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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第221节

















221、关于献祭。 “火祭”和“献祭”象征从爱良善和信真理而出的所有敬拜 (92369058680893610042)。“火祭”和“献祭”还象征教会内在品性的神圣属天特质,敬拜由此而来(21802805280728303519)。它们根据敬拜仪式的不同而变化 (280569058936)。因此有多种不同的祭献,各循不同的程序并用不同的祭牲 (283093919990)。这种种不同的共同含义可通过揭示细节的内义而知 (10042)。献祭的“祭牲”表示的特有含义请参阅:(10042)。

献祭的仪式和程序含有天堂的奥秘 (10057)。它们通常包含主的人身荣耀的奥秘,在类似的意义上,指人离弃邪恶和谬误的净化和重生之奥秘,因此它们针对各种罪恶、罪行和净化(999010022100421005310057)。这里解释了“按手”在献祭的祭牲上表示什么 (10023)。“献火祭时被杀祭牲的下部分置于上部分以上”表示什么,参见此节 (10051)。下一节讲同时举行的“素祭”表示什么 (10079)。“献祭的酒”表示什么在这两节 (458110137)。所用的“盐”表示什么在这一节 (10300)。“祭坛”及其所有相关特性表示什么解释在下列各节 (92127772784281128124489454189358940938893899714972699639964100281012310151102421024510344)。“祭坛的火”表示什么见这几节 (93463146832)。“一起吃供物”的意义见下两节 (21878682)。圣经指出献祭不是必需的,但仁爱和信心却是必需具备的。因此献祭只是被容许而已 (9222180)。至于它们为什么被容许,参见这两节(21802818)。



亚伦的子孙要归 神为圣,不可亵渎神的名,因为给耶和华的火祭,就是神的面饼,是他们献的。所以你要使他成圣,因为他奉献你 神的面饼。祭司亚伦的后裔,凡有残疾的,都不可近前来献他 神的面饼(21:681721)。








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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 221

221. Sacrifices. Burnt offerings and sacrifices symbolized all worship that arises out of loving what is good and believing what is true: 923, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042. Burnt offerings and sacrifices symbolized the divine heavenly qualities that are the inner characteristics of the church and give rise to its worship (2180, 2805, 2807, 2830, 3519); various different qualities were reflected in the different rituals (2805, 6905, 8936). So there were many kinds of sacrifices, which involved different processes and different animals: 2830, 9959, 9990. The general meaning of the differences can be determined by unfolding the inner meaning of the details: 10042. The specific meanings of the animals that were sacrificed: 10042. There are secrets of heaven contained in the sacrificial rituals and processes: 10057. In general, they contain secrets about the glorification of the Lord's human nature; and in an analogous sense they contain secrets about our own regeneration and purification from evil and falsity, so the sacrifices were for various kinds of sin, guilt, and purification: 9990, 10022, 10042, 10053, 10057. The meaning of laying hands on the animals that were about to be sacrificed: 10023. The meaning of placing the lower parts of the slaughtered animals on top of their higher parts in burnt offerings: 10051. The meaning of the grain offerings, which were then also burned: 10079. The meaning of the drink offering: 4581, 10137. The meaning of salt, which was also used in sacrifices: 10300. The meaning of the altar and all its features: 921, 2777, 2784, 2811, 2812, 4489, 4541, 8935, 8940, 9388, 9389, 9714, 9720, 9963, 9964, 10028, 10123, 10151, 10242, 10245, 10344. The meaning of the fire on the altar: 934, 6314, 6832. The meaning of eating consecrated food: 2187, 8682. Proof from the Word that sacrifices were not actually commanded, and that caring and faith were what was commanded, so sacrifices were only tolerated: 922, 2180. Why they were tolerated: 2180, 2818.

[2] The burnt offerings and sacrifices (which were performed using lambs, she-goats, sheep, kids, he-goats, calves, and oxen) were collectively referred to as "bread," as can be seen in the following passages:

The priest will burn them on the altar as the bread of an offering made by fire to Jehovah. (Leviticus 3:11, 16)

The sons of Aaron will be holy to their God and will not profane the name of their God, because they are offering offerings to Jehovah made by fire, the bread of their God. You will consecrate him, because he is offering the bread of your God. No man among Aaron's descendants who has any defect may approach to offer the bread of his God. (Leviticus 21:6, 8, 17, 21)

Command the children of Israel and say to them, "My offering, my bread, made by fire as a restful aroma, you must be careful to offer to me at their appointed time. " (Numbers 28:2)

Those who have touched something unclean are not to eat the holy offerings, but are to wash their bodies with water. Afterward they may eat the holy offerings, because these are their bread. (Leviticus 22:6, 7)

You offer defiled bread on my altar. (Malachi 1:7)

This is the reason for what was said in 214 above:

The Holy Supper includes and encompasses all the worship of God instituted in the Israelite church. In fact, the burnt offerings and sacrifices that were central to the worship of that church were collectively referred to as "bread. " The Holy Supper, then, also serves as the culmination of all those practices.

