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《天堂与地狱》 第342节









342. 我曾与天使谈论小孩子, 想知道他们是否摆脱邪恶, 因为他们不像成人那样有实际的邪恶. 我被告知, 他们同样陷入邪恶, 事实上也无非是邪恶. 只是和所有天使一样, 主使他们远离邪恶, 将他们保守在良善中, 以致在他们自己看来, 他们似乎凭自己处于良善. 因此, 当孩子在天堂长大成人时, 为避免他们误以为他们里面的良善来自他们自己, 而非来自主, 他们时不时地被带回到自己与生俱来的邪恶里, 并留在其中, 直到他们知道, 承认并相信事情的真相.

有一个在婴孩时期死去并在天堂长大的人就持有这种观点. 他曾是一个国王的儿子; 于是, 他被带回到他与生俱来的邪恶生命中, 然后从他的生命气场发觉, 他有一种在别人面前发号施令的强烈欲望, 并视奸淫为无关紧要之事; 这些邪恶就是他从父母那里遗传来的. 不过, 一旦认识到自己的真正性质, 他便再次被接到他以前所在的天使当中.

在来世, 没有人会因自己的遗传之恶受到惩罚, 因为这不是他的恶; 也就是说, 他的遗传性并不是他的错; 他只因他的实际邪恶, 也就是说, 只为他通过实际生活而归给自己的遗传之恶受惩罚. 因此, 把长大成人的孩子带回到其遗传之恶的状态中, 不是让他们为此受惩罚, 而是让他们知道, 他们自己无非是邪恶; 他们从自己所在的地狱被带上天堂, 完全是主的怜悯; 他们在天堂是主的恩典, 而非自己配得. 这会防止他们因自己里面的良善而在他人面前夸耀, 因为这违背相爱的福分, 就像违背信之真理那样.

注: 所有人都生在各种邪恶中, 甚至到了他们的特性无非是邪恶的程度(天国的奥秘 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731节). 因此, 人必须再生, 也就是重生(天国的奥秘 3701节). 人的遗传之恶就在于他爱自己胜过爱神, 爱世界胜过爱天堂, 与自己相比, 视邻舍如无物, 除非为了自己的利益, 因而为了自己的缘故; 因此, 遗传之恶就在于爱自己, 爱世界(天国的奥秘 694, 731, 4317, 5660节). 当对自我和世界的爱占据主导地位时, 一切邪恶便从它们而来(天国的奥秘 1307, 1308, 1321, 1594, 1691, 3413, 7255, 7376, 7488, 7490, 8318, 9335, 9348, 10038, 10742节). 这些邪恶就是对他人的蔑视, 敌意, 仇恨, 报复, 残忍和欺骗(天国的奥秘 6667, 7370-7374, 9348, 10038, 10742节). 一切虚假皆出自这些邪恶(天国的奥秘 1047, 10283, 10284, 10286节). 只要把缰绳给这些爱, 它们就会不顾一切地向前猛冲; 自我之爱甚至觊觎神的宝座(天国的奥秘 7375, 8678节).



342. 我曾與天人談論天國的孩子, 想瞭解他們能否免於惡的束縛, 畢竟他們與成人不同, 沒有實際造惡。我被告知, 他們同樣沾染惡, 甚至全然是惡, 只是主將他們保守在良善當中, 使其脫離惡行, 和其他天人一樣, 以致在他們眼中, 仿佛是憑自己恪守良善。為避免他們在天國長大以後對自己抱有錯誤的認知, 以為良善是出於自己, 而非出於主, 主不時讓他們回到自己的遺傳之惡中, 直到他們瞭解, 承認, 信服事實真相。

有一個在世夭折在天國長大的孩子, 他曾是王子, 對自己就抱有這種認知。主讓他回到自己的遺傳之惡當中。從他生命所透出的氣息, 我看出他有一種主宰他人的欲望, 而且視淫亂為無關緊要之事。這些都是他從父母所稟承的遺傳之惡。等他認清了自己的秉性, 又被接入之前所在的天人群當中。

