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《天堂与地狱》 第382节






{注2}:【英237】“火红的宝石”的原文是pyropis。在古典拉丁语中,它指的是红的青铜,史威登堡在这里指的是红色的宝石,有时指红宝石。他可能知道它源自希腊词,意思是“火热的样子”。海兰德 (Hans Helander) 认为这个词的形容词形式可能是“意义新词”。




382. (a) 纯正的婚姻之爱在至内层天堂, 因为那里的天使处于良善与真理的婚姻, 也处于纯真. 低层天堂的天使也处于婚姻之爱, 但前提是他们处于纯真. 因为就本身而言, 婚姻之爱就是一种纯真的状态. 这就是为何处于婚姻之爱的配偶共同享受天上的快乐, 这快乐在他们的心智面前几乎就像小孩子之间那种天真无邪的嬉戏; 没有不令他们快乐的事物, 因为天堂及其喜乐流入他们生命的最细微之处. 由于同样的原因, 婚姻之爱在天堂被表现为最漂亮, 可爱的事物. 我曾看见它被表现为一个美到无法描述, 被明亮的白云围绕的少女. 我被告知, 在天堂, 天使的一切美丽都出自婚姻之爱. 从这爱流出的情感与思维被表现为钻石般的光环, 闪闪发光, 如同红宝石或红玉所放射的光芒, 并伴随着感染心智内层的快乐. 一言以蔽之, 天堂本身在婚姻之爱中表现自己, 因为对天使来说, 天堂就是良善与真理的结合, 正是这种结合构成婚姻之爱.

382. (b)

天堂婚姻与地上婚姻的不同之处在于, 地上的婚姻还有一个目的, 就是繁衍后代, 而天堂的婚姻则没有这个目的, 因为在天堂, 良善与真理的繁衍取代了后代的繁衍. 前者之所以取代后者, 是因为在天堂, 婚姻是良善与真理的婚姻, 如前所示; 由于在该婚姻中, 良善与真理及其结合最受喜爱, 故这些就是天堂婚姻所繁衍的. 因此, 在圣言中, 出生和生殖表示属灵的出生和生殖, 也就是良善和真理的出生和生殖; 母亲和父亲表示与良善结合的真理, 也就是那生殖的; 儿子和女儿表示所生的真理和良善; 女婿和儿媳表示这些(后代)的结合, 等等. 由此可见, 天堂的婚姻不同于地上的婚姻. 在天堂, 嫁娶是属灵的, 严格来说不能叫嫁娶, 而应叫心智的结合, 因为它是良善与真理的结合. 但地上有嫁娶, 因为它们不仅涉及灵, 还涉及肉体. 由于天堂没有嫁娶, 所以那里的配偶不叫“丈夫”和“妻子”; 而是照两个心智合二为一的天使观念, 每个配偶都通过一个表示彼此互属的名字来标示对方. 这表明当如何理解主对于嫁娶所说的话(路加福音 20:35-36).

注: 怀孕, 生产, 出生和生殖表示属灵的事件, 就是诸如属于良善与真理, 或爱与信的那类事(天国的奥秘 613, 1145, 1255, 2020, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 8042, 9325, 10249节). 因此, 生殖和出生表示通过信和爱重生和再生(天国的奥秘 5160, 5598, 9042, 9845节). 母亲表示真理方面的教会, 因而表示教会的真理; 父亲表示良善方面的教会, 因而表示教会的良善(天国的奥秘 2691, 2717, 3703, 5581, 8897节). 儿子表示对真理的情感, 因而表示真理(天国的奥秘 489, 491, 533, 2623, 3373, 4257, 8649, 9807节). 女儿表示对良善的情感, 因而表示良善(天国的奥秘 489-491, 2362, 3963, 6729, 6775, 6778, 9055节). 女婿表示与对良善的情感有关的真理(天国的奥秘 2389节). 儿媳表示与其真理有关的良善(天国的奥秘 4843节).



382. 天真的婚愛存於內層天, 因為那兒的天人專注於良善與真理的結合, 也處於天真之中。較低層的天人也處在婚愛之中, 但只在其天真的程度, 因為究其實, 婚愛就是天真的狀態。所以, 婚愛中的配偶享受著天國的快樂, 這快樂對於其心靈而言好像天真的遊戲, 如孩子之間的遊戲, 沒有什麼不能愉悅其心。天國及其快樂流入其生命的細微處。正因如此, 在天國, 婚愛被表現為最可愛的事物。我曾看見它被表現為一個無比美麗的少女, 周圍有光明的雲彩圍繞。我被告知, 天人的美全然出於婚愛。從婚愛流出的情感與思想被表現為閃耀的光輝, 如紅寶石那樣的光輝, 並伴隨著快樂的感受, 感染人的心靈。