[3] All of this makes it possible for us to see what is meant by the bread in John:

Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly I say to you, Moses did not give you bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. The bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. " They said to him, "Lord, always give us this bread. " Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. Those who come to me will not hunger, and those who believe in me will never thirst. Those who believe in me have eternal life. I am the bread of life. This is the bread that comes down from heaven so that anyone who eats of it will not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever. " (John 6:31-35, 47-51)

We can see from these passages that "bread" is everything good that emanates from the Lord, since the Lord himself is present in the goodness that comes from him. So we can see that the bread and the wine in the Holy Supper mean all worship of the Lord that arises out of the goodness of love and of faith.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 221

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 221

221. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 221

221. Concerning Sacrifices.

Burnt-offerings and sacrifices signified all things pertaining to worship from the good of love, and from the truths of faith, Arcana Coelestia 923, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042. Burnt-offerings and sacrifices signified the Divine-celestial things, which are the internal things of the Church, from which is worship, Arcana Coelestia 2180, 2805, 2807, 2830, 3519; with a variety and a distinction according to the various things of worship, Arcana Coelestia 2805, 6905, 8936. Wherefore there were many kinds of sacrifices and various procedures therein; and also various animals were made use of, Arcana Coelestia 2830, 8936, 9990. The various thing signified thereby in general, may appear from an unfolding of each single thing by the internal sense, Arcana Coelestia 10042. What was signified specifically by the animals which were sacrificed, Arcana Coelestia 10042. Arcana of heaven are contained in the rituals and procedures of the sacrifices, Arcana Coelestia 10057. In general there are contained therein arcana of the glorification of the Lord's Human; and in a respective sense, arcana of man's regeneration and purification from evils and falsities; wherefore they were [appointed] for various sins, crimes, and purifications, Arcana Coelestia 9990, 10022, 10042, 10053, 10057. What was signified by the imposition of hands on the beasts which were sacrificed, Arcana Coelestia 10023. What by the lower parts of the slain beasts being put in the burnt-offerings under their upper parts, Arcana Coelestia 10051. What by the meat-offerings that were burned at the same time, Arcana Coelestia 10079. What by the drink-offering, Arcana Coelestia 4581, 10137. What by the salt which was used Arcana Coelestia 10300. What by the altar and all the things which belonged to it, Arcana Coelestia 921, 2777, 2784, 2811, 2812, 4489, 4541, 8935, 8940, 9388, 9389, 9714, 9726, 9963, 9964, 10028, 10123, 10151, 10242, 10245, 10344. What by the fire of the altar, Arcana Coelestia 934, 6314, 6832. What by eating together of the things sanctified, Arcana Coelestia 2187, 8682. It is shown from the Word, that sacrifices were not commanded, but charity and faith; that sacrifices thus were only permitted, Arcana Coelestia 922, 2180. Why they were permitted, Arcana Coelestia 2180, 2818.

That the burnt-offerings and sacrifices, in which were offered lambs, she-goats, sheep, kids, be-goats, bullocks, and oxen, were in one word called "bread," may appear from the following passages:

"And the priest shall burn it upon the altar; IT IS THE BREAD OF THE OFFERING MADE BY FIRE UNTO THE LORD (Leviticus 3:11, 16)."

"The sons of Aaron shall be holy unto their God; neither shall they profane the name of their God; for the offerings of Jehovah made by fire, the BREAD OF THEIR GOD, they do offer. Thou shalt sanctify him therefore; for he offereth THE BREAD OF THY GOD. A man of the seed of Aaron, in whom there is a blemish, let him not come nigh to offer the BREAD OF HIS GOD (Leviticus 21:6, 8, 17, 21)."

"Command the sons of Israel, and say unto them, My offering, MY BREAD, for my offerings made by fire for an odour of rest, ye shall observe, to offer unto Me in their due season (Numbers 28:2)."

"He that toucheth any unclean thing shall not eat of the things sanctified, but shall bathe his flesh in water, and afterward he shall eat of the holy things, because it is his BREAD (Leviticus 22:6-7)."

"Ye offer POLLUTED BREAD upon mine altar (Malachi 1:7)."

Hence it was said above (no. 214), "The Holy Supper includes and comprises the whole of the Divine worship instituted in the Israelitish Church; for the burnt-offerings and sacrifices in which the worship of that Church principally consisted, were termed in one expression 'bread'; and hence, also, the Holy Supper is a summing up of that worship."