在心靈世界, 沒有人會因稟承的遺傳之惡受到懲罰, 因為這原不屬於我們, 不是我們的錯。只有自己在實際生活中所行的惡才歸咎於我們, 並要因此受到懲罰。

讓長大的孩子回到遺傳之惡的狀態中, 不是要懲罰他們, 而是要他們認清自己全然是惡的秉性。他們生下來從地獄被帶到天國是出於主的憐憫。他們進入天國, 不是自己配得, 而是主的恩典。這就避免他們因行善而自視過高, 目中無人。這有悖於信仰真理, 也就與彼此相愛的祝福背道而馳。

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Heaven and Hell #342 (NCE, 2000)

342. I have talked with angels about children, wondering whether they were free from evils because they did not have any realized evil the way adults do. I was told, though, that they are equally involved in evil, even to the point that they too are nothing but evil. 1However, they, like all angels, are withheld from their evils by the Lord and kept focused on what is good to the point that it seems to them as though they were focused on what is good of their own accord. So to prevent children from having a false notion about themselves after they have grown up in heaven - a belief that the good that surrounds them is from them and not from the Lord - they are let back into their hereditary evils from time to time and left in them until they know and recognize and believe the way things really are.

[2] There was one individual who had died in infancy and grown up in heaven who had this kind of opinion. He was the son of a particular king; so he was let back into his own innate life of evil. I could tell then from the aura of his life that he had a drive to lord it over others and regarded adultery as of no concern whatever - evils that were part of his heredity from his parents. Once he recognized that he was like this, though, he was again accepted among the angels he had been with before.

[3] In the other life, none of us suffers any punishment for inherited evil, because it is not ours. We are not at fault for our hereditary nature. We suffer punishment for any actualized evil that is ours - that is, for whatever hereditary evil we have claimed as our own by acting it out in our lives.

The reason grown-up children are let back into the state of their hereditary evil is not to punish them. It is to make sure they know that on their own they are nothing but evil and that they are borne from hell into heaven by the Lord's mercy, that they are in heaven not because they deserve it but as a gift from the Lord. This prevents them from inflating themselves over others because of the good that attends them, for this is in opposition to the blessing of mutual love just as it is against the truth of faith.


1. We are all born in evils of every kind, to the point that our own identity is nothing but evil: 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307-2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283-10284, 10286, 10731 [10732?]. So we need to be reborn - that is, regenerated: 3701. The evil we inherit is loving ourselves more than God and the world more than heaven, and regarding our neighbor as nothing compared to ourselves, except for our own benefit and therefore for ourselves; so that inheritance is love for oneself and for the world: 694, 731, 4317, 5660. It is from love for oneself and for the world, when they rule, that all evils come: 1307-1308, 1321, 1594, 1691, 3413, 7255, 7376, 7480 [7489?], 7488, 8318, 9335, 9348, 10038, 10742; which evils are a contempt for others, hostility, hatred, vengefulness, cruelty, and deceit: 6667, 7372-7374, 9348, 10038, 10742; and from these evils comes everything that is false: 1047, 10283-10284, 10286. These loves rush in to the extent that they are given free rein, and love for oneself aspires even to the throne of God: 7375, 8678.


Heaven and Hell #342 (Harley, 1958)

342. I have talked with angels about little children, whether they are undefiled by evils, inasmuch as they have no actual evil as adults have. But I was told that they are equally in evil, and in fact are also nothing but evil; 1but, like all angels, they are so withheld from evil and held in good by the Lord as to seem to themselves to be in good from themselves. For this reason, when little children have become adults in heaven, in order that they may not have the false idea about themselves that the good pertaining to them is from themselves and not from the Lord, they are now and then let down into their evils which they inherited, and are left in them until they know, acknowledge and believe the truth of the matter. There was one who died in childhood and grew up in heaven, who held this opinion.

