscitur ex omnipraesentia Humani Ipsius in Sacra Cena (Arcana Coelestia 2343, 2359).

Et quod pateat ex transformatione Ipsius coram tribus discipulis (Arcana Coelestia 3212).

Et quoque ex Verbo (Arcana Coelestia 10154).

Et quod dicatur ibi Jehovah (Arcana Coelestia 1603, 1736, 1815, 1902, 2921, 3035, 5110, 6303, 6281, 8864, 9194, 9315).

Quod in sensu litterae distinguatur inter Patrem et Filium, seu Jehovam et Dominum, sed non in sensu Verbi interno, in quo sunt angeli caeli (Arcana Coelestia 3035).

Quod Christianus orbis Humanum Domini non Divinum agnoscat, quod factum sit in Concilio propter Papam, ut pro vicario Ipsius agnosceretur (ex loquela cum illis in altera vita, Arcana Coelestia 4738).

Quod Divinum Humanum ab aeterno fuerit Divinum Verum in caelo, ita Divinum Existere, quod postea in Domino factum est Divinum Esse, a quo Divinum Existere in caelo (Arcana Coelestia 3061, 6280, 6880, 10579).

Status caeli prius, qualis (Arcana Coelestia 6371-6373).

Quod Divinum non perceptibile ita nec receptibile fuerit, nisi cum transivit caelum (Arcana Coelestia 6982, 6996, 7004).

Quod Dominus ab aeterno, fuerit Divinum Verum in caelo (Arcana Coelestia 2803, 3195, 3704).

Quod id sit Filius Dei natus ab aeterno (Arcana Coelestia 2628, 2798).

Quod in caelo non aliud Divinum percipiatur quam Divinum Humanum (Arcana Coelestia 6475, 9303, 9267 (9356, 9571?), 1006).

Quod antiquissimi non adorare potuerint infinitum Esse, sed infinitum Existere, quod est Divinum Humanum (Arcana Coelestia 4687, 5321).

Quod antiqui agnoverint Divinum, quia apparuit in humana forma, et quod hoc fuerit Divinum Humanum (Arcana Coelestia 5110, 5663, 6846, 10737).

Quod incolae omnium tellurum adorent Divinum sub humana forma; et quod gaudeant cum audiunt quod Deus actualiter Homo factus sit (Arcana Coelestia 6700, 8541-8547, 9361, 10736-10738; videatur in opusculo De Telluribus in Mundo nostro solari, et in Caelo astrifero).

Quod de Deo nisi in humana forma non cogitari possit, et quod incomprehensibile est, in nullam ideam cadat (Arcana Coelestia 9359, 9972).

Quod homo colere possit de quo aliquam ideam habet, et non de quo nullam (Arcana Coelestia 4733, 5110, 5633, [5663?], 7211, 9267, [9356?], 10667, [10067?],).

Quod ideo a plerisque in universo terrarum orbe Divinum colatur sub humana forma, et quod id sit per influxum e caelo (Arcana Coelestia 10159).

Quod omnes qui in bono sunt quoad vitam, cum cogitant de Domino, de Divino Humano cogitent, et non de Humano separato a Divino (Arcana Coelestia 2326, 4724, 4731, 4766, 8878, 9193, 9198).

Quod cogitent de Humano Domini absque Divino hodie in ecclesia illi qui in malo quoad vitam sunt, tum qui in fide separata a charitate, et quoque quod non capiant quid Divinum Humanum, causae (Arcana Coelestia 3212, 3241, 4689, 4692, 4724, 4731, 5321, 6372, [6371?], 8878, 9193, 9198).

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