From all this it can now be seen what is meant by Bread in John 6:31-35, 47-51, "Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave them not BREAD FROM HEAVEN; but My Father giveth you the TRUE BREAD FROM HEAVEN; for THE BREAD OF GOD is He that cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. They said unto Him, Lord, evermore give us THIS BREAD. Jesus said unto them, I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE: he that cometh to Me shall not hunger, and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst. He that believeth on Me, hath eternal life. I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE. THIS IS THE BREAD which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I AM THE LIVING BREAD which came down from heaven; if any one shall eat OF THIS BREAD, he shall live for ever." From the latter and the former passages it is evident, that bread means all the good that proceeds from the Lord; for the Lord Himself is in His own good; and therefore the bread and wine in the Holy Supper mean all the worship of the Lord from the good of love and faith.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 221

221. Of Sacrifices.

"Burnt-offerings" and "sacrifices" signified all things of worship from the good of love, and from the truths of faith (n. 923, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042). "Burnt-offerings" and "sacrifices" also signified Divine celestial things, which are the internal things of the church, from which worship is derived (n. 2180, 2805, 2807, 2830, 3519). With a variation and difference according to the varieties of worship (n. 2805, 6905, 8936). Therefore there were many kinds of sacrifices, and various processes to be observed in them, and various beasts from which they were (n. 2830, 9391, 9990). The various things which they signified in general, may appear from unfolding the particulars by the internal sense (n. 10042). What "the beasts" which were sacrificed signified in particular (n. 10042). Arcana of heaven are contained in the rituals and processes of the sacrifices (n. 10057). In general they contained the arcana of the glorification of the Lord's Human; and in a respective sense, the arcana of the regeneration and purification of man from evils and falsities; wherefore they were prescribed for various sins, crimes, and purifications (n. 9990, 10022, 10042, 10053, 10057). What is signified by "the imposition of hands" on the beasts which were sacrificed (n. 10023). What by "the inferior parts of the slain beasts being put under their superior parts" in the burnt-offerings (n. 10051). What by "the meal-offerings" that were offered at the same time (n. 10079). What by "the drink-offering" (n. 4581, 10137). What by "the salt" which was used (n. 10300). What by "the altar" and all the particulars of it (n. 921, 2777, 2784, 2811, 2812, 4489, 4541, 8935, 8940, 9388, 9389, 9714, 9726, 9963, 9964, 10028, 10123, 10151, 10242, 10245, 10344). What by "the fire of the altar" (n. 934, 6314, 6832). What by "eating together of the things sacrificed" (n. 2187, 8682). Sacrifices were not commanded, but charity and faith, thus that they were only permitted, shown from the Word (n. 922, 2180). Why they were permitted (n. 2180, 2818).

The burnt-offerings and sacrifices, which consisted of lambs, she-goats, sheep, kids, he-goats, and bullocks, were in one word called "Bread," is evident from the following passages:

And the priest shall burn it upon the altar; it is the bread of the offering made by fire unto Jehovah (Lev. 3: 11, 16).

The sons of Aaron shall be holy unto their God, neither shall they profane the name of their God; for the offerings of Jehovah made by fire, the bread of their God, they do offer. Thou shalt sanctify him, for he offered the bread of thy God. A man of the seed of Aaron, in whom there shall be a blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God (Lev. 21: 68, 17, 21).

Command the sons of Israel, and say unto them, My offering, My bread, for My sacrifices made by fire for an odor of rest, ye shall observe, to offer unto Me in its stated time (Num. 28:2).

He who shall have touched an unclean thing shall not eat of the holy things, but he shall wash his flesh in water; and shall afterwards eat of the holy things, because it is his bread (Lev. 22:6, 7).

They who offer polluted bread upon My altar (Malachi 1:7).

Hence now, as has been said above (n. 214), the Holy Supper includes and comprehends all of the Divine worship instituted in the Israelitish Church; for the burnt-offerings and sacrifices in which the worship of that church principally consisted were called by the one word "bread." Hence, also, the Holy Supper is its fulfilling.

From what has been observed, it may now be seen what is meant by bread in John:

Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave them not that bread from heaven, but My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven, for the bread of God is He who came down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. They said unto Him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life; he that cometh to Me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst. He that believeth on Me hath eternal life. I am the bread of life. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven; that anyone may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone shall eat of this bread, he shall live forever (John 6: 31-35, 47-51).

From these passages, and from what has been said above, it appears that "bread" is all the good which proceeds from the Lord, for the Lord Himself is in His own good; and thus that "bread and wine" in the Holy Supper are all the worship of the Lord from the good of love and faith.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 221 (original Latin 1758)

221. De Sacrificiis.

Quod "holocausta" et "sacrificia" significaverint omnia cultus ex bono amoris et veris fidei (Arcana Coelestia 923, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042).

Quod "holocausta" et "sacrificia" significaverint Divina caelestia, quae sunt interna ecclesiae ex quibus cultus (Arcana Coelestia 2180, 2805, 2807, 2830, 3519): cum variatione et discrimine secundum maria cultus (Arcana Coelestia 2805, 6905, 8936).