[2] He was the son of a certain king. He was therefore let down into that life of evils into which he was born, and he then perceived from the sphere of his life that he had a disposition to domineer over others, and regarded adulteries as of no account, and that these evils he had inherited from his parents. When, however, he had been brought to recognize his real character he was again received among the angels with whom he had been before.

[3] In the other life no one ever suffers punishment on account of his inherited evil, because it is not his evil, that is, it is not his fault that he is such. He suffers only on account of actual evil that is his, that is, only so far as he has appropriated to himself inherited evil by actual life. When, therefore, the little children who have become adults are let down into the state of their inherited evil, it is not that they may suffer punishment for it, but that they may learn that of themselves they are nothing but evil, and that it is by the mercy of the Lord that they are taken up into heaven from the hell pertaining to them, and that it is from the Lord and not from any merit of their own that they are in heaven. Therefore they may not boast before others of the good pertaining to them, since this is contrary to the good of mutual love, as it is contrary to the truth of faith.


1. All kinds of men are born into evils of every kind, even to the extent that their proprium is nothing but evil (Arcana Coelestia 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307-2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283-10284, 10286, 10735).

Consequently man must needs be reborn, that is, regenerated (Arcana Coelestia 3701). Man's inherited evil consists in his loving himself more than God, and the world more than heaven, and in making his neighbour, in comparison with himself, of no account, except for the sake of self, that is, himself alone, thus it consists in the love of self and of the world (Arcana Coelestia 694, 731, 4317, 5660).

All evils are from the love of self and of the world, when those loves rule (Arcana Coelestia 1307-1308, 1321, 1594, 1691, 3413, 7255, 7376, 7488, 7490, 8318, 9335, 9348, 10038, 10742).

These evils are contempt of others, enmity, hatred, revenge, cruelty, deceit (Arcana Coelestia 6667, 7370-7374, 9348, 10038, 10742).

And from these evils comes all falsity (Arcana Coelestia 1047, 10283-10284, 10286).

These loves, so far as the reins are given them, rush headlong; and the love of self aspires even to the throne of God (Arcana Coelestia 7375, 8678).


Heaven and Hell #342 (Ager, 1900)

342. I have talked with angels about little children, whether they are free from evils, inasmuch as they have no actual evil as adults have; and I was told that they are equally in evil, and in fact are nothing but evil; 1but, like all angels, they are so withheld from evil and held in good by the Lord as to seem to themselves to be in good from themselves. For this reason when children have become adults in heaven, that they may not have the false idea about themselves that the good in them is from themselves and not from the Lord, they are now and then let down into their evils which they inherited, and are left in them until they know, acknowledge and believe the truth of the matter.

[2] There was one, the son of a king, who died in childhood and grew up in heaven, who held this opinion. Therefore he was let down into that life of evils into which he was born, and he then perceived from the sphere of his life that he had a disposition to domineer over others, and regarded adulteries as of no account; these evils he had inherited from his parents; but after he had been brought to recognize his real character he was again received among the angels with whom he had before been associated.

[3] In the other life no one ever suffers punishment on account of his inherited evil, because it is not his evil, that is, it is not his fault that he is such; he suffers only on account of actual evil that is his, that is, only so far as he has appropriated to himself inherited evil by actual life. When, therefore, the children that have become adults are let down into the state of their inherited evil it is not that they may suffer punishment for it, but that they may learn that of themselves they are nothing but evil, and that it is by the mercy of the Lord that they are taken up into heaven from the hell in which they are, and that it is from the Lord that they are in heaven and not from any merit of their own; and therefore they may not boast before others of the good that is in them, since this is contrary to the good of mutual love, as it is contrary to the truth of faith.


1. All kinds of men are born into evils of every kind, even to the extent that what is their own is nothing but evil (Arcana Coelestia 210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307-2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283-10284, 10286, 10731).