一言以蔽之, 天國在婚愛中表現自身。因為對天人而言, 天國就是良善與真理的結合, 構成婚愛的也正是良善與真理的結合。

天國的婚姻與人間的婚姻不同, 因為人間的婚姻為了要孩子, 而對於天國的婚姻, 良善與真理的繁殖取代了孩子的繁殖。因為正如前面所說, 天國的婚姻是良善與真理的結合。在此婚姻中, 良善與真理並兩者的結合是至上的。所以, 天國的婚姻所生殖的是良善與真理。正因如此, 在聖言中, 生殖是指心靈意義的生殖, 即良善與真理的生殖。父母表示有生殖能力的良善與真理的結合, 兒女表示所生殖的良善與真理, 女婿, 兒媳表示所生殖的良善與真理的結合, 等等。

由此可見, 天國的婚姻與人間的婚姻不同。天國的嫁娶是心靈的, 準確的說不是嫁娶, 而是心靈的結合, 因為它是良善與真理的結合。人間有嫁有娶, 因為它不僅關乎心靈, 也關乎肉體。另外, 天國既無嫁娶, 配偶之間也就不稱為"夫妻,"而是照天人所具有的合一的觀念, 各自得到一個代表"屬於對方"的名字。這樣, 我們就能明白主說天人不娶也不嫁是什麼意思(路加福音20:35-36)。

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Heaven and Hell #382 (NCE, 2000)

382a. Genuine marriage love is found in the inmost heaven because the angels there are absorbed in the marriage of the good and the true and are in innocence as well. Angels of lower heavens are in marriage love too, but only to the extent that they are in innocence; because seen in its own right, marriage love is a state of innocence. So between partners who are in marriage love there are heavenly pleasures almost like games of innocence to their minds, like those of babies, because there is nothing that does not delight them. Heaven flows into the smallest details of their lives with its joy. This is why marriage love is pictured in heaven by the loveliest things of all. I have seen it represented by an indescribably lovely young woman enveloped by a white cloud. I was told that all the beauty of angels in heaven comes from marriage love. The affections and thoughts that flow from it are represented by gleaming auras, like those of fiery gems or rubies, all this accompanied by feelings of delight that move the deeper levels of the mind.

In a word, heaven portrays itself in marriage love because heaven for angels is the union of the good and the true, and it is this union that constitutes marriage love.

382b. Marriages in the heavens differ from marriages on earth in that earthly marriages are also for the purpose of having children, while this is not the case in the heavens. In place of the procreation of children there is the procreation of what is good and true. The reason for this replacement is that their marriage is a marriage of the good and the true, as presented above, and in this marriage what is good and true is loved above all, as is their union; so these are what are propagated by the marriages in the heavens. This is why in the Word births and generations mean spiritual births and generations, births of what is good and true. The mother and father mean the true united to the good that is prolific, the sons and daughters the good and true things that are born, and the sons-in-law and daughters-in-law mean the unions of these [descendants], and so on. 1

We can see from this that marriages in the heavens are not the same as marriages on earth. In the heavens there are spiritual weddings that should not be called weddings but unions of minds, because of the union of the good and the true. On earth, though, there are weddings, because they concern not only the spirit but the flesh as well. Further, since there are no weddings in the heavens, two spouses there are not called husband and wife, but because of the angelic concept of the union of two minds into one, each spouse is identified by a word that means "belonging to each other."

This enables us to know what is meant by the Lord's words about marriages in 21:0[20:35-36?].


1. Conception, giving birth, being born, and generations mean spiritual events that are matters of what is true and what is good, or of love and faith: 613, 1145, 1755 [1255?], 2020, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 8042, 9325, 10197 [10249?]. Begetting and being born mean regeneration and rebirth by means of faith and love: 5160, 5598, 9042, 9845. A mother means the church in regard to truth and therefore the truth of the church as well; a father means the church in regard to good and therefore the good of the church as well: 2691, 2717, 3703, 5580 [5581?], 8897. Sons mean affections for what is true and therefore truths: 489, 491, 533, 2623, 3373, 4257, 8649, 9807. Daughters mean affections for what is good and therefore things that are good: 489-491, 2362, 3963, 6729, 6775, 6778, 9055. A son-in-law means something true connected with an affection for the good: 2389. A daughter-in-law means something good connected with its truth: 4843.