Quod ideo plura genera sacrificiorum fuerint, et illorum varii processus, et quoque variae bestiae, ex quibus (Arcana Coelestia 2830, 9939, [9391?], 9990).

Varia, quae in genere significaverunt, quod constare 1possint ex singulis per sensum internum evolutis (Arcana Coelestia 10042).

Quid "bestiae" quae sacrificabantur, in specie significaverunt (Arcana Coelestia 10042).

Quod in ritualibus et processualibus sacrificiorum contineantur arcana caeli (Arcana Coelestia 10057).

Quod in genere contineantur arcana glorificationis Humani Domini; ac in sensu respectivo arcana regenerationis et purificationis hominis a malis et falsis; quapropter erant pro variis peccatis, reatibus, et purificationibus (Arcana Coelestia 9990, 10022, 10042, 10053, 10057).

Quid significatum est per quod "imponerent manus" super bestias quae sacrificabantur (Arcana Coelestia 10023).

Quid per quod in holocaustis "inferiora mactatarum bestiarum ponerentur sub superioribus earum" (Arcana Coelestia 10051).

Quid per "minchas," quae tunc etiam adolebantur (Arcana Coelestia 10079).

Quid per "libamen" (Arcana Coelestia 4581, 10137).

Quid per "sal," quod etiam adhibebatur (Arcana Coelestia 10300).

Quid per "altare," et omnia ejus (Arcana Coelestia 921, 2777, 2784, 2811, 2812, 4489, 4541, 8935, 8940, 9388, 9389, 9714, 9726, 9963, 9964, 10028, 10123, 10151, 10242, 10245, 10344).

Quid per "ignem altaris" (Arcana Coelestia 934, 6314, 6832).

Quid per "comessationem ex sanctificatis" (Arcana Coelestia 2187, 8682).

Quod sacrificia non mandata fuerint, sed charitas et fides: ita quod modo permissa (ostensum ex Verbo, Arcana Coelestia 922, 2180).

Cur permissa (Arcana Coelestia 2180, 2818).

Quod holocausta et sacrificia, quae fiebant ex agnis capris, ovibus, haedis, hircis, juvencis, bobus, una voce dicta fuerint "panis" constare potest ex his locis:--

Illa "adolebit sacerdos super altari, panis igniti Jehovae" (Leviticus 3:11, 16);

Filii Aharonis "sancti erunt Deo suo, neque profanabunt nomen Dei sui, quia ignita Jehovae, panem Dei sui, illi offerentes..... Sanctificabis illum, quia panem Dei tui ille offerens. ....Vir de semine" Aharonis, "in quo fuerit macula, non accedet ad offerendum panem Dei sui" (Leviticus 21:6, 8, 17, 21);

"Praecipe filiis Israelis, et dicas ad eos, Oblationem meam, panem meum, in ignita odoris quietis observabitis, ut offeratis Mihi in stato tempore suo" (Numeri 28);

Qui tetigerit immundum non comedet de sanctificatis; sed lavabit..carnem suam in aqua,...."et postea comedet de sanctificatis, quia panis ejus hoc" (Leviticus 22:6);

"Qui offerunt super altari meo panem pollutum" (Malachias 1:7).

Inde nunc est, quod supra, (214) dictum sit, nempe, "Sancta Cena includit et comprehendit omnem cultum Divinum institutum in Ecclesia Israelitica; holocausta enim et sacrificia, in quibus cultus illius ecclesiae principaliter constabat, una voce dicta fuerunt 'panis;' inde etiam Sancta Cena est ejus complementum."

Ex omnibus his nunc videri potest quid per "panem" intelligitur apud Johannem:--

"Dixit..illis Jesus, Amen, amen dico vobis, non Moses dedit" illis "panem e caelo, sed Pater meus dat vobis panem e caelo verum; panis namque Dei est qui descendit e caelo, et vitam dat mundo. Dixerunt..Illi,...Domine, semper da nobis panem hunc. Dixit..illis Jesus, Ego sum panis vitae; qui venit ad Me, non esuriet, et qui credit in Me, non sitiet unquam. ....Qui credit in Me, habet vitam aeternam. Ego sum panis vitae. ....Hic est panis qui e caelo descendit, ut quis ex eo comedit non morietur. Ego sum panis vivens, qui e caelo descendit; si quis comederit ex hoc pane, vivet in aeternum" (Johannes 6:31-35, 47-51).

Ex his et illis patet quod "panis" sit omne bonum quod procedit a Domino, nam Ipse Dominus est in suo bono: ita quod "panis et vinum" in Sancta Cena sint omnis cultus Domini ex bono amoris et fidei.


1. possint pro "possit"

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