Consequently man must needs be reborn, that is, regenerated (3701).

Man's inherited evil consists in his loving himself more than God, and the world more than heaven and in making his neighbor, in comparison with himself, of no account, except for the sake of self, that is, himself alone, thus it consists in the love of self and of the world (694, 731, 4317, 5660).

All evils are from the love of self and of the world, when those loves rule (1307-1308, 1321, 1594, 1691, 3413, 7255, 7376, 7488, 7490, 8318, 9335, 9348, 10038, 10742).

These evils are contempt of others, enmity, hatred revenge, cruelty, deceit (6667, 7370-7374, 9348, 10038, 10742).

And from these evils comes all falsity (1047, 10283-10284, 10286). These loves, so far as the reins are given them, rush headlong; and the love of self aspires even to the throne of God (7375, 8678).


De Coelo et de Inferno #342 (original Latin)

342. Locutus sum cum angelis de infantibus, num puri sint a malis, quia illis nullum actuale malum, sicut adultis. Sed dictum est mihi, quod illi aeque in malo sint, immo quod illi quoque nihil nisi malum sint: 1sed quod ii, sicut omnes angeli, detineantur a malo, et teneantur in bono a Domino, usque adeo ut appareat iis sicut in bono ex se sint: quare etiam infantes, postquam adulti facti sunt in caelo, ne in falsa opinione de se sint, quod bonum apud eos sit ex iis, et non ex Domino, remittuntur quandoque in mala sua, quae hereditario acceperunt, et in illis relinquuntur, usque dum sciunt, agnoscunt, et credunt, quod ita se res habeat. Quidam etiam qui infans mortuus, sed qui adolevit in caelo, in simili opinione fuit; erat regis cujusdam filius: quare in vitam malorum sibi innatam remissus est, et tunc percepi ex sphaera vitae ejus quod haberet animum imperandi aliis, et quod adulteria pro nihilo aestimaret, quae fuerunt ei mala hereditario ex parentibus: at postquam agnovit quod talis esset, tunc iterum receptus est inter angelos, inter quos prius fuit. Nusquam aliquis in altera vita luit poenam propter malum hereditarium, quia ejus non est, ita non in culpa quod talis sit; sed propter malum actuale quod ipsius est, ita quantum ex malo hereditario per actualem vitam sibi appropriavit. Quod infantes adulti facti remittantur in statum mali sui hereditarii, non est ideo ut poenam luant, sed ut sciant quod ex se non nisi quam malum sint, et quod ab inferno quod apud eos, ex misericordia Domini, in caelum auferantur; et quod in caelo non sint ex merito sui, sed ex Domino; et sic ne ex bono, quod apud eos, se coram aliis jactent, nam hoc est contra bonum amoris mutui, sicut est contra verum fidei.


1. Quod homines, quotcunque sunt, nascantur in mala omnis generis, usque adeo ut proprium eorum non sit nisi quam malum (210, 215, 731, 874-876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2308, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10283, 10284, 10286, 10731 [10732?]).

Quod homo ideo renascendus sit, hoc est, regenerandus (3701).

Quod malum hereditarium hominis sit amare se prae Deo, et mundum prae caelo, et nihili facere proximum respective ad se, nisi modo propter se, ita semet, sic quod sit amor sui et mundi (694, 731, 4317, 5660).

Quod ex amore sui et mundi, dum praedominantur, omnia mala sint (1307, 1308, 1321, 1594, 1691, 3413, 7255, 7376, 7480 [7488?] 7488 [7489?] 8318, 9335, 9348, 10038, 10742).

Quae sunt contemptus aliorum, inimicitia, odium, vindicta, saevitia, dolus (6667, 7372, 7373, 7374, 9348, 10338, 10742). Et quod ex his malis omne falsum (1047, 10283, 10284, 10286).

Quod illi amores ruant in quantum eis laxantur frena, et quod amor sui usque ad thronum Dei (7375, 8678).

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