Heaven and Hell #382 (Harley, 1958)

382. [a] In the inmost heaven there is genuine conjugial love because the angels there are in the marriage of good and truth, and also in innocence. The angels of the lower heavens are also in conjugial love, but only so far as they are in innocence; for conjugial love viewed in itself is a state of innocence; and this is why consorts who are in conjugial love enjoy heavenly delights together, which appear before their minds almost like the games of innocence, as between little children; for everything delights their minds, since heaven with its joy flows into every particular of their lives. For the same reason conjugial love is represented in heaven by the most beautiful objects. I have seen it represented by a maiden of indescribable beauty encompassed with a bright white cloud. It is said that the angels in heaven have all their beauty from conjugial love. The affections and thought from that love are represented by diamond-like auras with scintillations as if from fiery stones and rubies, which are attended by delights that affect the interiors of the mind. In a word, heaven represents itself in conjugial love, because heaven with the angels is the conjunction of good and truth, and it is this conjunction that makes conjugial love.

382. [b] 1Marriages in heaven differ from marriages on the earth in that the procreation of offspring is another purpose of marriages on the earth, but not of marriages in heaven, since in heaven the procreation of good and truth takes the place of procreation of offspring. The former takes the place of the latter because marriage in heaven is a marriage of good and truth (as has been shown above); and as in that marriage good and truth and their conjunction are loved above all things so these are what are propagated by marriages in heaven. And because of this, in the Word births and generations signify spiritual births and generations, which are births and generations of good and truth; mother and father signify truth conjoined to good, which is what procreates; sons and daughters signify the truths and goods that are procreated; and sons-in-law and daughters-in-law conjunction of these, and so on. 1From this it is clear that marriages in heaven are not like marriages on earth. In heaven there are spiritual marryings which are not to be called marryings, but conjunctions of minds from the marriage of good and truth. But on earth there are marryings, because these are not of the spirit alone but also of the flesh. And as there are no marryings in heaven, so the two consorts there are not called husband and wife; but from the angelic idea of the joining of two minds into one, each consort designates the other by a name signifying one's own, mutually and reciprocally. From these things it can be known how the Lord's words in regard to marryings (Luke 20:35-36), are to be understood.


1. "Conceptions", "pregnancies", "births", and "generations" signify such as are spiritual, that is, such as pertain to good and truth, or to love and faith (Arcana Coelestia 613, 1145, 1255, 2020, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 8042, 9325, 10249).

Therefore "generation" and "birth" signify regeneration and rebirth through faith and love (Arcana Coelestia 5160, 5598, 9042, 9845).

"Mother" signifies the Church in respect of truth, and thus the truth of the Church, "father" the Church in respect of good, and thus the good of the Church (Arcana Coelestia 2691, 2717, 3703, 5581, 8897).

"Sons" signify affections for truth, and thus truths (Arcana Coelestia 489, 491, 533, 2623, 3373, 4257, 8649, 9807).

"Daughters" signify affections for good, and thus goods (Arcana Coelestia 489-491, 2362, 3963, 6729, 6775, 6778, 9055).

"Son-in-law" signifies truth associated with affection for good (Arcana Coelestia 2389).

"Daughter-in-law" signifies good associated with its truth (Arcana Coelestia 4843).

1. There are two nos. 382 in 1st Edition-Editor.


Heaven and Hell #382 (Ager, 1900)

382. [a.] In the inmost heaven there is genuine marriage love because the angels there are in the marriage of good and truth, and also in innocence. The angels of the lower heavens are also in marriage love, but only so far as they are in innocence; for marriage love viewed in itself is a state of innocence; and this is why consorts who are in the marriage love enjoy heavenly delights together, which appear before their minds almost like the sports of innocence, as between little children; for everything delights their minds, since heaven with its joy flows into every particular of their lives. For the same reason marriage love is represented in heaven by the most beautiful objects. I have seen it represented by a maiden of indescribable beauty encompassed with a bright white cloud. It is said that the angels in heaven have all their beauty from marriage love. Affections and thought flowing from that love are represented by diamond-like auras with scintillations as if from carbuncles and rubies, which are attended by delights that affect the interiors of the mind. In a word, heaven itself is represented in marriage love, because heaven with the angels is the conjunction of good and truth, and it is this conjunction that makes marriage love.

382. [b.] Marriages in heaven differ from marriages on the earth in that the procreation of offspring is another purpose of marriages on the earth, but not of marriages in heaven, since in heaven the procreation of good and truth takes the place of procreation of offspring. The former takes the place of the latter because marriage in heaven is a marriage of good and truth (as has been shown above); and as in that marriage good and truth and their conjunction are loved above all things so these are what are propagated by marriages in heaven. And because of this, in the Word births and generations signify spiritual births and generations, which are births and generations of good and truth; mother and father signify truth conjoined to good, which is what procreates; sons and daughters signify the truths and goods that are procreated; and sons-in-law and daughters-in-law conjunction of these, and so on. 1All this makes clear that marriages in heaven are not like marriages on earth. In heaven marryings are spiritual, and cannot properly be called marryings, but conjunctions of minds from the conjunction of good and truth. But on earth there are marryings, because these are not of the spirit alone but also of the flesh. And as there are no marryings in heaven, consorts there are not called husband and wife; but from the angelic idea of the joining of two minds into one, each consort designates the other by a name signifying one's own, mutually and reciprocally. This shows how the Lord's words in regard to marrying and giving in marriage (Luke 20:35, 36), are to be understood.


1. Conceptions, pregnancies, births, and generations signify those that are spiritual, that is, such as pertain to good and truth, or to love and faith (Arcana Coelestia 613, 1145, 1255, 2020, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 8042, 9325, 10249).

Therefore generation and birth signify regeneration and rebirth through faith and love (5160, 5598, 9042, 9845).

Mother signifies the church in respect to truth, and thus the truth of the church; father the church in respect to good, and thus the good of the church (2691, 2717, 3703, 5581, 8897).

Sons signify affections for truth, and thus truths (489, 491, 533, 2623, 3373, 4257, 8649, 9807).

Daughters signify affections for good, and the goods (489-491, 2362, 3963, 6729, 6775, 6778, 9055).

Son-in-law signifies truth associated with affection for good (2389).

Daughter-in-law signifies good associated with its truth (4843).


De Coelo et de Inferno #382 (original Latin)

382. [primo] Genuinus amor conjugialis est in caelo intimo, quia angeli ibi in conjugio boni et veri sunt et quoque in innocentia angeli inferiorum caelorum etiam in amore conjugiali sunt, sed quantum in innocentia, nam amor conjugialis in se spectatus est status innocentiae; quapropter inter conjuges, qui in amore conjugiali sunt, jucunda caelestia sunt; coram animis illorum sunt paene similes innocentiae lusus, sicut inter infantes; nam nihil non jucundat mentes eorum; caelum enim cum quo gaudio influit in singula vitae eorum. Quapropter amor conjugialis repraesentatur in caelo per pulcherrima. Vidi illum repraesentatum per virginem pulchritudinis inexpressibilis cinctam candida nube dictum est, quod ex amore conjugiali sit omnis pulchritudo angelis in caelo. Affectiones et cogitationes ex illo repraesentatur per auras adamantinas ex quasi pyropis et rubinis scintillantes, et hoc cum deliciis quae afficiunt interiora mentium. Verbo in amore conjugiali se repraesentat caelum, quia caelum apud angelos est conjunctio boni et veri, et haec conjunctio facit amorem conjugialem.

382b. [secundo] Conjugia in caelis differunt a conjugiis in terris, in eo, quod conjugia in terris insuper sint propter procreationem sobolis, non autem in caelis loco illius procreationis est in caelis procreatio boni et veri. Quod haec procreatio loco illius sit, est quia conjugium eorum est conjugium boni et veri, ut supra ostensum est, et in eo conjugio supra omnia amatur bonum et verum, ac eorum conjunctio ideo haec sunt quae ex conjugiis in caelis propagantur. Inde est, quod per "nativitates" et "generationes" in Verbo significentur nativitates et generationes spirituales, quae sunt boni et veri per "matrem et patrem" verum conjunctum bono quod procreat; per "filios et filias" vera et bona quae procreantur: et per "generos et nurus" conjunctiones horum, et sic porro. 1Ex his patet, quod conjugia in caelis non sint sicut conjugia in terris; in caelis sunt nuptiae spirituales, quae non nuptiae vocandae sunt, sed conjunctiones mentium ex conjugio boni et veri, in terris autem sunt nuptiae, quia non solum spiritus sunt, sed etiam carnis: et quia non nuptiae sunt in caelis, ideo bini conjuges ibi non dicuntur maritus et uxor, sed conjux alterius ex idea angelica conjunctionis duarum mentium in unam, vocatur voce quae significat suum mutuum vicissim. Ex his sciri potest, quomodo intelligenda sunt Domini verba de nuptiis (Luca 20:35-36). 2


1. Quod "conceptiones," "partus," nativitates," et "generationes." significent tales spirituales, quae sunt boni et veri, seu amoris et fidei (613, 1145, 1755 [1755?] 2020, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 8042, 9325, 10197 [10249?]). Quod inde "generatio" et "nativitas" significent regenerationem et renascentiam per fidem et amorem (5160, 5598, 9042, 9845).

Quod "mater" significet ecclesiam quoad verum, ita quoque verum ecclesiae; "pater" ecclesiam quoad bonum, ita quoque bonum ecclesiae (2691, 2717, 3703, 5580 [5581?] 8897).

Quod "filii" significent affectiones veri, ita vera (489, 491, 533, 2623, 3373, 4257, 8649, 9807).

Quod "filiae" affectiones boni, ita bona (489, 490, 491, 2362, 3963, 6729, 6775, 6778, 9055),

Quod "gener" significet verum associatum affectioni boni (2389).

Quod "nurus" significet bonum associatum suo vero (4843).

2. xx. pro "xxi."

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